The Belleville News-Democrat from Belleville, Illinois (2024)

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The Belleville News-Democrati

Belleville, Illinois

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Page 6 Section Belleville (III) News-Democrat Friday July 4 1986 Place Your Classified Ad Phone 234-7000 234-7000 BELLEVILLE AREA 234-7000 Mon-Fri 8 am-6 pm Sat 8 am-l pm TOLL FREE 1-800-642-3878 FINANCIAL Insssknsnlo 40 MonayToLoan 42 MERCHANDISE AnHquas 02 Appliances 00 Camame 20 Computers A Accassortes 22 Furnaoso Fuel I Supplies TO FumMize Carpal A Draperies Cl Garage Sales 27 Good things To Eat 74 Hay Grain A Feed 72 Holldw Items 71 Jawaby 22 MachlnsryAToois 07 MlsceOaneoua For Sate 72 Mualcallnalrunionla 02 Fate AUrealock 20 Plants Trass A Shtuba 2A SandGraval AOirt 0 ShoasACIotNng 24 StemoARadlo 22 Television A Accessories 22 WintadToBuy 72 WontodToSarap 71 RECREATION AslaOon 21 Blcyclso A foippHos 20 Bools A Marino Romo 03 Rocroslon Vshlcteo 00 Anosr VsWclos 02 SporiIngQoods GENERAL Auctions BundtaaOIJey Cards Of Thanks Free Greetings Lost A Found Mamotiam NoOeso Porsonoli Pots Foust Pels Lost Transportation ONsrsd Transportation Wanted SELECTED OFFERS Business OpportunMos Full TknsHsip Wanted Part Tbna Help Wanted SHuaiom Wanted SERVICE DIRECTORY Air ConriOfonlng AppHaneollapair Auto Santee Bookkoaping Tas Ssnlco ProsseisMng 1 Tailoring FloraiA Nurseries Hasting A numbing Home terproseownts MtecsOanoous Ssrsleo Moving A Storage Painting A Decorating Radio A TV Repair Schools Of kistnicllon IS i 11 A 1 0 I 1 I 10 2 20 10 21 27 20 20 20 24 22 20 20 20 0 22 21 24 AUTOMOTIVE Anliquss A Classics 101 Auto Farts A Accassortes 07 Auto RarSais 04 Auto A Trucks Wanted 00 Autos For Srio 00 Motorcycle A Accessories AS Sports A Imports 100 TmckoForSalo 02 Utility Waiters Ot Vans For Sate 00 RENTALS Appraiads 120 Furnishad Apartments Its Furnished Houses 110 LotaForRant 103 Mlscelanaous For Rant 102 Mobile Hamas For Rant Ill Office Space 102 Rooms 11) Stores A Business Properties 100 Unfurnished Apartments 117 Unfurnished Houses 121 Wanted To Rant 100 REAL ESTATE AcroagaALote 131 Commercial Property 129 Farms For Sate 120 hom*oo For Sate a a a a a 127 Income Properly 122 Moblta hom*oo For Salo 124 Roal Estate Wanted 122 Vacation Proporty 133 COLLINSVILLE AREA MonFri 397-661 5 8 am-5 pm FAMILY RATES 5 Days Personal Lines Charge 3 Lines $870 4 Lines 1120 5 Lines $1325 8 Days 3 Lines $1152 4 Lines $1472 5 Lines $1720 eCommardal rates 9km ijion request MasterCard or Visa accepted aPoadBnedpjn Day Prior No rebate onYUiltV RATE ADS stopped e- DOTMV conplettonof run ERROR RESPONSIBILITY The New-Democrat docs not mum any raaporv-fMllty lor an ad beyond tho coat of ttia ad I tuff Wo ara roaponaiblo only lor tho Firat Incorract In-aortlon of-an ad Adywtlaora ara advlaod to chock Siolr ad bnmodiatoly altar It appears in tho paper and report at once any error found Claims for error adjustment must bo made Immediately alter It la published 234-7000 66 20 FuH Tim Help Wanted 57 Garage Sale Super Yard Sale Many clothing Moms much much mote Come to see Sat 9-4 805 Union BekeviRe Yard Sale Household items BR set mite furniture freezer Sat Jufy 5 8 am-? 2 miles West of MRIttadt on 158 left on Freeburg-Douglat Rd 12 mile 1st Time Garage Sale 1608 Belt East Sat July 5 9 to 4 Clothing household Menu toys Rain or shine 55 Tteleviiions A Accessorial GE 19 in color remote with stand $120 632-8064 Hnathlut 25" color console TV goad condition $100 632-7121 25" color console works nice $90 397-2538 57 Garoga Salas CAftPdRtSAlE Sat July 5 9-6 1 1 Exeter lane (behind Bel -Air Bowl) 3 pieces of sturdy wood shelving 95 12" 22" A 3 drawers iron poles for yard use bay's bkycle large pieces of carpet padding gat stove top smax round ice table A 2 chairs Garage Sale Sat July 5 8-2 sofa lawn chairs lawn mower toys boys A girh clothes teen tit 23 CoacMight Matcoutah 20 FuH Time AA a- TVQnTVO Experienced Tractor Traitor Driver Wanted Must have good driving record and bo abto to paisDOT exam and physical Inquire weekdays 9-3 pm 6I8-271-B77S Full time Mechanic Experience required Send resumo to 29IA Comp Jackson Road Cahokia A 62206 Full time position lor MCH Nursing Consultant M-F only Good bane-fits Must have experience in Maternal A Child Health BSN A currant Illinois license Contact East Side Health District 074-4713 you have a Real Estate License you be reading mis ad Don't change professions change attitude Ask about our Baa la Basics Program All inquiries confidential Ask for Barbara Century 21 Golden Rosa 538-7922 hn mediate openings for Nurses Assistants prefer experienced A Certified but will train conscientious indi-viduals interested in joining the Health Cara Protession Excellent wages benefits A working const Sons in areas most modem A progressive extended core facility Apply Mon-Fri 9-4 Edwordsvnle Cara Center 1095 University Dr lESIC) 656-1061 INSURANCE INSECTS Needed far 5audiem Olinois must hove a dependable automobile Interested persons should contact Underwriting Information Systems at 234-3696 or PO Box 413 BeHevilte 062222 TSiFTTHTWIRHIRGRT TEAM IN REA! ESTATE Fre-lkonse classes will bo starling soon Call Rita 0attaer23S-7992 Service Directory Livestock Husky dog for tala 4 yaar old femala good with kids' price nag 624-4344 looking far good hom*o 2 thorthairod dags Approx I yr Spayed houserramad A' shatsTSAO 397-7561 1 MINIATURE BEAGLE talutaly adorable Tiny fe-i male omy 10 lbs I l2r yrs black tan A white' uiqyad A aR shots 539-J 5322 or 539-5263 i PM BuR terriers 6 weeks old 332-2878 i Registered Male dachshund 6 months old $75 233- 5182 after 6:30 Registered Yearling App Fit-1 iy $600 After 4 539-M36: or 539-5703 TERRIER MIX 1 Very tweet famafa I 12-year black houtebroke spayed A aR shots Cali 539-5322 or 539-5263 oner pup male 10 mo registered nousobrokona very friisadly $50 6 IB-282-2548 leave massage 3 year old Quarterhorta Dunn Mara Doufato registry gentle not brake $350 539- 5703 er 539-3536 3 yrold AKC Reg SI Sable A white Gfaod children $75 744-0428 9 year old Bay Mara quarter- horse 3 l2jiear Appatoosa' -Foxtrotler 281-7046 after 5 pm i 67 Machinery Tools Allis-Chaliners 912 lawrt Tractor wHh 42" mower in excellent condHion Phono 248-5408 i Baler New HoRancL 1981 Modal 315 6 chamber twine holder heavy duly trailing chute goad condi $4500 768-4318 I Gas powered WEED TRIMMERS i McCuRoch Echo 10 models So choose Homeowner la professional Many special price Weittenbom Bt A lawn 21 Masceutah Avp i BeBevtRe 233-7447 extra good 8x 1 4 good Jacobian self-prop mower ffissrkMsT' lAWNMilWlt Wf 3 brand nomas lawnboy Snapper Stmplicily Push self-propelled rider and tractor aR at reduced prices Woitienbom Bt A Lawn 21 Matcoutah Avp Be Neville 233-7447 leicoln 225 gas driven oiec-A leads $l00a' IrK welder 500 ft lb $100 After i torque 5 235-3598 wrench Mig emlder- Century's standard model months aid ex' cond $1000 785-2268 Mobile Home axle tires A' wheat 632-3672 Snapper 30" ndmg fawn mower new 10 hp Tec electric cond $87 473 Tanks-1 -6x9' vert 31 with nuxmg blade drive 3-7xHJ6' ch reactors Misc Sanks A VC ties Grmder -foundry doub whevH heavy du Morschke No 20 Tab Sow-lad 14" blot -tortabfo shaper 16" Whu lo 344-2600 portable Co 344- Welding FqugHnet miHs drr Stick alter 5 3 48S3 AC 150 gal gat Sank A stand "W-if'-STwr Jii i 16' Oliver disk: 3on ft OK Alter lw6 Kubota 8200 HSl'l WDttmeTOhrsmue 72 Mitcellanaous For Sale IwfifaT rad 4 bum AC OtHwal liecttK I gtin 8HJ 720 uwd liNum $200 Burner GaTuSk Stave 'Oven far camper tgg Also 4 lawn Mower is $4 0233 4857 Bel Free mu Mameats 1 rme IWnhmg a Seaton f-With 5JV j2l Rueuty A bt mum for in 20 Fu8Tinw AAi -J nmp wanna SFRaTCS A downtown St Louis company is in need of a reeeption-ittoperotor Applicants should bo ablo to typo 50 wpm and have praviout oper-ator experience For info cal 314-621-3314 nOUMWIVMx Comqb Dependable ime work in iuih year round employment Soma ovemng hours tome day hours 25 to 30 hours per week Write Box 619 News Democrat Income potential unkmifed Distributorships available Minieial investment Hair Fitness and Cosmetic Products Cal 61 B-462-S282 SKESPErSSn Need to be very aggressive FuR or part-time smirk avail leads A accts already es-tabfahod Work on cemmis- 5 Friendly Dr 277-8893 -5KKTOY" BoakkaoningPoyraR experi-once preferred Apply in person by July 7 ot BeOeviHe Nursing Canter 900 loyal Heights load BaloviHa EOEMFV Secretary wanted for singfa attorney office experience a consideration Downtown BaHevike 234-2430 Secretory for Veteran's Gram funded secretarial position subject to approval by Board of Trustees Begins September I 1966 Typing speed ol 50 wpm ward procaiumg experience desirable two years experience as secretory in educational sotting one demonstrated oxceHonco in Interporsonal sluMs ara preferred Send letter of op- plication and rosumo by July 15 1966 to that Doan or Shidom Service Kaskaskia College Shattuc Rood Centraha A 62B01 SEmTOEB hnmodioto openings luA helpful must penance age 25 CaM Man Fri 4 la 5 pm Sat 9 to 10 am 618-271-4414 Ex-c el lent opportunity EOC iotiAl SERVICE DESIGNEE Applicants must be saH motivoted possess sood leader ship qualities andnava a genome eiterest geriatrics BSW required Apply in parson between 9 and 3 at Casttahaven Health Caro Canter START A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE With Rod Carpal Sfrano A Assoc RoRoudw or O'FaBan offices Our pre-license school booms soon Offering School scholarships to quak-had mdividoals CoR Jail or Bob far detail 277-7653 RED CARPET' Strano A Associates Realtors Taking oppheohont far ie-male bartenders or the Rumbleteat lounge 1966 Vandaha CoRmsviAe 344-0614 TErnraRrsenarcR' We are toekeig far 3 phono ahcMor mo Bohavdlo area so work bom hom*o coRmg BeWeviRo and O'Fallon far local chanty No tales Gaodearmngs Steady work CoHoct 314-862-3823 TftACTGk TftAlltk INSTRUCTOR WANTED Accredited school soaks individual with 3 or 5 yrt vonhoblo over-tee -rood experience Contact Harry at 314-385-2600 botwoae 8 30-430 pm AttentkM Top local oHko of largo naHanal srgam far IMl looting raimulafl am-LMaimla twJLmm 4m work hard and bo tramod learn while you oarm $20 000-5 JOOOO CaR Marty at 398-0899 Monday l6 am islia Realty World Real I txteRenr opportunity far out-gomg hmruyksf FuR or part hm Apply person at Hnujorl Hoe Studio 277- "CCORSRC ns open Metro loti Area far Rub Pome Abut Assessment and Casa Management of Court Ordered Referrals Minimum 3 years experience Send resume IAsC tec 219 South IXmo-l BeMeviHo I 62720 lOt "WSMiiNCJXCIinG" TV Runway Promotion and Fhategiaphy ara usl 6 few pi tea openings far peak hed proteeupnals Go wnh one of te world i fargett egemenr 6J2 9016 63 Antiques A Toy Sal July 5 10 am-5 pm Fairgrounds $200 Free mcdajdhlay and appraisals 65 Musical Instruments AR pianos tuned repaired bought sold ranted THE PIANO SHOPPE 233-1406 Deluxe Holiday Or-Might new 6 mo ago T-476-1608 leave msg Peavey electric gmlor with cose and practice amp $300 277-8I38T Peavey PA 400 6-ch 210w 2 cabs $500 233-6715 alter 5 pm Puma Clearance Sale Overstocked Prices slothed (Before $50 $200 Price Increase! Evarelt Wurlitzar Contdet-Studiot Used Chapel Studio NewUsod $795 $995 $1795 Rapa-rental return (Open Sundays! Bmrmant Pmno 316 College Sparta 443-2982 piano handsome and and in good working order equipped with motor to do the pumping or pumping pedals are operative 632-7881 Story A Clark Console Piano Cherry lux $650080 Upright piano wbench good condition $750 OBO 233- 4626 66 Pets Livestock AKC Basset Hound pupates shots A wormed 233-4559 AKC Black Labrador retrievers lemolet 2 months $75 I 12 yrs $50 539-3827 AKC BLACK LAB PUPS 7 weeks old 344-6080 AKC Brittany Pups 7 weeks Field Champion Bloodluiat 939-7100 AKC co*cker Spamei Puppies Call alter 6 632-4439 AKC co*cker Pups I male 3 lemolet 744-1043 AKC co*cker Spaniel Pups Chaeipionthip Sued 345-6581 or 345-4949 AKC Golden Retriever puppies 6 weeks old mala A female wormed $150 667-2250 AKC Mima hire Puncher Stud Dag $75 CFA Blue Porstan I mala I famale 4 years aM $50 each 475-3517 AKd REGISTERED Black 8 White co*ckers Blonde co*ckers Pomenan SheHm Pups BILL A PETS lllbeiii tllNJl 277-3900 AKC regular ed Golden Retriever puppies 233-5919 AKC Regulated labrador Retnever pups axe hunhng week Ihomdt oHko 247 4510 eve hom*o 242-1925 AKC loy Foodtes Black 8 old $150 CaN 397- 1821 Black A chocolate AKC lob puppies 781-7551 Bolton Terrier Puppies Biack and white 8 weeks old AKC 344 3795 feRINBil Alfmhenate euxed breed fa-male 3 ma -old tan A black white an fata A paws aR shots wormed 2J3-5S49 er 539 5763 OllirWHlTlTMIK leautihil male 7 mot old black A bkmde long haw very aHechanate neutered A nk shots 734 4427 539-5J72 5J9 576J tOON Atinroble tamale 14 weeks redthih brawn aR shrtts and warmed 519-5322 539-3763 Debetmunpwps blooded A wks oa na papers ok liters $50 27oV Double Reg lennessea Walker lacking Horse Alack Mac Geatla but I SJV JJ40 5J9 3509 Irae kittens 2 males knot helmed gay and white 2J5 2917 airar Apm Free te good heme Invottle male gray sal 7e tenths etd 7J4 5706 German 5hattwrd AKC fa mule 7 months old $150 345 70IB an tfnr Alleclianate Femple 14 wanks hink nH shall end warmed $39 5J22 Ot 5J9 76l 57 Garage Salas GARAGEMOVING SALE Toys deities odds A ends Priced to toA Fri-Sun 8-3 2 1 2 Toulon Ct BeHevilte Large Yard Sale I Lin-coln Fraoburg Sat July 5 9am Furniture excellent cond camper shell PU tool box snowblower many tools mite household Moving Sale July 345 A 6 9-4 pm Refrig range LR set color TV chain link fencing misc Cased St Summerfieid A O'Fallon Fairwoad East go-roge sale nusc ice skates sleds clothes mower ping pong table tropical lish 103 Arrowhead off Lincoln Sat July 5 8 am to I pm Sal A Sun 9 to 4 Country Oaks O'Fallon Trader wheelchair table quids fixtures apparel musk 39 Home Repairs A Improvement I A HOME IMPROV 397-3707 Affordable pricuig an ok inte-A exterior ramodaluig A beautify mg Oualiiy Work A guaranteed Fast free estunotat Ail Types ol hom*o Improvements Patios A Docks Roofing Room Additions For dapendablq quality work- Takre MODELING 235-5059 I SERVICES Home rapairf trash hauling town cara odd jabs Goad 277-2048 BMM Construction Co Interior and Eulerior hom*o Improvements Michael 397-5883 CONCRETE WORK Porches walks driveways basem*nts waterproofing A patch work 874-7900 Concrete Holiday Special Patios sidewalks asphalt driveways foundations token woks excavating domofc nan 397-6834 cGncIrete WORK Free estimates paitos dnva-ways 398-4838 30 yrs asp Flat RLEaiR Free Eslunates 632-3303 Flooring inst Carpet Tile Lmoleum Guaranteed 234-0225 Handy Randy Remodehng Roofing Siding Faulting Senior Citnons Discount Randy MiNer 537-2591 or 538-5546 jth Construction Complete-Hame-BuddHig Shefli Addmans Decks Garages Carports Roofing free Estimates 277-8028 main'5'homE IMPROVEMENT We ipeoahie udmg roat-mg A remodehng Uuahty work at a reasonable puce Satisfaction guaranteed to hee othmaiet caN 397 4087 Open until pm Christian owned A operated MARCG New Homes she! erected $2 50 pet sq It labor only Garages eddmont carports A decks at reasonable prices J97 878 MIDWEST CONSTRUCTION lepairi odditiens and ramodekng 277 0445 Prafnisteoal Concepts Dengn and construct pucks lancing stdmg retaututg watts quality work guaranteed 10 yr material guarantee Daa'l sente far anything lets than the boil Cak 632-299 RfSCKTCSiv! HOME IMPROVEMENTS Asphalt seakag poutnng tenor oxterMW end other ohm services Michael Gryimato 618 5J8 7534 tree animates Decks teem additions icrnk work dan No tab tea smak Ncwb starebo Alter 4 30 632- 729reeienobte rates liwlmg roam add cobmoit AR your remedulmg needs No tub tee smoR inask our faw rates 215-5046 Teat her work exponent ed hem tepees Utuwfcng ml A Utl 3v 0203 AH types pn'rh wnk pldster Statin thywiiM eteushtal mta eiunrmg 397379 45 Invtestmants hot $10000 flf jjx count Norman Judd 53 Computers A Accpssortas Nnw IBM knyboard X-10 $125 277-3813 Sperry Univac BC7 model 700 Fracessor single work station bi-directional dot matrix printer 20 mag storage inventory control software etc $40000 invested tel $5000 Mike 234-2764 55 Ttelovisioni A Actestorites Console TV end portable RCA bath $I5CT 538- Fanasonk 2 in black A while portable $50 632-8064 xyiyxJyjyXyXvX 24 Schools of Instructions Restaurant taverns institutions Illinois food service management sanitation training and state certification examination CaN 234-5812 after 5 pm 27 Air Conditioning A-ACCURATE REFRIGERATION APPL Central and window air ipe-ciahsts Refrigerator and appliance experts 397-0898 i ELLIOT Ut CmatiMist I Rifrft Ct 534-5285 Over 40000 hrs field exp Work Guaranteed ERA Coaling and Refrigeration 24 hour service all year No tervke charge 544-4733 or 397-3660 DonCourt HeatmgCoahng Sueuner specal-Rourine tervKe A cteomng $25 Cenlral or window units 277-37 10 or 234-8286 29 Miscellaneous Services AAAAAA Tree Service Trxnnung and Removing Insured Free Esneiatet 234-5154 or 235-5307 AN driveway rock $650 ton Top fad dirt hauling A grading 397-1464 AN driveway chat rack del topsail Fred's Haukng 398-4536 ICC-20663 Al Tree Slump removal mechanically rc Eshmates 674-5436 ASPHALTING Pavmg A taafcng 04 A chipping AR work guaranteed 397-1464 aSphaiT Pawng and saakng House dmet and parking lots Forrier Asphah 234-7106 A-1 HAULING bV HANK'S AR types ol driveway chat $7 ton AR types of grading 536-5335 or 39B 3356 Backhoo and HighMt terwee 15 Ians driveway rack $100 15 tons dirt $30 delivered also dot loaded 345-7520 SSBT5 ASPHALT PAVING House drivel mttaMed A repoued seakoaruig striping high si quality at oHamb rates written quar fiaaaM 224-7226 CAIPfl CIIANiNG Prafesuanai $7 par room Bettevdte 233 3227 Carpal Installation 1 3 years of experience AN work guaranteed 233-0617 Complete lawn Mamtenanca SUCHMAN I AWN St VICE 235 6340 DAN HAIRING Dot fork sand sing Com-poteixa pramg 215-3232 Dei tack luush grading excavtpmg jMukmg fats and driveways 27-142I Dirt loaded ondrof ep' Dvr rack A trenching Rock 7 tan $52 tailgnie spread Din a tend 297-0193 Dirt rock sand lake ink prodmg tooling post hates mowing elr laterals tanks add mbs 398-3303 OUTSTANDING MGMT OPPORTUNITY FOR EXPERIENCED SALES REPRESENTATIVES scouts of tho ever-incraosing demand for our insurance protection wo must find four oxporioncod sofas roprosontotivos uwnodiotofy Your supurionco need not be in insurance talas We're looking for ambitious ropra-untatwos who would kkp to tmsku an oarfy move into solos management Unlimited compensation plan Extensive notional and local advertising iragram assures plenty of ntorastsd prospects Gat-fuB facts now Equal Opportunity Employer MF Mutual of Omaha PO Boh 4135 Haights A 62208 632-2600 EESumIS Written A designed to enhance your special qualifications Tho Resume Center 104 High Suite 306 Cal dojseves whnds for appl "WAiTMB" ol Main Line Cafe Main Dupo Young person with driver's license to cut grass ran errands and do mitcelfana-out chores Reply to Aon 633 News Democrat 2nd A 3rd Shift Typesetter fuR time A overtime Reply to Bou 6 1 8 Newt Deewcrat 21 Situations Wantad Babysitting done in my home! reasonable any ago 6 am to 6 pm Hgts area 235-6164 Childcare in my hom*o Mon- Fri days only FuR or part timo Easy accost to 1-64 lots oFIlC 235-5710 A-1 Sitters Day or week Caro far convalescent or elderly in home or hospital Sitters Aides A IPN't CaR 235-3232 nance and rapaw Free estimates Reasonable rates 233-4857 Loving Christian lady wanting to care for children in her home FuR or part hew Have references Hartman lane 234-3427 Attn working momi Do you have a problem finding a good babysitter? It you do caR me at 277-9114 Gian Addie Bhrd $40 a week graphic 398-3895 Consultant CaR Rombow Group Heallh Caro Carmg far convatescom A eiderfy 24 hrs a day hom*o hospital or nursmg hom*o A B'vtRo butmott 235-1884 WiR babysit Hi my hom*o East BoRovRlo oroo Mon-Fri ago 0-3 yrt CoR 233-4259 22 Businsis Opportunitipi Bob and Jerry's Dnvn-ln far solo HnaHh Reasons CaR 327-5204 CONVENIENCE 5f6RE 1 Handy Dan's Convnnionco 5tora It 159 A HoRywood Hoighrt Rd II nute north ol Sr tkxr Square I it far solo $2000000 annual totes CaR Dan or 398-0300 Established sate Marian downtown location lusting customer bate IxceRent opportunity to start or expand your butmett CaR 618-993-8187 or 314-436-9310 For tease er sate 6927 Old Missouri Rd Conti oviHo ExceNent bwlduig A location for package kquer er grocery store teckidet fixtures security booth she hung counter walk-m cooler with glass serving doors racks A drive lhou(pi window CoR 337-29163 10 pm Income OPPdRfuNiTY' Assemble products at home No experience Details CaR 113-343-0421 lit 333 TAVtRN 35000 Inctedat oH Mack and equipment me-b4e home hookup lOmmutet from Carlyle lake an busy Route 50 Graal Avyt Owner reMmg CaR Maik Maxwell 741-3206 Realty World Nectar 277-0400 JV-0400 ivm1 I Merchandise 45 Investment! Ibmmete wmlmg end coUec-Jwn nek private party hat hmd rash nnw far mortaget 277 4637 Norman Judd 3 Family garage sale clothes ok sizes children to adult soma twin outfits household Hems color TV elec tewing machine with cabinet antiques coins electronic equipment A misc 9-4 Thurs Fri A Sat 1310 Edgewood Dr Fairview 59 Cameras Ofympus 35mm SIR many accessories $210 632-8064 60 Appliances Gibson electric dryer harvest gold $50 235-5491 after 5 pm Konmora electric dryer lets than I year old good comfi-tion $175 277-3079 Refrig 22 cubic ft frost free almond colored akaost now $500 235-9160 ah 5 Roper BuRt-in Oven A counter top stove unit to match Bolhfar $100 397-2874 Sears Coldspol 4000 BTU xitt bought can't use $150 277-2545 Used A new refrigerators new stoves Koenig 2604 North Khnois Swansea 277-8481 MC or Visa Whirlpool washer A dryer like new $300 234-2007 While Penney froslfrae refrig 17 cu freezer met cond works waR 100 452-101 5 or 344-0953 Window Air Condition $45 398-5464 18000 BTU window air condiManer 277-4796 61 Furniture Carpet Drapes Bedroom set far young person yoBow campaign siyfa hern bed with 3 drawer bate mattress double dresser with lamp td $275 me hided 624-5384 Colonial Maple Hutch perfect cond $200 277-5327 Duung room furniture washer A dryer 2 couches end A kitchen table A 4 chaut 398-4578 Early American Couch A chaw good candmon $125 337-4325 Full size mattress A bou spring good cond $45 744-1196 'Henredon' oriental kvmq duung room farmture of lee table erakhmg end table loeit pictures accessories Fewtec 16-candle camfle-labia chandelier 5 pc kuig ute bedroom oH-whrie custom made diooes A iheart large lloor plants- Strata-lounger patio A dan hum-lure 1015 MtCImlock faff Carlyle Av BelleviRel King Sue 1985 Skyimnr Water bed I comforter and healer $400 476-9902 lane 4 pmte set: coffee table 2 end tablet octagon shaped table 397-084 MSVING MUST Sill Ouokty Furndwe Beiare 7 July New cond 733 6636 Queen we wnterbed goad canchtwn Cak 2J4 0094 Safa with mullhifig swivel rocker excel land $250 632-7356 alter 5 Sofa brawn pattern fabric kko now $7S 234 0516 Sola l-shaped techonal $150 Coffee tattle end table $100 CaR 6J2-J946 between 30 A 9pm tattle 4 chaws A hutch $16 236 Wnterbed queen sue 6 months eld cak alter 6tmt 234-51101 10 pmcp solid oak Oiark banal gome room lytniiuro excel cond 7R6-364 Ipc Oueenvre bedroom cat $L00 Goad canckinn 612-77R2 6 PC ranch hnuco hmng room or lurih tone coioM pood cond Sula 1 chaws enttee tattle 7 end tattles JtXVheit gHet 744 I9J5 alter 4 JO 63 Antique! 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What is the phone number to Belleville News Democrat? ›

DepartmentEmailPhone 239-2500
Letters to the editorSubmit letter(618) 239-2643
News Tips/Story IdeasSubmit a news tip(618) 239-2500
What's HappeningSubmit an event(618) 239-2500

How do I unsubscribe from Belleville News Democrat? ›

You can cancel at any time by contacting our customer service center at 1-800-559-6378. Your subscription is subject to additional Terms of Service at

What is the best area to live in Belleville IL? ›

Top Neighborhoods in Belleville for Diverse Investment Portfolios
NeighborhoodCharacteristic AppealPotential for Appreciation
Downtown BellevilleHistoric charm, central locationHigh
OrchardsSerene, community-drivenModerate
Signal HillExclusive, panoramic viewsHigh
West BellevilleFamily-friendly, active communityStable
Feb 17, 2024

What is the race population in Belleville Illinois? ›

Racial distribution of Belleville population: 59.63% are white, 30.59% are Black or African American, 0.17% are American Indian and Alaska Native, 0.90% are Asian, 0.15% are Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander, 1.94% are some other race and 6.61% are multiracial.

Who owns Belleville news Democrat? ›

McClatchy acquired the newspaper in 2006 with its purchase of Knight Ridder.

Is a popular Belleville restaurant closing after 13 years another will soon take its place? ›

Another will soon take its place. A longtime Belleville restaurant officially closed its doors. El Gordito, located at 2630 Mascoutah Ave., made an announcement via Facebook this week that due to unforeseen circ*mstances, the restaurant is closing its doors.

Why is Belleville famous? ›

Discovery of gold near Madoc in 1866 earned Belleville the name “The Gateway to the Golden North”, as miners stopped for supplies on their way north of the city.

Why are people moving to Belleville? ›

Belleville offers unique combination of small town charm and big city amenities, making it the perfect place to build a rewarding and balanced life. Situated on the picturesque Bay of Quinte, Belleville is a hub for a regional population of over 200,000.

What is the poverty rate in Belleville IL? ›

In 2022, the median household income of Belleville households was $60,573. Belleville households made slightly more than Pittsburg households ($60,536), Mason households ($60,417), and Pierron households ($60,417) . However, 9.8% of Belleville families live in poverty.

What is Belleville, Illinois known for? ›

Belleville became known as "The Stove Capital of the World." The first brewery in Illinois was established in Belleville. In 1868, Gustav Goelitz founded the candy company that is known today as "Jelly Belly." An immense deposit (400,000 acres (1,600 km2)) of bituminous coal was found in St. Clair County.

What is the average age of Belleville on? ›

Select all: Mobility and migration
CharacteristicBelleville, City (CY)More information: Ontario [Census subdivision]
85 years and over3.52.6
Average age of the population44.542.9
Median age of the population45.242.8
105 more rows

What is the crime rate in Belleville IL? ›

Belleville Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes185665
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)4.4816.10

What is the phone number for KTBS news? ›

What is the station's telephone number? The main phone number is 318-861-5800. For breaking news, call the news desk at 318-861-5880.

What is the phone number for Herald news Fall River? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-888-697-2737.

What is the phone number for KCRA news room? ›


Call: 916-444-7316. Email or Text: Videos and Pictures:

What is the phone number for the Chicago Tribune news room? ›

DepartmentEmail AddressPhone Number
Local newschicagoland@chicagotribune.com312-222-3540
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Aug 24, 2021


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.