2 Beds
2 Baths
Available: Now
Bay Village, Boston, MA
No Security Deposit
Heat & Hot Water Included
Amenities & Apartment Information
Parking: Street
Gas Heat
Outdoor Space: Deck
In-Unit Laundry
Living Room
Open Kitchen
Electric Stove
Property Description
Beautiful 2 bed 2 bath with heat and hot water included in rent. Laundry in unit.Transportation Options
285 Tremont St Bus Stop 0.1 mi (3 min away)
Charles St S @ Stuart St Bus Stop 0.1 mi (2 min away)
Stuart St @ Charles St S Bus Stop 0.1 mi (3 min away)
Tremont St @ Charles St S Bus Stop 0.1 mi (2 min away)
Tremont St @ Marginal St Bus Stop 0.1 mi (2 min away)
Nearby Places
Mike & Patty's
New England School of Law Library
Rebel's Guild
Show more
Price Comparison
This apartment is above the average price of $3,800 for 2 bedroom apartments in Bay Village. The unit includes some utilities. If you consider the cost of paying for these utilities separately, you may find that having them included in the rent saves you money. The other amenities this apartment offers, along with its condition, location, and size, can also contribute to the above average rent price. Contact us today before this great unit is rented!
Average Rent Prices for 2 Bedroom Apartments in Bay Village
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