Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)

ALTON EVENING TELEGRAPH THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23,1956 1 Love joy Win first Round Battles; SemifmalsSetTonight MIDDLE CLASS BULGE Roxana Meets Lincoln In lUter Semifinal Encounter Western Military Academj' and Loveto the semi-final round of tile Roxana let tournament with first round victories here fegsdfty night. Western downed Venice, 77-63, and Lovejoy ied St, Jacob, 61-41, Winners meet in the second semifinal match tonight at 8:30. Roxana and Lincoln of Venice, Tuesday night winners battle for a berth in the finals at 7 o'clock. The championship match is scheduled for Friday night at 8 o'clock, with the Winner ad- i vancing to the Alton regional Otto Bean led the scoring for Western with 28 poinis, follow, ed by Ben Till with 19 and Merle Estes with a dozen points. Ed Ponce had 21 points for the Venice team, followed by Don Wells with 18 and Bill Ohlendorf with 15.

The Cadets. of Coach Don took a 20-10 lead in the first period, but had trouble ting the ball through the hoop in the second quarter. Led by 11 points during the second stanza, the Rams out' -scored Western 25-11 to take a 135-31 edge at half time. Dave Wilson and Till popped to open the second -half 'and the score and the lead seesawed back and forth for the remainder of the period. With a 52-50 margin going Into the final stanza, Estes and Allen- widened it for the Cadets to 56-56, but Venice came charg- ing back to tie it up at 56-all.

But that was the last lunge for the Rams. The Cadets plicked off 15 while holding Venice to a free throw, and ended the spree with a 71)57 lead, and had little trouble in the remaining minutes. Accuracy from the free throw line 'helped Western, as the Cadets made 31 of 38, while Venice hit on just half of 22 attempts. Venice led in field goals, 26-23. Bean -made 10 of 10 charity SI.

(41) Player SShcafer Elson Fru tiger Kohne Raymond Witschle Hobarbs McKlnney Noll Ammnnn Lovejoy LOCAL Alton S3, East St. Louis 80 Roxina District Tonrnf.t (First Hound Lovejoy 81. St. Jacob 41 Western M.A. 77, Venice 63 Illinois College 78, Blackburn 63 IUOH SCHOOL At Firmersvllle fg ft pf Player 1 1 1 Pryor 0 0 1 Fuller 001 Randolph 242 Davis 132 Bellinger 0 0 1 Cook 105 Holloway 213 Banks 741 Monk 000 Glover Totals 14 13 17 Totals Score by Quarters: 2 St.

Jncob 8 20 Lovejoy 20 12 12 Officials: Pfeffer, Bishop. fg ft pf 624 4 2 1 472 403 220 0 3 000 1 0 1 000 000 24 13 17 4 I Player Bean Till Allen EstcS Wilson MURCI? Thornhill Htarst Rudman Moser Totals M.A. Venice fg ft pf Player fg ft pf 10 0 Davinroy 1 0 3 4 11 5 Ponce 773 404 Ohlemlorf 7 1 4 283 Wftlls 825 2 a 1 Butler 0 1 I 101 McCurtcr 3 0 2 1 0 0 Edmiston 101 000 Kelly 001 001 Foley 100 000 23 Ul IS Totals 15 26 1 1 20 4 Score by Quarters: 1 2 Western M.A 20 11 Venice 10 23 Officials: Pfeffer, Bishop. tosses and Jill hit on 11 of 12. In the first game, Lovejoy used three good periods to offset the effects of a poor third stanza.

Trailing 32-15, St. Jacob caught iire in the third period and outscored Lovejoy 20-12 to get back in the game, 44-35 going into the last 'quarter. They got as close as 47-39 as the final stanza opened, but Lovejoy then racked off 14 points in a row to make it 61-39 with less than a minute to go, and St. Jacob added another basket before the final gun to narrow the gap to an even 20 points. Don Randolph had 15 points for Lovejoy and Dave Pryor, able to outjump, taller men on rebounds and junip shots, popped 14.

Moses- Fuller chipped in 10 points. Noll was high for St. Jacob with 18 points, the little sophom*ore getting 12 in the third stanza. Illini In Return Match With Qliio State Satui-day hough we were unable to wing a deal during the I jelieve the. Philadelphia Phillies are a better ball club than they vere last We have three big "ifs." They concern Curt Simmons, Granny Hamner and Jim Greengrass.

If Hamner recovers fully from his shoulder operation and if Greengrass' legs. are we should any club, 'including Brooklyn, a run for it. A definite improvement has been made on the bench. We've added a CHAMPAIGN Illinois' high- scoring basketball team seeks its eleventh straight Western Conference victory at 8 p. m.

Saturday opposing Ohio State at Columbus, but extension of string may be a rugged test. Coach Harry Combes' team defeated the Buckeyes 111 to 64 on Huff Gym floor Feb. 11, holding Robin Freeman to just three field goals and a 12-point total, lowest of his career as a collegiate performer. It's no secret the Bucks will be out for revenge and will make every effort to restore Freeman's scoring prestige in Saturday's co.i- test. Ohio State warmed up for the Illini visit by whipping consin Monday as Freeman hit for-11 baskets and a 27-point total.

Counting more than 100 points for the fifth time this season, Illinois on, the same night overpowered Purdue 102 to 77 and raised its season's scoring average to 92.3 points per game. Capt. Paul Judson hit for 21 to keep scoring leadership with 362 points, an average of 20,1 per tilt for 18 games. George Bon- Salle follows with 16.7, with Bil Ridley at 1G.6, and Harv Schmidt 13.2. Combes' "double" fifth man the combination of Bruce Brothers and Don Ohl, has a joint average of 14,5.

'Great free throw shooting and a ,399 field goal average are largely responsible for Illinois' success. The lilini netted 30 of 38 free throw attempts against Purdue and maintained an average of .760 for the season. Illinois will fly to Columbus Friday afternoon for the Buckeye engagement, then return by plane immediately after the contest to get ready lor an engagement with Minnesota Monday in Huff Gym. Middlecoff Strong Favorite Jn Open HOUSTON (0-After three rounds pf subpar golf, Gary Middlecoff was a strong favorite Jn the first round of the OQft Houston Souclmk, defending' champion, was j'ated second hpt his Hawks Drop 110409 Tilt To Rochester By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Rookies Ed Fleming, Jack Twyman and Maurice Stokes accounted 'or 83 points Wednesday night as the Rochester Royals bounced out of the western division cellar of the NBA by defeating the St. Louis Hawks 110-109.

Fleming grabbed 32 points, Twyman 29 and Stokes 22. In other games, the New York Knickerbockers snapped a four- game losing streak by surprising the Philadelphia Warriors 117-108 and the Boston Celtics, with Bob Cousy scoring eight points in the last minute and a half, downed the Minneapolis Lakers 93-90. Walter Dukes, 7-fool center oi the Knickerbockers indefinitely sus pended Tuesday, was re-instated Wednesday. Ksrincrsvillc 38. Divernon 50 At Mount Anbnrn Macon 69, Stonington 07 Edlnburg 62, Mont Auburn S4 At Anna Dongola 81 Grand Chain 38 Mounds 70, Mounds City Lovejoy 67 At Columbia (Semi-finals Frecburg 81, Lebanon 60 AT PALESTINE Palestine 77, Simmer S3 At New Athens 71, Marlssa G2 Non.Tonrnament Rock Island 70.

Alleman 69 COLLKfiK MldWfst Oklahoma 52. Tulsa 41 Chicago Loyola 63, Creighton 64 Dayton 80, Seattle 48 Miami (Ohloi 103. Marshall 82 Ohio Univ. 113, Morehcad 99 Lewis Hll.l Illinois Tech 59 Illinois Weslcyan 113. Illinois Normal 98 Iowa Wesleyan 74, Carthage (Ill.l 72 EAST Princeton 79, Yale 77 (five overtimes! Dartmouth 93, Brown 48 Pennsylvania 88.

Harvard 73 Penn State 70, Army 66 St. Josephs iPa.l' 77. Temple 68 Niagara 86, Syracuse 80 Holy Cross 69, Providence '60 NYU 78. CCNY 63 St, Bonaventure 81, Lcmoyne iNYi flj SOUTH West Virginia 97, WM Mary 88 Navy 72, Franklin-Marshall 54 Memphis State 100, Murray (Ky) 94 SOUTHWEST Texas Christian 91. Texas 67 FAB WEST Los Angeles Loyola 74, Occidental 62 Phils Have Been Helped On Bench BY TOUCH ALLKVS Mglit Carting's Red Cap won 3 from Hanlon Haegele.

Schnffner's Music won 3 from Blackhawk A. C. Alton Sent Cover won 3 from Noll's Bakery. Wedge won 3 from Falstnff. Mississippi Lime won 2 from Siincrosl Orange.

200 games Redbirds Trim Flyers, 89-80 EAST ST. LOUIS Alton built, up enough of a load in the first: three periods to withstand a furious East St. Louis rally in the final stanza and emerge with an 89-80 victory hi the final game of the regular season. nier 213, 2.17. Plager 21H, Crouch 200.

Slewm-l 20.V Tryliner Cleaners won .1 trovn CiulJly's. Lincoln Mercury won from Heil White, Shinpmiuh's uon 2 from Schall'ner KugtaK 351 Hi-Notes won 'A Iroin Hmvks. House Gang won 3 from Crips. Pus I Presidents won 2 from Crows. Coon CretKers won 2 from Stinkers.

Beavers The Birds tipped their Southwestern Conference record to 10-2, good for second place in the standings, and their season mark to 20-0. Alton plays next in its 202, own regional at West Junior next week. It looked like another rout for the Flyers, who have been defeated by some one-sided score? after running up an early 9-2 tnnrk. But Richie Brooks pointed the way with seven field goal? nml points In the fourth quarter to throw a scare into ths V. S.

Cars Set Higher Speed Marks DAYTONA BKACH, Fla. WWtn- won 2 from Bearcats. Patron jcreased power U. S. built sports Eagles won 2.from Bugs, Foolsi, (1K passenger cars is apparent in By IMAYO SMITH CLEARWATER, Fla.

IB Al- won 2 from Fireballs. Undertakers won 2 from Stilts. 200 205, J. Perica 223, Newberry 202, Mor- speed records they SP( on the bench Wednesday. Tim Klock of Atlanta, Oa.

drove Double Oiler Win Would Bring Third Place Tie Redbirds. East Side is now 14-8, with final game at Litchfield Friday, night before entering the Dupe regional tournament. The Flyers ended with a 5-7 loop mark. Free throws probably nevtfr meant so much to the Birds, as they scored, on 39 ot 44 attempt! while being outscored 34-25 in field goals, The Flyers made 12 poinls on charily tosses and missed the same number. Twenty-six fouls wore called on East Side nl; Ainarl Temple, and J6 on tho Birds.

Bill McAfoos led the Alton scoring with 2-1 points, and Larry Holmes was close behind Out Casts won "2 from Mock Dave Fnbianic. starting u'nii tmiii -PI 1S st Rame for Alton, made Smi Bens i 1 Previous time for 17 81110 HCU ThC fi nl qllm tcr bi ge by r.OWb INN" rn 0 gave the Big Flyer cent- Shell x-iiM) I i fh( er noints for the night, while ris 201. Holla 20.1. Melton 209, 195G Chrysler 300B faster than Parish 212, Moans 205-201. UenUyjnny Amorican stock car had ever 211-200.

K. Gent 205, Culler 202. c( oc i run over the nienstired mile on the ocean miles nn hour. National Assn. for Slock Timmermeier 25G.

I Latllcs Pete's won 3 from Beginners. New Team won 2 trom Alley Au olnom n( ing SP) Cuts. Kilties won 2 from lum-j bleweeds. Sad Sacks won 2 trum classification of unlimited pis- Emigates. ton displacement for Ihe new Hull A Cliuin powerful cars.

Flock's mnrk auto- Sno Balls won 3 from matically became a record in that in bracket class and irtmc- Don Chonte had 14. Ron Henson With most of the other area teams finished with their regular season schedule, Wood River has two big games coming up thisj weekend. The Oilers play Belleville at home Friday night, then" travel to Granite City Saturday night for Southwestern Conference games. A double win will give the Oil- ers a tie for third place in the conference with has already Collinsville, completed Shurtlef Ends Campaign At Home Friday Shurtleff ends its basketball season with a Prairie College which Conference game against Cona 7-5; cordia of Springfield at West league campaign. The Oilers are now 5-5 in the loop.

Junior Friday night at 8 o'clock. The Pioneers will be out to TONIGHT District Tourtumenl iScmifinalsi Roxana vs. Lincoln, 7 Lovejoy vs. Wetern 8:30 Livingston District Tournament (First Round) Worden vs. Bunker Hill.

7 Livingston vs. Benld, 8:30 FUIDAT Belleville at Wood Jliver Jerseyville at PHtsfield Quincy at Collinsville East St. Louis at Lttchficld Madison at Greenville Virden at Carrollton Greenfield at ISO Virginia at Roodhouse Winchester at Western Hokomis at Mt. Olive Cuhokia at Staunton Wenlzville, Mo. at Brussels Griggsville at-Hardin Roxana District Finals Concordia at Shurtlelf Principia at Blackburn Jerseyville, Dlinois Valley Con- gee above the .500 mark in the fereuce champions, will take a conference, where they have lost 16-8 record into its final game of the last five encounters to fall i i cu.i»4-t rf 10 i the regulai- season at Friday night.

Carrollton closes out against Virden at home Friday night, and SATUKUAV Wood River at Granite City Edwardsville at Littliiield Belleville at Cathedral (Belleville' Carilnville at Lanphicr iSpringiield) Greenfield travels to Jacksonville for a battle with ISO. Hardin entertains Griggsville in a Pike County Conference game which will mean a share the conference title. )air of reserve outfielders in Frank Jaumholtz and AVally Westlake. Both are still good hitters. blessed when the best )itcher in baseball in Robin Roberts and with fellows like Murry Dickson, Herm Wehmeier, Jack- Meyer, Bob Miller, Saul Rogovin and several others.

We're not greatly concerned over our pitch- Larkins, Ohio State University i Wilson To Probe Rumors At Ohio'State to 5-5. Shurtleff is S-13 over the i season. Principia, 1-10 in the league, closes out against Blackburn aft Carlinville Friday night. Thej Beavers are 2-7 in the loop. i The only other conference game over the weekend pits Rose Poly at Greepville.

Toronto Downs Rangers, 4-2 By TUB ASSOCIATED PRESS I 1 "I've been telling them we! Rookie In Yank Camp Has Future City League COLUMBUS, Ohio lift ng. Of course, we could use another stalling pitcher. Which can't? If Hamner is sound then our Infield is set. I intend to switch Stan Lopata from behind the plate to first base. That is, unless Mary Blaylock or Ed Bouchee, a rookie, show enough to win the job.

Willie Jones at third, and Bobby Morgan at second round out a good infield. Ted Kazanski, who had a good year at Syracuse, or Roy Smnlley, a handy man both at bat nnd in the field, could earn a regular berth. We could use a good left-handed hitting outfielder and another catcher to back up Andy Seminick. If Ennis, Hamner, Lopata, Jones and Ashburn hit the way I know they can, then we can afford to carry a light hitting catcher. athletic director, says Kenneth L.

(Tug) Wilson, Big Ten athletic commissioner, arrived at OSU Wednesday "to investigate rumors and accusations of unearned aid to athletes at Ohio State." Larkins would not comment further on Wilson's arrival. Wilson was accompanied by Jack Ryan, a special investigator from the Western Conference's Chicago office. Last year, a national sports' magazine told of alleged personal loans and gifts to players by Buck- ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. Casey Stengel, wise old of the New York Yankees, ap parently is thinking of "pulling another Mickey Mantle" with a 20-year-old rookie named Tony Kubek of whom 'great'things are ex- peeled.

Kubek is the brightest unpolished didn't have those playoffs locked i diamond in-the Yankee rookie up. Now they'can see it them. "ere. Like Kubek, Mantle! a shortstop when he arrived 1 7 12 at. the Yankee school in Price Ir 12 21 Top scorers for each team: North- Whiz Kids won 2 from Office.

Bulk Depot won 2 from i flnd ciotfelter. Cat. Crackers. Inspectors won was erased Wednesday byj li from Tech. Dept.

Cracker iDnnny Eames of Detroit. He drove JAT i Bo.v won 2 from Plant Dodge SWID at nn average of 1 and Mel RoU8tl had 200 Knlivoda 213. 1 130.57 mph. Premium Sln-ll i Tlte record for smaller pnssen- Machinists won 3 from Asphalt ger cars was raisec 0 121 333 mph Plant. Electricians Much, Murrav Hartley of Erie, Ind.

Relations won 2 from Disp! drivin a 195G Chevrolet Power Gangers. Eng. Inspection won pack, eclipsing the old record of 3 from Reformers. 112.29 by a 1953 DcSoto. 200 2o6, Do- Zora Arkns-Duntov.

Detroit test 1-200, Nagy 202. Ode Weilnesduv Liiilies Ian 201-200, Nagy 202, Oclen 211. driver, set a new high for modified American sports cars, driving a modified 19afi Chevrolet Corvette 147.29 mph. The old record was 127.3S. The record for U.

S. production sports cars went up to I46.0S mph Falstaff. Skaggs won 3 from Fred May Decorators. Ken's Auto Sales won 2 from Schwartz Furniture. Candy Bill's won 2 from Mason Root Beer.

Netzhammer 200 209. Altwooil Falstaff won 2 from Cam Electric, Baker's Service 1 won in a 19an lord Thunderbird 2 from Carling's Red Cap. Hast year. Cheer-Up won 3 from Budweiser. Trotter Buick won 2 from Sid Drake Tij-es.

200 207, Tungett Collins 211. Netzhammer Liley 201, Oden 212, Bick Sheets 232, Pedone 229, 215, 20S, 212, Harrison. 213. Western Miduite Sure Shots won 2 from Mid- on a run by John Fitch of Stamford. in a 195G Chevrolet Corvette.

previous high was in fi 1955 Ford Thuni last year. Blackburn In 78-62 Defeat JACICSONVILLE Black- nite Rollers. Pin Poppers won burn dropped its third decision 2 from Brass Mill. 200 J. Gillespie 212.

Score by Quarters: 1 Watertower 12 111. Power 9 3 16 6 4 Top three scorers for each team: Watertower, Mercer, 12, Lanzerotti. 10 apiece. The Birds built up a 44-21 half time lead, and led 96-43 going into the final period. Then things broke loose.

only a single the final' period, and Could do very little with Brooks. The Birds had a 79-61 margin when East Side put together 11 points to get HS close' as 79-72, but they never did get any closer, and Alton held on to make the final margin nine points. Alton (KU1 Kaat St. l.oulj (SO) Player fg ft pf. Player tgHpl Nalley Fablanio Holmes Chester' McAfoos Smith Glacier Mid'coff 6 4 Ciotfelter 7 3 4 Roustio 79 4 Brook: 1 '7 2 Henson 612 2 Create 020 Blackwell 000 Helsc 000 Slater Rice Nichols Pendleton McGraw 424 5 a 11 3 3.

2 5 70S 0 4 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 000 34 12 26 3 4 eye Football Coacli Woody Hayes, Several newspapers then reported that the National Collegiate Athletic Assn. planned to investigate the matter. Telegraph Want Ads "Click" wwe 54 compared with a surprising 34 for the former Mem- dentist. Gene letter, 8-1; Jimnjy Freeman, Illini Still Lead In Big Ten Scoring Figures CHICAGO Robin Freeruan of Ohio Stale and league-leading Illinois steadily are maintaining their record-shattering scoring puces in Big Ten basketball. the Illini last season.

Illinois has five players averaging in deublo BonSalle with 19.2, Ridley and Paul Judson each with 19, Harv Schmidt Portugal is buying 72,000 bags of rice from Pakistan, rather than trade with India, Goa reporls. Wednesday's Toronto 4, New York 2 Thursday's' Schedule New York at Montreal same idea regarding Kubek. "I'm not yet ready to say what I have in mind for the boy," he said cagily. "But I got to think about left field. The fellow who played it for us last year (Irv Noren) underwent operations on both knees during the winter.

There's no telling how ready he'll be. "I know this about Kubek. If I had him in left field right now, he'd have an easier chance to make it because he can field Officials: Watklns, Stanford. Score by Quarters: 1 Neudeckers 9 Stcelworkeru 14 12 13 7 SB Phil Watson, coach of the New, ur cacn leam: Konn York Rangers, uttered those words! Mantle 1S switched to the out-; side. Draw, Leaven, a.

Price. car- Wednesday nighVlolS toi'W. Apparently, Casey has the club's 4-2 defeat by the Toronto Maple Leafs. The Rangers are in a slump but it'll take something akin to a complete collapse to keep them from qualifying for the National Hookjey League's Stanley competition. The Leafs' victory, which moved mem into sole possession of the No.

4 spot, largely gained on strength' of two goals by George Armstrong. Hockey Results slops. The Denver club had Kubek for about a month test season when he was brought up 'from Quincy, where be batted .334. Top scorers for each team: Neu- deckers, Howerton, 13, Tutt, 10. Steelworkers, Fricker, 24, Wallace, 16.

Officials: Watkins, Stanford. Babe Zaliarias Open Umler Way Today SARASOTA, Ifla. Katliy Cornelius of Lake Worth, and ground balls. I "got plenty of short- Betty Jameson of San Antonio, are (lie favorites in the 72- hole Babe Zaharias Cancer Fund Open which starts today. in a row here Wednesday night falling before Illinois College, 7862, in a Prairie College Con ference game.

The Beavers play Principia College at home Friday night, then close out the season at Greenville Monday night. Both are conference encounters. Blackburn, with its third straight loop loss, now has a 2-7 mark in 1 the conference, and is 7-14 for the season. Pete Hughes paced the Beaver scorers with 26 points, while Tom Thompson and Dick Holm had 12 points each. Jim Bonds had 19 ponts for the Blueboys, follosved by Roger Ezard with 16 and' Ed Han-ell with 15.

Blackburn (03) Illinois College (78. Player. Attora East Edward)! Jolly Morrison Meyer Holm Hughes Martin McClure Thompson 524 fg ft pf Player 103 Ezarrl 001 Bonds 1 0 1 Oldenettel 001 Ilarrell 001 Moore 102 Merrl-i 6 5 Farmer 982 Ren fro 010 Sherman 05-2 Totals 20 22 ie ft pf a 754 020 473 Oil 405 001 ft 2 002 29 20 19 Score by (Quarters: Blackburn 28 Illinois College 41 Totals 23 39 16 Totali Score by Quarters: i Alton 21 23 25 East Louis 8 13 22 Officials: Blondl, Rhodes. Four Teams In Livingston District Meet j-' LIVINGSTON-Four area teanu join in the district tournament battles tonight at Livingston, with the championship to be decided Friday night. Worden plays Bunker Hill at 7 o'clock, and Livingston meets Benld at 8:30 in the four-team Winner of the finals Friday night advances to the Carlinville regional next week.

Worden and Livingston are (av- ored to battle it out for the title. Fight Results By The Associated Presi San Machen, 19,3, Redding, outpointed Julio Mederos, 191, Havana, 10. Telegraph Want Ads "Click" Freeman has a 30,5 average in 111 with 12.1 and Bruce Brothers with conference games, far ahead of the i 10. 27.1 mark set by Indiana's Don Schlundt in 1954. Big Tei) official sfatistlcs released today also show that Michigan State's Julius McCoy still is keeping on Freeman's heels in the race for the scoring title.

McCoy has a 28.7 average. Wally Choice of Indiana moved into third with 21,5 and Michigan's Ron Kramer went to fourth with 21.0. Pick Miller of Wisconsin slipped from third into a fifth place tie with Jed Dommeyer of Minnesota, each will) 20,5. Joe Sexson of Purdue is seventh with 20.3. Among sharpshooters attempting 130 or mot'( field goals, Choice leads in accuracy by making .524 per cent of" his slwts.

Illinois' Iowa '(94) has the best defensive record, yielding a 69.3 average, compared to Illinois' 74,6. On of- fense, the Hawkeyes scoring average is 78.4, Illinois leads in field goaj percentage with ,405, followed by Iowa with .400 aiid'Ohio State with .399. The Illini also are tops in foul line percentage with .789, Indiana has .725 and Ohio State .719. Rjdjey Js With .445. Sexson Is tpps In free -throws pereentajge wjtii' .807 with RJillej' and Indiana's Archie Pees (led for segafld each with Illinois, ranked, second nationally and unbeaten In 10 league Jg averaging 94.2 points compared tjie 819 J'ewd average set by watrh (WOUUUO on "Von Your Mfu" I'M I', ftl.

by NOW! YOU CAN GET EACLE STMPS Shewmaker's Standard Service Godfrey Road (1 Mile North of Alton) U. $, Highway AND AS AN INTRODUCTORY OFFER WE WILL GIVE INC. WOOD KlVfR ILL REBUILT CHEV, ENGINES '36 '53 Models Guaranteed 6 Mo, or 1 ft 6,000 Miles. Fri. and Spt, Only Exchange Worranteed Broke Fluid $100 Friday and Saturday only.

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Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)


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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.