A New World Order!: Remastered: Part 2 (2025)





  • 14 CHAPTER 29 - THE BRO


Synopsis: Mr. MacFroogle brings together the entire city of Pensacola to announce the "tragic" death of Crash Bandicoot, before he soon announces his intentions to become their permanent mayor, and the changes he plans to introduce to the city.....




At their camp, the Scavengers are seen outside the walls continuing to wait on any further message from Mr. MacFroogle. Soon, one of the Scavenger’s stomaches growl.

Scavenger 1: Oh man, I can’t wait anymore.

Scavenger 2: Don’t do it.

Scavenger 1: But I can’t help it. I’m so hungry. I got to eat something from the city!

The scavenger tries to run off, but the other scavenger grabs him by the back of his shirt.

Scavenger 2: Stay put!

Scavenger 1: Aw.. Can’t I eat one of the little scraps they leave in the trash?

Scavenger 2: No! We wait for the signal from MacFroogle.

Eventually, the Scavengers notice a firework launch into the sky which explodes into the shape of Mr. MacFroogle’s face.

Scavenger 2: There’s the signal.

Scavenger Leader: Let’s go.

The Scavengers all begin to leave the camp and make their way towards Pensacola. Elsewhere in their hideout, all of MacFroogle's recruits have all noticed the firework as well.

Coconut Fred: Well, there's our signal!

Dark Tari: Oh, them heroes are in for a nasty surprise...

The villains all leave the hideout.




At Sportster's Bar, Shake, Frylock, Meatwad, Meggy, Tari and Jenny Wakeman are all seen talking to each other, whilst consuming their food.

Frylock: So, how have you all been doing?

Meggy: Good so far!

Tari: Same!

Jenny Wakeman: So, you’re Sunny’s new neighbors I heard about?

Meatwad: Pretty much.

Shake: Indeed!

Jenny Wakeman: Cool! I wasn’t able to show up because I was busy having to deal with a bunch of homeless people trying to break into a local pharmacy.

A flashback starts, showing Hansel and a bunch of homeless people trying to climb over a wall to the pharmacy. Jenny is shown nearby speaking into a megaphone.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Step away from the wall. Step away from the wall.

The flashback ends.

Frylock: True. Homeless men can be such a problem like that one incident where Shake got bit and turned into a radioactive black guy.

Tari: Um, okay?

Shake: Well, I think soon I’ll make my deep fried cow injected with liquid cheese. Hopefully, the bowels won’t release this time.

Suddenly, they hear an alarm blaring.

Jenny Wakeman: That’s the mayor’s alarm!

Frylock: For what?

Tari: The alarm requires everyone to meet near the Town Hall to hear an announcement from the mayor. I bet the temporary mayor is going to inform us about how Crash is doing!

Meatwad: Okay!

Everyone leaves the bar.




Everyone is now shown gathering around the town hall, awaiting MacFroogle's latest announcement as it begins to rain.

Sunny Funny: Very interested to see how this one will go.

Sonia: Agreed!

Jez: Guess we'll wait and see!

After a moment of waiting, Molly and the Roblox military arrive on stage. To the heroes' confusion, all of them are sporting forlorn expressions.

Sonic: Huh?

Little Buddy: W-What the heck is going on?

Petra: D-Did something happen to Crash while he was gone?

Soon enough, MacFroogle himself arrives to the stage, sporting a devastated expression. He then approaches the microphone and begins to speak.

Mr. MacFroogle: "sighs sadly" Greetings everybody. I was very reluctant to gather you all here today to inform you all of the terrible news.

Meggy: Oh no...

MacFroogle closes his eyes sadly.

Mr. MacFroogle: Crash Bandicoot... had perished.

The entire crowd gasps in shock and disbelief.

Manic: W-What happened?

Mr. MacFroogle: He engaged in a fierce battle with the four-headed dragon that had destroyed Glenkeane. But while he was able to slay it, the effort cost him his life.

The crowd all continue standing in complete mourning.

Molly: Crash's death is a terrible tragedy. The greatest mayor Pensacola and its cities have ever gotten to known.

Mr. MacFroogle: And to lose such a powerful figure that I must make a great effort living up to is... such a deep, and personal loss. It's almost too much to endure. I only wish I had gotten back to Glenkeane in time, been there to save him. And all that my dear associates could recover of him was the remains of his beloved companion.

Knish and Zeke arrive on the stage, holding HUNTER's damaged and deactivated head, as proof of Crash's demise. MacFroogle's expression changes to one of determination.

Mr. MacFroogle: And so, it is with a heavy heart that I must assume the role of mayor permanently. Crash is gone, which means I am now your mayor...

The crowd all grimly accept this change and bow before MacFroogle.

Mr. MacFroogle: ...but I must admit. I cannot bare this burden alone. Therefore, I require some help from outside forces...

Mr. MacFroogle gives a signal and on cue, the crowd all look around in utter shock as the Scavengers all emerge from different parts of the city, chuckling evilly and ready to become a permanent part of the city.

Parappa: T-The scavengers...?

Tari: What are they doing here?!

Saiko immediately attempts to use her hammer on the Scavengers, only for some of the Roblox military to order her to put it down.

Roblox Military 1: We're sorry, Saiko. But the scavengers are a part of our city now.

Saiko: Under whose orders?!

Molly: MacFroogle's.

As the scavengers surround the area, the crowd receive an even shocking surprise when they see all of the villains including Dark Tari, PLA-1137, Past Buckaroo, Past Saiko, Terrovax, Murder Man and his Merciless Friends, the SCPs, Bacon Colonel, Bacon General, the Bacon Army, PAMA, Amy Rose, Dr. Robotnik, Protoboy, Xyloto, Coconut Fred, Glitched Bro, Dry Bone Bro, Admiral S. Swipe, Crazy Koopa, Phantom Freddy, Yammy the Drowned, Infinite, Ridley, Mother Brain, Raven Beak, Gorea, the Boss ("Metroid"), Toy Chica, Withered Foxy, Withered Golden Freddy, Blank, the Penguin, Old Candy, Rat, Shadow Candy, and A-01 Springtrap arriving one by one to join the Scavengers in the crowd.

Admiral S. Swipe: Greetings, Pensacola!

SMG4: A-A-Admiral S. Swipe...

Tari: B-But he was trapped!

Bacon Colonel: Long time, no see everyone!

Guest: The Bacon Colonel?!

PAMA’s face appears on several different helicopter monitors.

PAMA: Greetings, Pensacola! I am PAMA!

Jesse: PAMA?!?

Petra: Impossible!

Coconut Fred: Hey, everyone! Missed me?

Spongebob: Coconut Fred?!

Sunny Funny: W-We saw him die!

Coconut Fred: Well, remember my thinking powers?

Spongebob: Shoot, forgot he could do that.

Mr. MacFroogle: Everyone in the city shall be capable of moving on with their normal lives, as well as answering to any order I give out. This time however, they must to coexist with the villains and scavengers who have been isolated from the public for far long enough.

A-01 Springtrap: Alrighty!

Toy Chica: Oh boy!

Parappa: Are you crazy?! Villains love destroying the city and the Scavengers hoard resources for themselves!

Guest: (to Molly) Are you and the military seriously going to listen to this guy?!

Molly: Guest. While what MacFroogle is doing right now sounds understandably questionable, it is against the law and heavily against our duties to question or defy the mayor's orders or intentions.

Mr. MacFroogle: "finishing his speech" And so, from the ashes of this tragedy, we shall welcome the dawning of a new era, Pensacola's great and glorious future!

The villains and scavengers all applaud as the crowd begins to dread what is to come.

Frylock: Man, what is that new mayor thinking?

Jenny Wakeman: I know! Who knows what will happen now that the villains get to roam free?

Sunny Funny: Well, I can tell that there might be trouble starting...




Once MacFroogle's announcement has ended, Sunny, Azaz, AsphaltianOof and Buckaroo are shown watching the news.

Goodman: Breaking news! M’Kay? Ever since Mr. MacFroogle took over as the new mayor, all of the criminals and villains alike are running amok and doing whatever they please! Police have tried stopping them, but the MacFroogle’s new law states that the villains shall go unpunished! Hopefully, this doesn’t get too out of hand or we’ll be down to our necks in crime sprees!

The TV shuts off.

Sunny Funny: Man, why is Mr. MacFroogle allowing all of the villains to run amok throughout the city?

Azaz: I know! This doesn’t really make sense.

AsphaltianOof pulls out an empty money bag.

AsphaltianOof: Well, might as well make the most of it!

AsphaltianOof runs off.

Sunny Funny: "sighs" Even AsphaltianOof has gotten into it.

Sunny heads outside, but sees Past Buckaroo eating the crops in her garden.

Sunny Funny: Hey! Get away from those!

Past Buckaroo: (mouth full) Never!

Sunny turns into Iron Flower.

Sunny Funny: Don’t make me blast you!

Past Buckaroo: "laughs" Sorry, but you know the law! Villains are now equal citizens! MacFroogle's orders!

Sunny hesitates, before she sighs and turns back to normal.

Sunny Funny: Unbelievable.

Sunny returns to her house in defeat.

Sunny Funny: With that new law in effect, none of the heroes are able to stop crime. Heck, even Vandal Buster and the Sushi Pack can do nothing about it!

Buckaroo: I know!

Azaz: Well, at least I won’t take advantage of the situation!

The news comes back on.

Goodman: Breaking news! M’kay? The Legion of Low Tide have been reported stealing Sprites from local gas stations!

Sunny Funny: Oh, are they seriously stealing soda of all things? I mean, right Azaz-

Sunny notices that Azaz had fled the house to take part in the Sprite heist.

Sunny Funny: Oh, son of a- "facepalms"




Murder Man, Mega Maid, Spider Man, Ink Brute and Murder Man X are shown leaving a bank with money bags.

Mega Maid: Oh yes, this robbery was a success!

Murder Man: True! Especially now that MacFroogle has taken over!

The police appear.

Brooklyn Guy: Put your hands in the air!

Murder Man: "laughs" Sorry, but you heard what MacFroogle said!

Brooklyn Guy: "sighs" Right. Even though we’re the police, we can’t do anything about it so.

Simmons: But mate, that money's supposed to be going to the orphans-

Brooklyn Guy: I said come on, Simmons!

The police drive away.

Ink Brute: Wow, that’s the first time we got away with our loot!

Murder Man: True! Well, let’s enjoy it while we can!

Murder Man and the others leave.




At Sportster's Bar, Dave Miller is shown screaming as he runs out of the bar from the Scavengers making a mess out of the place and devouring all of the food. Carl Brutananadilewski is shown with lasagna.

Carl Brutananadilewski: Oh man, can’t wait to eat this four-cheese lasagna!

A scavenger sneaks behind Carl and taps him on the shoulder. When Carl turns around, the scavenger snatches the lasagna, devours it and burps.

Scavenger: Mmmm, tasty!

Carl Brutananadilewski: SERIOUSLY?!?!




At a supermarket, Terrovax is shown raiding all of the freezers and devouring all of the ice cream stuff inside. Nearby, Past Saiko is seen loading several DVDs into a bag. She then pulls out a DVD for "Final Space: Season 3".

Past Saiko: Don't even know what this is, but it sure looks like garbage.

Past Saiko breaks the DVD in half and leaves. Dark Tari is then dumping boxes full of shoes and jewelry into a pile before pouring gasoline and blasting it, setting the pile on fire.

Dark Tari: Say goodbye to millions of expensive material!

Dark Tari laughs evilly.




At Durr Burger, Beef Boss is seen struggling to carry dishes as all of the Bros are shown eating their foods messingly and leaving trash everywhere. Sledge Bro pounds his fists on a table.

Sledge Bro: WHERE’S MY DURRITO?!?!

Beef Boss: R-right here, sir!

Beef Boss tries to give Sledge Bro a Durrito (a burrito), but slips on soda and accidentally drops it onto Sledge Bro, spilling its contents all over him. Sledge Bro pulls out his sledgehammer.

Sledge Bro: You’ve just made your last mistake, buddy boy!

Beef Boss screams and runs off as Sledge Bro chases him while smashing apart several tables with his sledgehammer. Bone Bro is shown lying under a ketchup dispenser and laying his leg on the nozzle, causing an endless amount of ketchup to pour into his mouth.




RH is shown tied to a chair with Onion Cream looking at several of his stories.

Onion Cream: Hm, “The Election”? Worst villain defeats ever!

Onion Cream rips the book in half.

RH: Hey, stop that! Villains are meant to be defeated!

Onion Cream: Ooh, "Lost Memories"! Great introduction of Dreamcaster, but he just haaaaaaaaaad to be killed.

Onion Cream burns the book with his refusion fire.

RH: Stop! That was only the beginning of the sage! You never bothered to read the rest!

Onion Cream: Ooh, this one!

RH: "gasps" No, not "Vandal Buster: Part II"!

Onion Cream: And this one.. kills Dr. Morpheus in the end?

RH: I know, but I thought it would make things bittersweet and make my character a tragic hero! And besides, what I want to say is-

Onion Cream: What a shame.

Onion Cream throws the book on the ground and stomps on it, repeatably.


RH breaks free from the ropes, leaps at Onion Cream and beats him up to a bloody pulp.




Dark Tari and PLA-1137 are seen heading through the city. PLA-1137 is also reading an advertisement.

PLA-1137: (reading) Grand re-opening of MacFroogle's Golf Emporium? (speaking) Cool, looks like he’s building a new golf course!

Dark Tari: True! Although I haven’t really played golf a lot.

PLA-1137: True.

Suddenly, the two hear growling noises coming from a nearby alleyway.

PLA-1137: What was that?!

Dark Tari: I don’t know! Seems like it came from over there!

PLA-1137: Well, it doesn’t sound friendly!

Dark Tari: I’ll go check it out.

Dark Tari heads into the alleyway. However, thrashing noises are heard and Dark Tari gets thrown back out with her arm ripped off.

Dark Tari: Ah geez, it like bit off my arm! Well, at least it regenerates.

Dark Tari’s arm regenerates. Afterwards, coughing noises are heard and Dark Tari’s mangled and destroyed arm gets thrown out of the alleyway.

PLA-1137: Seriously, what is that thing?!

Dark Tari: Well, it looks like some sort of animal. We should probably show it to MacFroogle.

PLA-1137: Well, how are we going to catch it?

Dark Tari: I know.




Dark Tari is shown holding a bunch of rope.

Dark Tari: Ok, just go in there and try to lure it towards you. While it’s distracted, I’ll trap it with this rope.

PLA-1137: Got it.

PLA-1137 slowly enters the alleyway and sees a figure at the end. It is revealed to be Zombified Geoffrey devouring a pile of trash viciously.

PLA-1137: Man, he looks feral. Now, how will I lure it to me? It does seem to enjoy eating trash so.

PLA-1137 grabs a banana peel and holds it out.

PLA-1137: Hey, you! I got a banana peel! (To herself) Ew, I can feel the maggots.

Zombified Geoffrey smells the banana peel and turns around to see PLA-1137.

PLA-1137: That’s right, come get it.

Zombified Geoffrey approaches PLA-1137 and begins eating the banana peel.

PLA-1137: Now!

Dark Tari leaps in and throws the rope at Zombified Geoffrey. Zombified Geoffrey roars ferociously and struggles to break free as Dark Tari secures the rope and restrains it.

Dark Tari: Nice, we got it!

PLA-1137: True-

Zombified Geoffrey’s hands reach out and scratch PLA-1137’s helmet in the face, leaving claw marks on her visor.

PLA-1137: Ah geez!

Dark Tari: Well, we should probably take it to MacFroogle.

PLA-1137: True, but we should probably get a more secure place for it!

Dark Tari: True. I think I know where to find one.

Dark Tari and PLA-1137 leave with Zombified Geoffrey as he struggles to break free from the rope. The scene then fades to black, ending the chapter.



Synopsis: As a final precaution, Mr. MacFroogle decides to obtain a couple more recruits for his army to ensure his position remains unthreatened, but in the process winds up stumbling upon a feared foe of the heroes currently at large... Meanwhile, Zoe Aves discovers something Frida has been hiding from the others...


At Manny’s house, Manny, Frida and Zoe are shown taking to each other.

Manny Rivera: So, did you hear about the new law Mr. MacFroogle introduced?

Frida: I did. I don’t know if I’m right, but I don’t think he should be trusted.

Zoe Aves: I agree. I mean letting the villains run amok? Doesn’t that sound a little bit suspicious to you?

Manny Rivera: Yeah, I guess so. We should probably be cautious around him.

Frida: Right.

Scratch and Grounder are shown trying to cook a burrito in the microwave.

Scratch: So, do I do this for a minute?

Grounder: Not really. I’d say ten minutes.

Scratch: Are you crazy?! What are you trying to do, blow up the entire kitchen?!

Grounder: No, I’m just trying to make a Grade A-quality burrito!

Scratch: Let me handle this!

Grounder: No, I got it!

Scratch and Grounder begin fighting over the microwave. However, Scratch accidentally pushes a button called “Supernova” and the microwave turns on. Scratch and Grounder scream as the microwave explodes, covering them and the entire kitchen in burrito filling. Manny then opens the door.

Manny Rivera: Hey, guys? What was the noise-

Manny gets a shocked expression as he observes the entire mess.

Scratch: Well, looks like we might be having dinner on the floor tonight.

Grounder: Most likely.

Manny shuts the door.

Frida: What happened in there?

Manny Rivera: ... I’m not going back in there.

Zoe Aves: Okay?

Manny Rivera: By the way, during Masked Menace’s Invasion, I think I also heard rumors about a female android roaming about and helping us stop Masked Menace and his army. I still don’t know who it is.

Zoe Aves: I know! Most of the time, they’re usually behind our backs or something.

Manny Rivera: True. I wonder who it is?

Frida: Uhh, I-I have to go.

Frida leaves the house.

Manny Rivera: Was it something I said?

Zoe Aves: I don’t know. Well, I have to go as well. See you later!

Manny Rivera: See ya!

Zoe leaves. Manny enters the kitchen, but sees Scratch scooping burrito meat into his beak.

Scratch: This meat actually does taste good when combined with germs!

Grounder is shown laying on the ground with grease on his mouth and stomach.

Grounder: True, Scratch! Especially the cream-filled kind!

Manny Rivera: ...

Manny slams the door shut and is heard rushing upstairs and vomiting in the bathroom. Outside, Zoe is shown heading onto the street. She then sees Frida entering a nearby bus and driving off.

Zoe Aves: Where is Frida going? It’s not like she’s keeping something from us, is she?

Zoe follows the bus.




Mr. MacFroogle, Knish and Zeke are shown lying on lawn chairs and watching as a bunch of construction people are seen building a massive golf course. There is sign at the front with Mr. MacFroogle’s head on it and reading “MacFroogle’s Golf Emporium”.

Mr. MacFroogle: The progress on my rebuilt golf course is going splendid! With a few slight corrections, it will be heaven indeed!

Knish: True!

Zeke: Can’t wait to have our old golf course back!

Mr. MacFroogle: True! Especially after that disgusting amphibian lady destroyed it with her eye blasters!

Knish: I know! And so far, only one person has died on the job!

A construction worker is heard screaming as he falls offscreen followed by a splat sound.

Knish: Two actually.

Mr. MacFroogle: I know!

Dark Tari and PLA-1137 appear with a massive wooden cage.

Mr. MacFroogle: Hey, guys!

Zeke: What’s with the large box?

Dark Tari: Hey, boss. Me and PLA-1137 were just enjoying our new authority-free life until we found this in an alleyway. We figured it might be useful for you.

PLA-1137: But be careful with it! It doesn’t seem to like me! It even scratched my vest at one point!

Mr. MacFroogle: Ok? Anyways, what have we got here?

MacFroogle looks into the cage, only for Zombified Geoffrey to smash against the bars and claw at him viciously. MacFroogle screams in terror and quickly backs away.

Mr. MacFroogle: WHAT THE F**K IS THAT THING?!?!?!?!

Dark Tari: Well, it’s what we found in the alleyway and-

Knish: Yikes, a wild animal!

Zeke: Quick, put it down! Kill it!

PLA-1137: Hey, that’s what I called! Anyways, we had it put into this cage because it kept trying to break out of its ropes.

Mr. MacFroogle: Okay, but anyways, I think we should find some use for it.

Zombified Geoffrey smashes against the bars and claws ferociously again, only for MacFroogle to pull out a whip and smacks Zombified Geoffrey with it. Zombified Geoffrey roars in pain and backs away from the bars as MacFroogle whips him into submission.

Mr. MacFroogle: Get back! I said get back! Back I say!

Zombified Geoffrey rushes to the back of the cage.

Zombified Geoffrey: Woah, calm down man!

PLA-1137: Wait, he can talk?

Zombified Geoffrey: Look, I know I may have mauled you on occasions, but do you seriously have to whip me like a slave or something?!

Knish: Uh, you were trying to maul us!

Zeke: What did you expect?

Mr. MacFroogle: Anyways, who are you?

Zombified Geoffrey: That, I don’t really know of. But anyways, I used to be a Halloween attraction at Toys R Us where I would frighten any customer who is unfortunate to cross my path in the store. However, when Toys R Us got shut down, I was locked inside a box and left in the store to rot until some pink-haired guitarist (Ami) freed me, prompting me to go on a rampage against her and her fellow friends until some blue rabbit guy (Yang) stabbed and deactivated me. Months later, I was able to reboot and finally leave the store. Since then, I had to live in an alleyway and live off of trash and maggots until these two (Dark Tari and PLA-1137) captured me and brought me to you.

Mr. MacFroogle: Okay? Interesting backstory though. Anyways, would you like to join my army? I recently took over as the new mayor by the way.

Zombified Geoffrey: Sure!

Mr. MacFroogle: Alright! I’ll open this cage now, but try not to maul me nor my subjects, okay?

Zombified Geoffrey: Got it.

MacFroogle unlocks the cage. Zombified Geoffrey quickly leaps out and rushes into the city.

PLA-1137: Hopefully, that wasn’t a bad idea.

Dark Tari: True.

Onion Cream: "voice" Hey! What do you think you're-

Onion Cream screams in agony as Zombified Geoffrey violently mauls him to death offscreen, which the villains quickly disregard.

Mr. MacFroogle: Speaking of which, perhaps I could use a little more extra recruits for my army. Do you think you and some of the others can look for some last additions?

Dark Tari: Sure!

PLA-1137: Anything for our boss!

Mr. MacFroogle: Okay! Meet me over here when you are done.

Dark Tari: Got it!

Dark Tari and PLA-1137 leave.

Mr. MacFroogle: (to Knish and Zeke) And you two, all three of us are taking another trip into the forest. We could find something else useful in there.

Knish: Got it!

Zeke: Okay!

The three leave for the forest.




Past Buckaroo and Terrovax are shown heading through the city.

Past Buckaroo: So, who should we recruit?

Terrovax: I don’t know. (To himself) Can’t believe I’m working with this little runt.

Miniature angel and devil versions of Terrovax appear on his shoulders.

Devil Terrovax: Throw him into a moving bus. He causes you nothing but trouble so lose him!

Angel Terrovax: He may be annoying, but he’s still a villain like you. Don’t push him.

Devil Terrovax: I’d say push him.

Angel Terrovax: Don’t push!

Devil Terrovax and Angel Terrovax begin arguing until they both disappear as Past Buckaroo speaks.

Past Buckaroo: Hey, Terrovax! I think I heard something coming from that dumpster over there!

Terrovax: Okay?

The two head to the dumpster and hear noises from inside.

??? 1: Hey, what did you find?

??? 2: I don’t know. Looks like a book called "AWR: Part 1".

??? 1: “gasps” Quick, get rid of it! It will give you spoilers!

??? 2: Oh, right!

Past Buckaroo opens the dumpster. Inside is Glow and an endoskeleton.

Endoskeleton: Ah, my eyes!

Glow: Too much light!

Past Buckaroo: Sorry about that. Anyways, who are you two?

Glow: Well, I’m Glow-

Past Buckaroo: Oh, I heard about you in the news! Participated in a robot invasion, right?

Glow: Pretty much. Sadly, my friend Dave was killed by those horrible heroes.

Past Buckaroo: I heard. What about the other guy?

Endoskeleton: My name is Endoskeleton.

Terrovax: Um, is that really your name?

Endoskeleton: Pretty much.

Past Buckaroo: Just like that p***s head guy (Little Buddy). Anyways, our boss Mr. MacFroogle sent us out to look for recruits, so will you join us?

Glow: Sure! To avenge Dave.

Endoskeleton: I’ll also join! Would be nice to get out of this trash bin for a while.

Terrovax: Alright, then!

Glow and Endoskeleton exit the dumpster.

Past Buckaroo: Okay, our boss should be nearby.

The four leave.




Outside his house, Louie the Parrot is shown with a checkwriter.

Checkwriter: So, your roommate Heathcliff is dead.

Louie: Pretty much.

Checkwriter: Well, in that case, here’s your check.

The checkwriter takes out a large check as dollar signs appear in Louie’s eyes. However, Heathcliff the Cat exits the door.

Heathcliff: Hey, Louie? Do you have any toilet paper? I ran out.

Checkwriter: (To Heathcliff) Oh, there you are! Here’s your check!

The checkwriter gives Heathcliff the check.

Checkwriter: Pleased doing business with you.

The checkwriter enters his car and leaves. Louie’s beak opens in shock as the dollar signs in his eyes explode and are replaced with “NO SALE” signs. Louie then flies into the sky and screams in a rage. Meanwhile, Jenny is seen drinking oil at a park and hears Louie’s scream in the distance.

Jenny Wakeman: Hm, must have drank too much oil.

Jenny leaves. The scene cuts back to Louie as he lands on the ground.

Louie: I can’t believe this! I was so close to killing that cat to get his fortune, but he just comes back to life and ruins everything for me! If only I could find some way to get that fortune from him, just anything!

Past Saiko: Is that so? Well, if you join Mr. MacFroogle, he can grant you anything you desire and that is one of them!

Louie: If you say so, then sure I’ll join! By the way, were you here just listening the whole time?

Past Saiko: I don’t know.


Coconut Fred is shown heading through the city, eating a chili dog.

Coconut Fred: Ok, I just need to look for a new recruit for my boss, but what?

Coconut Fred heads into the street. At the same time, a brown and white dog is shown running through the street and ends up crashing into Coconut Fred.

Coconut Fred: The hell?!

Dog: Hey, watch it!

Coconut Fred: Uh, who are you exactly?

Dog: Well, I’m Barnyard Dawg. I used to live at a nearby farm, but I kept getting tormented by a large rooster who is always like “Ahh, shaddup!”.

Barnyard Dawg smacks Coconut Fred in the face.

Barnyard Dawg: Eventually, I ran away and I was just entering this city until I found you.

Coconut Fred: Ok, then? Anyways, my boss sent me out to look for recruits. Would you like to join us?

Barnyard Dawg: Sure! What does this job involve?

Coconut Fred: Oh basically, you’re just one of the mayor’s bodyguards as.. there’s a bunch of assassins out to kill him. You must protect him at all costs.

Barnyard Dawg: Okay then! I’d do anything to protect the mayor!

Coconut Fred: (to himself) Sucker.

Suddenly, Barnyard Dawg sniffs the air and runs off.

Coconut Fred: Hey, where are you going?!

Coconut Fred chases after Barnyard Dawg. He eventually finds him at Black Mesa, sniffing the wall.

Coconut Fred: Um, what are you doing?

Barnyard Dawg: My sniffing instincts picked up something coming from these walls. I smell.. a living being from behind.

Coconut Fred: Ok? Maybe we should see what’s behind it.

Coconut Fred thinks up a sledgehammer and uses it to smash apart the wall. He and Barnyard Dawg see that inside is a vortigaunt wearing a scientist outfit.

Vortigaunt Scientist: The heck?! What was that noise?!

Barnyard Dawg: Well, it was kind of us doing some demolition duties.

Coconut Fred: Anyways, who are you?

Vortigaunt Scientist: Well, my name is Uriah.

Barnyard Dawg: Ok, but what are you doing behind this wall?

Uriah: Basically, I was busy doing my lawn mowing duties outside Black Mesa. However, I kind of accidentally inhaled some kind of flower that knocked me out. That very day, Gordon Freeman assigned the construction men to reconstruct the walls due to damage from the Combine Invasion. By the time I woke up, the workers had built up the walls, but I was trapped inside. No one could hear me scream for help for some reason.

Coconut Fred: Man. But anyways, Mr. MacFroogle sent us out to recruit people for his army. Would you like to join?

Uriah: I don’t know. Is he good or evil?

Barnyard Dawg: I don’t know either.

Coconut Fred: (to himself) I know how. (speaking) So, you say that this Gordon Freeman person commissioned for the walls to be rebuilt.

Uriah: Yes? I was hoping for him to eventually find out I was missing and get me free.

Coconut Fred: Oh, because I heard that he did knew, but decided to leave you in the walls.

Uriah: Wait, what?

Coconut Fred: Gordon didn’t care about you. He just left you to rot within the walls.

Uriah: But why would he do this?

Coconut Fred: Because he only used you for a tool in his research.

Uriah: I can’t believe this! After everything I did for him?!

Barnyard Dawg: Geez.

Coconut Fred: If you join our army, you can have your revenge. What do you say?

Uriah: I accept.

Coconut Fred: Good! Now, let’s go meet with the boss.

The three leave.




Everyone is seen with MacFroogle as he, Knish and Zeke are preparing to leave for the forest in their golf cart.

Mr. MacFroogle: Very good, everyone! These are the final recruits I needed!

Past Buckaroo: Thanks!

Uriah: We shall do well honoring your requests.

Mr. MacFroogle: Alright! Well, that’s all the recruiting requests I’ve had to make. You may all do what you please.

Terrovax: Okay!

Ridley: Nice!

Mr. MacFroogle: In the meantime, I need to check to see Ball Bro and Boomerang Bro to see if they’ve finished with the Convert-A-Tron. Also, Dry Bone Bro called me earlier and said he is working on a “special” project for me to see so I should check that out as well.

Barnyard Dog: Okay!

Louie: See you later!

Knish: See ya soon!

MacFroogle, Knish and Zeke drive away.




Zoe is seen heading through the city. She sees Past Buckaroo and Terrovax smashing apart Jackie Chu’s car.

Jackie Chu: Car trashers! I demand you to stop trashing my car now!

Joseph appears and smashes the car.

Joseph: That’s for all the times you ran me over! Especially that Pet Semetary incident!

Jackie Chu: SON OF A-

Zoe Aves: Geez, the city is getting out of control. But anyways, I need to find where Frida is because she’s acting like she’s keeping something from me.

Zoe continues heading through the city. She then spots Frida nearby entering an alleyway.

Zoe Aves: The heck is she doing in there?

Zoe enters the alleyway and turns a corner. She sees Frida at the end and quickly hides behind a trash can.

Zoe Aves: There she is. What’s she doing?

Frida tears off her face, revealing her endoskeleton face underneath.

Frida: "sighs" I know that everyone hasn’t found out about who I am, but what if they do find out? Well, Ms. Chalice does know, but what about the others? What about Manny?

Zoe is seen watching with a shocked expression.

Zoe Aves: S-she’s a robot?! Well, I did see her fly back at the Meen Enterprises building, but that’s the reason why-

Zoe accidentally trips over a paint can and falls over, exposing her to Frida who screams upon seeing Zoe.

Frida: Zoe?!

Zoe Aves: Frida?!

Frida: Zoe?!

Zoe Aves: Frida?!

Frida: Zoe?!

Zoe Aves: You’re a robot?

Frida: Uh, forget it!

Frida grabs a nearby bucket and uses it to hide her face.

Frida: "voice" You didn’t see anything!

Zoe Aves: But was that an endoskeleton face?

Frida: "voice" No, of course not! W-Why would my face be an endoskeleton?

Frida steps on a banana peel, causing her to fall and drop the bucket, revealing her face.

Zoe Aves: It is! Gosh, I-I don't even believe this...

Frida gets back up and places her face back on.

Frida: Okay, okay! So it’s true.

Zoe Aves: Alright, but still! Wait, what’s that on your goggles?

Frida: Oh please, don’t look at that-

Zoe sees the words, “PROPERTY OF MEEN INDUSTRIES”.

Zoe Aves: What?! You were created by-

Frida: "sighs" Yes, I.M Meen created me. However, my programming malfunctioned which caused me to instead turn on him.

Zoe Aves: Gosh.

Frida: Zoe, you got to do me a favor. You gotta promise me you won’t tell.

Zoe Aves: Don’t worry, I promise.

Frida: I’m serious! If people not only find out about me being a robot, but who my creator is, I’ll be treated as a traitor to the heroes! All of my relationships could be destroyed! And especially what Manny might think of me since he’s a human, but I’m not.

Zoe Aves: I understand.

Frida: Promise me, Zoe.

Zoe Aves: I promise.

Frida: That you won’t tell anyone!

Zoe Aves: That I won’t tell anyone, I promise Frida.

Frida: Thanks.

Zoe Aves: Well, I’ll see you later.

Frida: Okay, bye.

Zoe leaves.

Zoe Aves: Man, still can’t believe Frida was a robot.

The scene cuts back to Frida and she removes her face again.

Frida: I’d want to tell Manny.. but h-how is he even going to react?

Frida closes her eyes sadly.




The sun shines dimly through the thick canopy of leaves, casting eerie shadows on the forest floor. The ambiance is filled with the sounds of rustling leaves and distant bird calls, but an uneasy tension lingers in the air. MacFroogle leads the way, with Knish and Zeke following closely behind.

Mr. MacFroogle: As far as I know, there should be a small clearing up ahead where we can find some... unique materials for our rule!

Knish: Materials? You mean more of those yard signs you had printed? I swear, if I see another one with your face plastered on it...

Zeke: (nervously bouncing on his feet) Guys, we need to focus! This forest feels... off. Look at how twisted those trees are. (gestures to the gnarled branches overhead)

Mr. MacFroogle: (dismissively) A little atmosphere never hurt anyone, Zeke. Think of it as a backdrop for my campaign's narrative! “The man who conquers the wild.” It’ll be brilliant!

They continue walking deeper into the forest. The light dims further, and the trees grow thicker and more twisted, casting long shadows that seem to dance ominously around them.

Knish: Are you sure it’s this way? I don’t see anything but... this creepy path.

Mr. MacFroogle: Patience! Great leaders venture into the unknown. We will find what we’re looking for. Just keep your eyes peeled for anything useful—vintage signs, old decorations, anything that can be repurposed.

As they meander through the underbrush, the air thickens with an unnatural silence. Eventually, they come across a clearing, but what they see is unsettling; a decayed section of the forest with fallen branches and lifeless trees. At its center lies a withered treasure chest, its lid slightly ajar.

Zeke: (whispering) What is that? It looks... old.

Knish: (squinting) I don’t like the look of it. It’s just sitting there, all creepy-like.

Mr. MacFroogle: Oh ho! Now this could be significant.

MacFroogle approaches the chest, revealing a warning inscribed on the lid.

Mr. MacFroogle: "reading" "Trespassers, beware! These coins are offerings to the Lord of Dreams. Steal not, lest your soul be claimed!"

Knish: (stepping back) I don’t like this, boss. That warning looks serious.

Mr. MacFroogle: (waving a dismissive hand) Superstitions! This is just an old wives’ tale. Look at the coins! They could fund my entire campaign!

Zeke edges closer, eyeing the gleaming coins inside the chest. He bites his lip, torn between greed and caution.

Zeke: (to himself) It’s just one coin... I could put it back before anyone notices.

Knish: (hissing) Don’t even think about it, Zeke. We came here for a reason, and that reason isn't to get ourselves cursed!

Ignoring Knish, Zeke reaches in and snatches a shimmering coin, holding it up triumphantly, a mix of exhilaration and guilt on his face.

Zeke: (giddy) Guys! Look at it! This could buy us—

Before he can finish, lightning strikes as the forest erupts into chaos, prompting Zeke to sheepishly put it back. Syddenly, dark-robed entities, their faces obscured by hoods, materialize out of thin air, surrounding them with a chilling laughter.

Soul Stealer 1: You dare steal from the offerings? The Lord of Dreams has awoken!

Mr. MacFroogle: (eyes wide) What have you done, Zeke?!

Knish: (panicking) We need to get out of here! They’re everywhere!

The soul stealers extend their shadowy hands, grasping at the trio, their chilling aura paralyzing them in fear. The soul stealers close in.

Zeke: (pleading) I didn’t mean to! I-I-I was just curious!

With a swift motion, the entities encompass them, enveloping them in darkness as they scream.

Soul Stealer 2: Your fate is sealed, trespassers. Soon, this realm will belong to the Lord of Dreams!

In a whirlwind of shadows, the three scream as they are pulled into a dimensional void, and are warped away to places unknown, leaving only the eerie silence of the dead forest behind. The scene then fades to black, ending the chapter.



Synopsis: As Dr. Fusion checks up on Ball Bro and Boomerang Bro to see if they finished the Convert-A-Tron, as well as awaiting Mr. MacFroogle's arrival so they can check out Dry Bone Bro’s "secret" project. Meanwhile, MacFroogle, Knish and Zeke try to escape to freedom after being captured by the soul stealers, and Sunny begins to suspect Mr. MacFroogle’s motives until she ends up having an encounter with a strange newcomer...


The chapter opens as Dr. Fusion is shown waiting at a Popeye’s drive-thru.

Dr. Fusion: Yes, I’d like to order your new chicken sandwich please.

A car behind Dr. Fusion is heard honking.

Driver: (offscreen) Hurry up! I want that new sandwich! Move over!

Dr. Fusion: (To driver) Ah, shaddup!

Dr. Fusion is given the bag the chicken sandwich is in.

Dr. Fusion: Thanks-

A gunshot is heard and a bullet hits a stop sign next to Dr. Fusion. Dr. Fusion screams and quickly drives off.




Dr. Fusion is seen driving while finishing the chicken sandwich.

Dr. Fusion: Man, that sandwich was delicious! Well, I might as well go check on Ball Bro and Boomerang Bro to see how they are doing with MacFroogle's Convert-A-Tron.

Dr. Fusion continues driving until he reaches a stop sign. He sees Past Saiko inside an ice cream truck she hijacked and giving people eaten popsicles.

Shrek: Man, what a ripoff!

Dr. Fusion: Enjoying yourself, Past Saiko?

Past Saiko: Yeah, I am! Especially since there are no authorities around to stop me and the others!

Dr. Fusion: True! Well, I have to go check up on Ball Bro and Boomerang Bro. Plus, might check up to see if MacFroogle has come up with anything new. See you later!

Past Saiko: See ya!

Dr. Fusion drives away.




Dr. Fusion is seen entering an abandoned warehouse.

Dr. Fusion: Man, how many abandoned warehouses does this city have? It’s like instead of tearing them down, they are left to rot like Toys R Us.

Dr. Fusion heads into the main area and sees Ball Bro emerge from the darkness.

Ball Bro: Hey, Fusion!

Dr. Fusion: Hey, Ball Bro! So, how are you and Boomerang Bro doing on the Convert-A-Tron?

Ball Bro: Actually, we just finished it! Want to come see it?

Dr. Fusion: Sure!

Dr. Fusion follows Ball Bro and eventually, they come across Boomerang Bro standing next to an electric chair-looking seat with a metal canister hooked above it.

Dr. Fusion: Woah, that looks cool! So, what does it do?

Boomerang Bro: Apparently, it’s supposed to install those sleeper chips into people’s brains to take control of them. But we don’t know yet until we have a test subject.

Dr. Fusion: Hang on, let me find one.

Dr. Fusion exits the warehouse and looks around. He then sees Tom the Trout from Spongebob sitting at a bus stop.

Dr. Fusion: It’s that crazy trout guy I heard about. I know what will bring him in.

Dr. Fusion takes out a chocolate bar and opens it.

Dr. Fusion: (To Tom the Trout) Hey, smell the chocolate!

Tom the Trout smells the chocolate and looks at Dr. Fusion.

Tom the Trout: Chocolate? CHOCOLATE?!?!

Dr. Fusion: Come and get it!

Dr. Fusion runs into the warehouse as Tom the Trout chases him inside. He then eventually finds the chocolate bar on the ground.

Tom the Trout: CHOCOLATE!!!

Tom the Trout begins eating the chocolate. However, some lights turn on and Tom the Trout notices Ball Bro and Boomerang Bro looking at him with a bunch of knockout gas tanks.

Tom the Trout: Oh, hey there! What are you doing here?

Ball Bro and Boomerang Bro respond with nothing. Dr. Fusion appears and locks the exit door nearby.

Tom the Trout: (To Dr. Fusion; laughing nervously) W-Why did you lock the door?

Tom the Trout notices Ball Bro and Boomerang Bro slowly and menacingly approaching him.

Tom the Trout: (now worried) Um, why do you have that knockout gas? Who’s watching my Krusty Krab Pizza and Diet Dr. Kelp?!

Ball Bro shoves the knockout gas tank’s nozzle into Tom the Trout’s mouth and releases the gas, knocking him out.

Dr. Fusion: You should have been careful when you had the chance, pal. But that’s okay. We'll have a use for you real soon...

Dr. Fusion laughs as Tom the Trout passes out.




Tom the Trout wakes up. However, he sees that his arms are locked inside metal shackles and he is sitting on the chair.

Tom the Trout: What?! W=What's going on?!

Tom the Trout notices Ball Bro, Boomerang Bro and Dr. Froogle in front of him.

Tom the Trout: You three! What’s the meaning of this?! Release me this instant?!

Ball Bro: Shut up!

Ball Bro slaps Tom the Trout in the face.

Tom the Trout: What is going on?!

Dr. Fusion: Greetings!

Tom the Trout: Who the heck are you? A-And did you lock me in this electric chair?

Dr. Fusion: Relax! It’s this new project MacFroogle and his loyal subjects are testing out! We picked you to be our test subject! (To Boomerang Bro) Activate the machine.

Boomerang Bro: Got it!

Boomerang Bro heads to a nearby lever.

Tom the Trout: Hey, w-what are you doing?!

Dr. Fusion: From now on, you will be "plugged" into MacFroogle's new network!

Tom the Trout: WHAT-

Boomerang Bro pulls the lever, causing the metal canister to lower onto Tom the Trout’s head. His screams are heard, but are silenced by a metal hooking noise coming from inside the canister. Afterwards, the canister rises and Tom the Trout now has glowing orange eyes.

Dr. Fusion: So, did it work?

Ball Bro: Try giving him a command.

Dr. Fusion: Okay. (To Tom the Trout) Go to Bacon Colonel’s factory and retrieve more of those sleeper chips.

Tom the Trout: (in a deep robotic voice) Your wish is my command, master.

Tom the Trout breaks free from his metal restraints and rushes out of the warehouse.

Dr. Fusion: Amazing, it worked!

Ball Bro: Sure did! Me and Boomerang Bro now just have to hook it up outside.

Boomerang Bro: And if anyone destroys it, we actually made copies of the same device for precautions!

Dr. Fusion: Awesome! I have a feeling MacFroogle will give you both promotions!

Ball Bro: Nice!

Dr. Fusion: Well, I have to go. Dry Bone Bro wants me and MacFroogle to meet him at the town hall for some "special" project he is working on.

Ball Bro: Okay!

Boomerang Bro: Can’t wait to find out what it is!

Dr. Fusion: True!

Dr. Fusion leaves the warehouse as Tom the Trout appears with several boxes of sleeper chips.

Tom the Trout: I have obtained the chips, master!

Dr. Fusion: Great! Just leave them inside with Ball Bro and Boomerang Bro. They’ll take care of it.

Tom the Trout: Yes, master!

Tom the Trout enters the warehouse as Dr. Fusion enters his cybertruck and drives off.




Mr. MacFroogle alongside Knish and Zeke, are shown being dragged through the grand, dimly-lit hall of Dreamcaster’s castle. Shadows dance ominously on the walls, manipulated by flickering torchlight. A chill whistles through the arched windows, rustling the heavy curtains.

Mr. MacFroogle: (struggling against his captors) You can’t do this! I’m the newly elected mayor of Pensacola! I have responsibilities! The citizens are counting on me!

Knish: (whispering nervously to Zeke) Why did we think stealing from his offering chest was a good idea again?

Zeke: (sweating) The boss said it was a quick way to fund our campaign! But... we didn’t think we’d get caught!

They suddenly arrive at a large, iron door adorned with nightmarish gargoyles. One of the soul stealers steps forward and pushes open the door, revealing a dark, damp throne room. Inside, chains rattle softly, resonating like ghostly whispers. Soon, the all-to-familiar figure of Dreamcaster is shown resting on his throne to greet them, accompanied by his raven Fawkes.

Dreamcaster: Ah, Mr. MacFroogle, Knish, and Zeke. Your antics have piqued my interest.

Knish: "gasps" Dreamcaster...

Zeke: I-I've heard so much about them heroes facing him... I-I didn't actually think he'd be real!

Mr. MacFroogle: (tries to muster authority) Dreamcaster! You should be grateful for my presence. A man of my capabilities shall bring order to your chaos! Let us negotiate my immediate release!

Dreamcaster paces around them.

Dreamcaster: Negotiate? From a thief? You mistake my hospitality, Mr. MacFroogle.

Fawkes: Shameful!

Dreamcaster: You see, your little escapade has consequences, and my dungeon is far more suitable for you three than the mayoral seat you wish to cling to.

Knish: (clutching his stomach nervously) I don’t think I can handle the dungeon, MacFroogle! I heard it’s filled with... with creatures!

Zeke: (eyes wide) I thought we were going to be rich, now we’re going to be... imprisoned souls! I-Is there any way to talk our way out of this, MacFroogle?

Mr. MacFroogle: (frantically; to Dreamcaster) Listen here! Pensacola needs me! I’ll fix your offerings. I can bring in a new tax plan that—

Dreamcaster raises a gloved hand, silencing MacFroogle’s protests.

Dreamcaster: (with a hint of amusement) Your plans mean little in the grand scheme of fate, MacFroogle. This is not simply an arrest; it’s fate tightening its grip around your spirit.

He signals to the soul stealers, who step forward, their hollow eyes glowing ominously.

Dreamcaster: (commanding) Lock them in the dungeon. Perhaps some time in the dark will help you realize the futility of your ambitions.

The soul stealers grab hold of MacFroogle, Knish, and Zeke, dragging them toward the iron door of the dungeon.

Mr. MacFroogle: (shouting) You’ll regret this, Dreamcaster! To imprison the future of Pensacola? I’m the rightful leader!

Dreamcaster: Is that so? By the time I’m done with you, your dreams of leadership will seem as fragile as the shadows that coat these walls.

As they reach the threshold of the dungeon, Knish stumbles, nearly falling, sending echoes of their plight reverberating down the haunted corridor.

Knish: (panicking) I didn’t sign up for a life of darkness! This isn’t part of our agreement!

Zeke: (sighing) And here I thought we’d be hosting the best fundraiser Pensacola has ever seen. (looks glum) Now we’re going to be a tale of caution.

With a flick of Dreamcaster’s wrist, the iron door creaks shut, the heavy sound reverberating ominously as they are sealed within.

Dreamcaster: (leaning against the door with a satisfied grin) Enjoy your stay, gentlemen. We shall see what your souls have to offer once the time comes to collect.

The echo of their protests fades as Dreamcaster walks away, leaving MacFroogle, Knish, and Zeke trapped in the cold, damp cell.

Mr. MacFroogle: "futilely struggling against the bars" No, no, no, this can't be happening! I-I got a city back out there to run!

Knish: Somebody help!

Zeke: Anybody!

Mr. MacFroogle: "sighs" I-I just hope my dear villains are taking care of things in my absence...




Sunny is seen in her house, watching TV.

Goodman: Breaking news! M’kay? MacFroogle’s Golf Emporium has recently been open for business! Anyone who is a big golf fan should come there and put their skills to the test!

The TV shuts off.

Sunny Funny: Well, I haven’t really played golf before. I’ll have to think about it one day-

Suddenly, a golf ball flies through and shatters a window and hits Sunny in the head.

Sunny Funny: Ouch! W-What the?!

Sunny notices MacFroogle’s Golf Emporium right outside her house.

Sunny Funny: The heck?! Why is that golf park right outside my home! One of the golf balls just smashed my window!

Sunny heads outside and enters the golf park where she sees Toy Chica and Withered Foxy preparing to hit a golf ball.

Toy Chica: Four!

Toy Chica strikes the golf ball and they watch as it bounces off a wall and lands in Sunny’s chimney.

Withered Foxy: Strike!

Sunny Funny: Um, did you two break my window with one of your golf balls?

Toy Chica: Pretty much.

Sunny Funny: Well, watch where you’re shooting next time! Soon enough, you could hit someone’s eye with that!

Withered Foxy: True, but you can never tell where your golf ball is going to fly at!

Sunny Funny: "sighs" Whatever.

Sunny leaves the golf park as Toy Chica and Withered Foxy return to their game, and heads into the city. She sees the Legion of Low Tide raiding a food truck. Toro is seen stuffing several burgers and tacos into his mouth while Mochi is seen making different ice creams and throwing them at nearby passerbys. One of them ends up hitting Maguro in the face.

Maguro: Ah, dang it!

Mochi: Sorry about that! How about some whipped cream?

Toro takes the whipped cream and sprays Maguro in the face with it as Mochi and the others laugh.

Maguro: You know that soon, we will stop you!

Titanium Chef: What are you talking about? The mayor came out with the Karma Houdini rule. We shall go unpunished no matter what we do!

The Legion of Low Tide laugh.

Unagi: Yeah! MacFroogle is a way better mayor than Crash!

Maguro: There is no mayor better than Crash-

A streetlight behind Maguro shapeshifts into Uni.

Uni: Well, looks like MacFroogle beat him out!

Maguro: Just forget it!

Mochi: Come on, Maguro! Why don't you just relax... "shakes up a soda can and aims it in Maguro's face" and have a drink!

Mochi sprays Maguro in the face with soda, causing her to stumble backward and get repeatably sprayed with soda cans by the LOLT as they laugh at her misfortune. Sunny sighs again, feeling helpless.

Sunny Funny: Man, ever since MacFroogle took over, the whole city has gone downhill. I even heard from Jesse that the Scavengers kept raiding his and his friend’s temple and making off with their loot.

Sunny leaves, only to bump into a large stone wall. She then starts feeling it in confusion.

Sunny Funny: What the?! Where did this wall come from?!

???: Greetings, Sunny!

Sunny turns around to see Ridley and his fellow allies having begun working on constructing a massive stone wall surrounding the entire city.

Ridley: So, what do you think? Me and my men decided to start building a wall around the city to keep MacFroogle's people in, and intruders out! Cool, right?

Sunny Funny: No, it’s not! How are people supposed to move into the city?!

Ridley: I don’t know. Maybe Shelbyville?

Sunny Funny: And go to a rival town like that, no thank you!

Ridley: Well, it’s just a new life you’ll have to adjust to! I mean Beacontown and Robloxia are also in MacFroogle's control as well.

Sunny Funny: What?!? But MacFroogle's not even the mayor in those cities! Jesse and Builderman are!

Ridley: True, but they moved their cities near Pensacola so technically they’re part of Pensacola. Hereby, MacFroogle controls those cities and he may use them how he wants.

Sunny Funny: He can’t do that!

A-01 Springfield: Hey, flower girl! MacFroogle is the mayor, therefore he gets to do whatever he wants!

Mother Brain: Now, begone! We must finish construction of this wall while MacFroogle checks up on whatever Dry Bone Bro is working on.

Sunny groans in frustration as she storms off.

Sunny Funny: Wait, Dry Bone Bro? Wasn’t he the traitor during the Cliffhanger Wars? What is going on?

Sunny continues looking around at all the chaos the villains and Scavengers are causing in the city, with the heroes and law enforcement unable to intervene without order from the Roblox military to stand down or face consequences.

Dave Miller: (to Molly and the military) You got to round up those Scavengers! They've cleaned out my entire inventory!

Black Yoshi: Them villains are taking control of all the KFCs and banning black folks from them!

Molly: Everyone, stay where you are! Take another step, and we will have to use force!

Sunny Funny: "sighs" Man, all of the villains are turning the city into their own personal playground, but me and the other heroes can do nothing about it. I even heard that Brooklyn Guy and Simmons lost their police jobs because apparently, Mr. MacFroogle is planning a new law enforcement.

Suddenly, Sunny hears noises coming from a nearby bush.

Sunny Funny: The heck? What’s in that bush over there?

Sunny approaches the bush.

Sunny Funny: Um, hello?

???: "voice" Hey. C-Come a little closer...

Sunny Funny: Uh, okay?

Sunny leans in closer.

Suddenly, an arm grabs Sunny and pulls her into the bush.

Sunny: Ah, what the?!

???: "voice" Don’t move!

Sunny Funny: What the, w-who are you?

The figure is revealed to be a female LEGO minifigure with light blue hair with purple and red highlights and wearing goggles and a black jacket.

LEGO Minifigure: That isn’t important. Right now, you and the others have no idea what you’ve just gotten into.

Sunny Funny: Huh? What are you talking about?

LEGO Minifigure: You know the new mayor who replaced the old one?

Sunny Funny: Um yeah? You mean Mr. MacFroogle?

LEGO Minifigure: Yes. Whatever you do, you cannot trust him at all. He is no good.

Sunny Funny: What do you mean?

LEGO Minifigure: When I ended up here, I encountered someone who knew him and I found out from them that he is a cruel and tyrannical person who cares about nobody but himself.

Sunny Funny: Man... T-That really explains a lot. Right now, he’s letting all of the criminals run amok and he won’t let me and the others put them in prison.

LEGO Minifigure: Of course. Since he benefits all of the subjects who remain loyal to him and ensures no one tries to stop him or them. He does everything in his power to make sure he remains unopposed.

Sunny Funny: Dang, he’s like no one I’ve ever seen before.

LEGO Minifigure: Right. Basically, he is like a chestmaster obsessed with playing cards and he uses his subjects to control us, the decks.

Sunny Funny: Kind or explains everything.

LEGO Minifigure: True. Anyways, my name is Lucy, but most people call me Wyldstyle. What about you?

Sunny Funny: Sunny Funny.

Wyldstyle: Cool! Anyways, remember. Don’t trust MacFroogle. He may be nice and handsome on the outside, but on the inside, he’s an insane sociopath.

Sunny Funny: Man, he even fooled me.

Wyldstyle: Exactly, he fools everyone. And most of the time, by the time everyone finds out, it’s too late.

Sunny Funny: Well, there has to be some way to stop this guy!

Wyldstyle: Well, when I ended up here, me and the others came across a hidden area in the forest.

Sunny Funny: Okay, so where is this- Wait, what do you mean others?

Wyldstyle: Well, their names are-

Suddenly, Past Buckaroo and Terrovax’s voices are heard in the distance.

Past Buckaroo: "voice" Hey, what’s that flower girl doing in the bush?

Terrovax: "voice" What is she up to?

Wyldstyle: Sorry, I have to go! I’ll tell you later!

Wyldstyle leaps over the wall and disappears.

Sunny Funny: No, no, no, wait, wait, wait, wait!

Terrovax and Past Buckaroo arrive and drag her out of the bush.

Terrovax: So, what are you up to, flower girl?

Sunny Funny: Um...

Past Buckaroo: Why were you in that bush?

Sunny: I um.... accidentally tripped and fell in.

Terrovax: Um, okay?

Past Buckaroo: Don’t know how that happens. Well, don't waste our time like that again!

Past Buckaroo and Terrovax leave before Sunny breathes a sigh of relief.

Sunny Funny: That was a close one-

Wyldstyle: (offscreen) Hey.

Sunny looks up and sees Wyldstyle on top of the wall.

Wyldstyle: "whispering" Meet me outside the walls at night and I’ll show you the place.

Sunny Funny: Ok, but how do I get out?

Wyldstyle: I don’t know. MacFroogle's men made these walls out of a combination of vibranium, bedrock and obsidian. Seems like you’ll need to find your own way out. Just make sure nobody follows you.

Sunny Funny: Got it.

Wyldstyle: Anyways, I have to go. Be careful.

Wyldstyle leaps off the wall and disappears again.

Sunny Funny: Man, well that was strange. But it looks like I’ll have to give Wyldstyle my word. So, wait until night? I guess I can try.

Sunny leaves.




At the town hall, Dr. Fusion is seen arriving to meet up with Dry Bone Bro. He soon enters a hidden room, looking around for him.

Dr. Fusion: (calling out) Dry Bone Bro, you in here?

Dry Bone Bro leans against a table, arms crossed, his bony frame cast in shadow. He looks up, a grin spreading across his skeletal face.

Dry Bone Bro: In the flesh—sort of. Right over here, Doc!

Dr. Fusion strides over, a sparkle of curiosity in his eyes.

Dr. Fusion: I can’t wait to see what you’ve been working on! I’ve heard whispers about this project of yours. It must be monumental!

Dry Bone Bro: (chuckling sinisterly) Monumental? You could say that. But before we get into details, where's Mayor MacFroogle?

Dr. Fusion straightens up, looking around the empty room.

Dr. Fusion: I thought he was supposed to be here by now. Did he say anything when you spoke earlier?

Dry Bone Bro: (sighing dramatically) He was supposed to be here at noon. The clock is ticking, and my patience is wearing thin.

Dr. Fusion: (frowning) Well, he’s the mayor. You know how it goes; meetings, calls, probably stuck in traffic.

Dry Bone Bro's eyes narrow, his skeletal finger tapping on the tabletop impatiently.

Dry Bone Bro: No MacFroogle, no secret project reveal. That was the deal!

Dr. Fusion: (concerned) But we can’t just sit here. Perhaps we should give him a call?

Dry Bone Bro: (waving his hand dismissively) No phone calls! This project is too important to be discussed without him. I need his approval once he sees it.

Dr. Fusion: (leaning in eagerly) I understand, but—

Dry Bone Bro interrupts, raising a hand unexpectedly.

Dry Bone Bro: No, no "buts." This is how it goes. If MacFroogle isn’t here, the project remains under wraps. I won’t risk a leak.

Dr. Fusion glances toward the door, biting his lip.

Dr. Fusion: What do you want me to do? Shall I play messenger? I can round up the other villains to help, maybe they’ve seen him.

Dry Bone Bro: Now you’re thinking! Go grab them. Maybe a good villain gathering can shake some sense into MacFroogle!

Dr. Fusion: (nodding seriously) Alright, I’ll track them down.

Dry Bone Bro straightens up, energy returning to his bony figure.

Dry Bone Bro: Excellent! Ensure you tell them to put the fear of the underworld into good ol’ MacFroogle if they see him out there.

Dr. Fusion: (with a wink) Got it. A little villainous camaraderie might just do the trick.

Dr. Fusion heads toward the exit, glancing back at Dry Bone Bro, who is now rubbing his hands together, bubbling with anticipation.

Dr. Fusion: And don’t you dare reveal a single detail until I’m back with the mayor!

Dry Bone Bro: (grinning) Oh please! I could never betray our glorious revelation for a mere premature announcement!

As Dr. Fusion exits the Town Hall, Dry Bone Bro stares at the door, a glint of excitement in his empty sockets.

Dry Bone Bro: (to himself) Just you wait, MacFroogle. This secret project is going to shake up Pensacola—one way or another.

Dry Bone Bro begins looking at the clock in preparation.




Back at Dreamcaster's castle, MacFroogle, Knish and Zeke are still locked up in the dungeon.

Mr. MacFroogle: (rattling the rusty bars of the cell) Well, this is a fine predicament we’ve found ourselves in! Locked up like vegetables in a pantry!

Zeke: (examining the walls) Vegetables that can turn into a stew if we’re not careful. We need to think, MacFroogle! There must be a way to get out of here!

Knish: (grumbling) I could break this door down easily! They have no idea who they’re dealing with! I’ll just need a big, heavy object...

Zeke: A heavy object, or a miracle? Look over there! (points to an old skeleton slumped against the wall) That poor soul’s hand is still clutching something!

Mr. MacFroogle: (leaning closer) What are you suggesting? We dig the old finger out? It seems a bit… morbid, doesn’t it?

Zeke: (adjusting his glasses) Desperate times call for desperate measures! If we can use that skeleton’s fingertip as a makeshift key, we might just unlock this door.

Knish: (smirking) Fresh out of ideas, eh, MacFroogle? Alright, let’s give the old bones a hand! Hah!

The trio moves to the skeleton, retrieving the finger with its bony protrusions still intact. Once back at the cell door, Zeke carefully inserts the fingertip into the lock and jiggles it.

Zeke: (hopeful) Just a little more... Come on!

With a loud click, the cell door swings open. They exchange elated glances, bursting with anticipation.

Mr. MacFroogle: (whispering) Freedom awaits! Let’s not waste a moment!

They sneak through the dimly lit halls of the castle, hearts pounding in unison. Suddenly, a chilling noise echoes behind them. The soul stealers appear from the shadows.

Soul Stealer 1: (hissing) Escapees! Capturing you shall be a delight!

Knish: (raising his fists) Delight this!

With a swift motion, Knish charges at the nearest soul stealer, creating a brief commotion, but they quickly regroup and give chase as MacFroogle, Knish, and Zeke sprint away.

Mr. MacFroogle: (breathless) Faster, faster! They’re right on our heels!

Zeke: (glancing back) There’s the front bridge! We can-

As they approach the bridge, Dreamcaster and Fawkes suddenly materialize in front of them wearing a mocking grin.

Dreamcaster: (arms crossed) And where do you think you’re going, little thieves?

Mr. MacFroogle: (backing up nervously) Uh, planning a friendly game of tag? Nothing too sinister!

Dreamcaster: (gloating) You’re far too late! The castle is sealed tighter than a clam in a tide pool!

Suddenly, with a swift motion, MacFroogle lunges for Fawkes, grasping him by the feathers.

Mr. MacFroogle: (shouting) Hold it right there! I’ll wring this feathered fiend if you don’t back off!

Fawkes: (squawking nervously) Spare me! Spare me! I’m just a raven!

Dreamcaster: You wouldn’t dare! That’s my beloved companion!

Mr. MacFroogle: (grinning wickedly) Oh, I would, oh, I will! Now, you all back off, unless you fancy a bald raven for lunch!

Soul Stealer 2: (hesitating) He’s bluffing! What's a raven to a master of the void?

Dreamcaster: (gritting teeth) Stand down, or your fate will be sealed here and now!

The tension crackles in the air, but slowly, the soul stealers retreat, and Dreamcaster fidgets with uncertainty.

Mr. MacFroogle: (glaring) That’s right! Now, let’s talk business. You’re plotting against the heroes, aren’t you, Dreamcaster?

Dreamcaster: (sighing) And why should I reveal my plans to a mere mayor?

Mr. MacFroogle: (puffing out his chest) A "mere mayor" who has conquered Pensacola and knows how to control its peons! I now hold the lives of its residents in my hands. Imagine what we could do together!

Zeke: (eyes widening) You mean to say you’re in charge of the heroes' lives too? That gives us leverage!

Dreamcaster: (smirking) Teaming up against heroes, how delightful. But I require assurances you hold up your end of the bargain.

Mr. MacFroogle: (nodding) I can deliver those rebellious heroes to your doorstep, should you help me dispatch my enemies.

Dreamcaster pauses, considering the proposition, then extends his hand with a sinister smile.

Dreamcaster: An alliance, then. Together, we shall bring the heroes to their knees!

Knish: (pounding his fists together) Now that’s the spirit! Let’s wreak some havoc!




Inside one of the abandoned warehouses, Dr. Fusion had gathered up all the villains to discuss MacFroogle's mysterious disappearance.

Dr. Fusion: (assertively) Listen up, everyone! We need to discuss the recent disappearance of Mr. MacFroogle. His absence is unsettling, and his position as mayor is crucial for our plans. Any ideas where he might be?

Toy Chica: Maybe he got cold feet. Perhaps he’s realizing that being a part of our little circle isn’t as cozy as he thought.

SCP-173: Let him go, I say. The heroes will tear him apart, and we can take his seat. Who needs him?

Dr. Fusion: (slamming his fist on the table) Enough! We need a strategy, not chatter. We can’t let the heroes take advantage of this situation. We need to find out what happened!

Just then, the air shimmers, and a bright portal opens in the middle of the room. The blinding light reveals MacFroogle, flanked by Knish, Zeke, Dreamcaster and Fawkes.

Mr. MacFroogle: (flashing a smile) Sorry to keep you in suspense, my fellow ne'er-do-wells. I come bearing…well, let’s just say some interesting developments!

Dr. Fusion: (surprised and angered) You! Where have you been? We needed you!

Knish: (claps Dr. Fusion on the shoulder) Relax, doc! He’s back now. Let him explain.

Zeke: (grinning) Looks like someone had a bit of a wild adventure.

Mr. MacFroogle: (waving them off) Adventure is one way to put it. I was initially held prisoner by Dreamcaster here. (gestures to Dreamcaster, who gives a slight bow) He had quite the charming setup... until I realized we could help each other.

Fawkes: (flapping his wings) Partnership, they say, makes the world go round!

A-01 Springtrap: (leaning forward, intrigued) So you struck a deal? What’s in it for us?

Dreamcaster: (with a wicked grin) Let’s just say I introduced Mr. MacFroogle to the concept of shared interests. If the heroes plan to move against him, they'll be facing us both. Plus, it gives all of my soul stealers plenty of spare time to

Dr. Fusion: (nodding approvingly) So, you’re telling us we can take advantage of your position as mayor as well as Dreamcaster’s powers against the heroes?

Mr. MacFroogle: Exactly!

Boomerang Bro: And it doesn’t stop there either! "holding out some sleeper chips" My brothers have made significant progress on the new sleeper chips.

Mr. MacFroogle: Excellent work! I propose we call them the MacFroogle Chips!

Ghasticon: (raising an eyebrow) You’re branding our tools now? I hope this doesn’t backfire...

Zeke: (genuinely excited) But imagine the chaos we could create with the MacFroogle Chips in play!

Uriah: And what about the wall? You didn’t hear? We've fortified the city. No hero dares to breach it.

Mr. MacFroogle: (his smile broadening) Perfect! Between the wall and the chips, we are practically untouchable. Once the heroes make their move, they'll be in for quite the surprise!

Dr. Fusion: (grinning, energized) Excellent work, everyone. Now, we need a unified front moving forward. We can schedule mass-production for the MacFroogle Chips, and I want updates on the wall’s reinforcement.

Mr. MacFroogle: Sounds great!

Dr. Fusion: (to Mr. MacFroogle) Oh, and while we’re at it, I’ve got something special to show you. Dry Bone Bro has been working on a secret project at the town hall that will blow all this right out of the water!

Mr. MacFroogle: (intrigued) Secret project? What kind of project are we talking about?

Dr. Fusion: You’ll just have to come with me to find out. Trust me; it’s worth it.

Fawkes: (cawing dramatically) Secrets abound! Secrets to keep, secrets to reveal!

Mr. MacFroogle: Then it’s settled. Let’s head to the town hall and see what Dry Bone Bro has in store for us. Who knows? This could be the turning point we’ve all been waiting for!

MacFroogle and Dr. Fusion leave for the town hall.

Ghasticon: As for everyone else, back to your duties.




Upon arriving to the town hall, MacFroogle and Dr. Fusion finally meet up with Dry Bone Bro.

Dry Bone Bro: Hey, boss! I see that you made it!

Mr. MacFroogle: Sure did! I apologize for the delay, had to retrieve some last-minute recruits. So, what’s this "special" project you wanted to show me?

Dry Bone Bro: Well, actually I’m working on some last-minute touches. I’ll let you know when it is finished.

Mr. MacFroogle: Alright. Well, I think I’ll head to the office to discuss more plans with the others.

Dr. Fusion: True.

Dry Bone Bro: Alright!

Mr. MacFroogle and Dr. Fusion enter an elevator while Dry Bone Bro enters a door labeled “Courtyard” and shuts the door.




MacFroogle is seen speaking to Xyloto and Ghasticon in his office.

Mr. MacFroogle: Okay, so, I called you two in here because I just realized, that when people start to attack my bunker or rebel against me, you two will be in charge of making sure nobody gets in. What do you think?

Ghasticon: Sounds great!

Xyloto: Nice! And maybe, it can help me get over what happened on March 3rd a few years ago.

Ghasticon: Pardon?

Mr. MacFroogle: What do you mean?

Xyloto: I think I may have blurred my mouth out..

Ghasticon: What happened on March 3rd?

Xyloto: Um. I’d rather not speak of that date.

Mr. MacFroogle: You can tell us! We won’t tell the others.

Xyloto: Okay. Here is what happened.

As Xyloto is about to speaking, the camera zooms out to Dry Bone Bro talking to Admiral S. Swipe and Crazy Koopa.

Dry Bone Bro: So, it’s only about a few months left until AWR comes out!

Admiral S. Swipe: Awesome! Can’t wait!

Crazy Koopa: True! Can’t wait to see Dreamcaster take over the city!

PLA-1137: (voice) Actually, I sadly heard that Dreamcaster in the finale would ultimately be defeated-

Dry Bone Bro, Admiral S. Swipe and Crazy Koopa then start groaning.

Dry Bone Bro: Oh, great job Ms. Ruin the Picture for Me!

Admiral S. Swipe: You just HAD to give it off!

PLA-1137: (voice) Sorry!

Dry Bone Bro: Well, I need to get back to working on my grand project.

Dry Bone Bro heads outside once again. The camera then zooms back inside MacFroogle’s office where MacFroogle, Ghasticon and Xyloto are finished listening to Xyloto's story.

Ghasticon: Okay. We promise not to tell the others.

Xyloto: Thanks.

Mr. MacFroogle: Anyways, your depths will soon be paid. Now, go!

Ghasticon and Xyloto leave as the Bacon Colonel and Ghasticon enter the office.

Bacon Colonel: Greetings, boss.

Mr. MacFroogle: Hello again! So, what did you come here for?

Bacon Colonel: Are you sure that all of those Koopa Bros you recruited will be useful in the plan?

Mr. MacFroogle: I’m a hundred percent sure!

Ghasticon: After all, what did we recruit them for? Just so they can have a nice vacation?

Some shifting noises are heard.

Bacon Colonel: What is that noise?

Dry Bone Bro: (from outside) I DID IT!!!!

Mr. MacFroogle: I’ll go check. By the way, how are you doing with your share of the city, Ghasticon?

Ghasticon: Oh, I’m doing great! Just recently, I won a bet with Palpatine over control of the Villain Pub! It’s been renamed to the Ghost Pub!

Mr. MacFroogle: Cool! Also, what did Palpatine have to do for losing?

Ghasticon: Well...

The scene cuts to Palpatine with his head locked in the stocks as several people including Darth Vader throw fruit at him.

Darth Vader: Ooh, headshot!

Palpatine: "sighs" This is so humiliating.

The scene cuts back to Mr. MacFroogle.

Mr. MacFroogle: Anyways, I’m going to see what Dry Bone Bro is up to.

MacFroogle leaves.




MacFroogle and Dr. Fusion are seen entering the courtyard outside the town hall. His expression goes from wide confused to an awe expression in no less then two seconds.

Mr. MacFroogle: Sweet Lord Almighty...

Dr. Fusion: Whoa...

A MASSIVE shiny silver aircraft that is resembled like a Koopa is seen. Dry Bone Bro then appears.

Dry Bone Bro: Do you like it?

Mr. MacFroogle: D-Did you make that?!

Dry Bone Bro: Sure did! With the help of my friends!

Mr. MacFroogle: AWESOME!! That looks amazing for my scheme!

Dr. Fusion: Agreed!

Dry Bone Bro: True. When things get out of hand, I will use this "big baby of a bolt" to help in our plans! I will make sure that the city stays in hand when I put this thing into action!

Mr. MacFroogle: Sweet!

Dry Bone Bro: And the best thing about this is that it can also send out numerous more aircrafts that are big, but less smaller to cause more destruction to the city! This thing will totally come in hand when you think our plans will be crumbling apart!

Mr. MacFroogle: Awesome! I am giving you a golden promotion for this!

Dr. Fusion: Wait, what now?

Dry Bone Bro: Yes! Especially with this new feature I added in!

Dry Bone Bro pushes a button, causing a massive laser cannon to emerge from the ship and fire at a nearby Taco Bell, destroying it and causing the sign to fall.

Sonic: (in the distance) Not my car again!

Mr. MacFroogle: Amazing! Anyways, as for that promotion, you’ll be put in charge of one of my upcoming projects soon!

Dry Bone Bro: Cool! Can’t wait to find out what it is!

MacFroogle and Dry Bone Bro leave as Dr. Fusion stays behind to look at the ship for a behind.

Dr. Fusion: A masterpiece he says? Well, we'll see about that...

Dr. Fusion leaves as the scene fades to black, ending the chapter.



Synopsis: Suspicions begin rising about Mr. MacFroogle’s intentions so Kani decides to investigate to find out what he is up to. Meanwhile, as night arrives, Sunny sneaks out of the city to meet up with Wyldstyle and meet the others...


At MacFroogle's Golf Emporium, Mr. MacFroogle is seen placing his golf ball on top of Little Buddy’s shell. Little Buddy is seen nearby covering himself with a towel.

Little Buddy: Um, when can I have my shell back? It’s been like three hours!

Mr. MacFroogle: I said when I’m tired of playing! Anyways, four!

MacFroogle strikes the golf ball, sending it flying through a building and landing in a hole.

Mr. MacFroogle: Oh yes! I haven’t lost my skill!

Little Buddy: (sighs to himself) Does MacFroogle really need to use my shell as a golf rest? I mean, what’s next? Are they going to use it as a bowl or something- HEY!

Past Buckaroo is seen using Little Buddy’s shell as a popcorn bowl.

Past Buckaroo: Man, this can hold a lot of popcorn!


Little Buddy chases Past Buckaroo out of the golf park.




Sunny and Crystal are seen talking to each other.

Sunny Funny: So, what do you think of Mr. MacFroogle?

Crystal: Well, I thought he was nice at first, but I’m seriously starting to question his handling of the city.

Sunny Funny: True. I mean letting criminals do how they please? Crash would never enforce that rule! Especially since the Scavengers are running amok!

Crystal: True! I even heard that some stores had to shut down because the Scavengers cleaned them out of all of their supplies!

Sunny Funny: Geez! If this keeps up, the city will be down to its knees!

The two then hear arguing nearby.

Sunny Funny: What is that?

Crystal: I don’t know.

The two head to the nearest area and find Jenny arguing with Dark Tari and PLA-1137.

Crystal: The heck?

Sunny: Why is Jenny arguing with Dark Tari and PLA-1137?

Crystal: Beats me.

Jenny Wakeman: I keep telling you! Stay off of my property! I literally had to pick up your trash that you keep leaving on my lawn!

PLA-1137: So?

Dark Tari: Mr. MacFroogle enforced the new litterbug rule. We get to litter now.

Jenny Wakeman: Oh, really? Well, to me, Mr. MacFroogle is a no good smelly tyrannical a**hole!

Dark Tari and PLA-1137 gasp.

Dark Tari: You take that back right now!

PLA-1137: You don’t want to get the "penalty", do you?

Jenny Wakeman: Oh, so what is it? Massaging his feet for a few minutes? To me, that sounds like the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard!

PLA-1137: How dare you?!

Jenny Wakeman: And you know what?! I’m getting sick of all of these new rules being enforced! You and the other villains are nothing but sick twisted immature 7-year olds!

Jenny punches PLA-1137 in the face, shattering her visor.

Sunny: Oh!

Crystal: Man, she got her good!

Dark Tari: "outraged" SEIZE HER!

Terrovax and Xyloto appear behind Jenny and grab her by her arms.

Terrovax: Oh, you’re in big trouble, you little s**t!

PLA-1137: You really... shouldn’t have done that.

Dark Tari: Just for that, you just earned yourself a one way ticket to MacFroogle!

Terrovax and Xyloto drag Jenny away.

Jenny Wakeman: I have no regrets about this! Soon, MacFroogle will fall and you will all lose your freedom!

Dark Tari: "laughs" Just wait till you see what MacFroogle has in store for you.

Sunny Funny: What are they doing with her?!

Crystal: I don’t know!

MacFroogle’s voice is heard on the megaphone.

Mr. MacFroogle: "voice Attention, everyone. Please report to the town hall. I need to teach one of your people a lesson..

Sunny Funny: Oh no..

Crystal: This doesn’t sound good..

The two leave.




Everyone is seen meeting up at the town hall.

Frylock: Man, Jenny got arrested for punching a villain?

Meatwad: I know!

Parappa: That’s not fair at all!

Zoe Aves: Now, I’m starting to suspect MacFroogle.

MacFroogle appears on the stage.

Mr. MacFroogle: Attention, everyone. Recently, local resident Jenny Wakeman has gotten prosecuted for violating Rule #61: No assaulting my subjects. For violating that rule, I’m going to inflict one of my "penalties" upon her for disobeying my rule. As in teaching her a lesson to not question my authority again. (To Terrovax and Xyloto) Bring her in.

Terrovax and Xyloto shove Jenny onto the stage.

Jenny Wakeman: Um... W-What are you doing?

Mr. MacFroogle: Jenny Wakeman. I’d have to say I am disappointed that you chose to break one of my rules. Therefore, I have no choice but to inflict one of my penalties on you.

Paula Fox: Um, what’s a penalty?

Mr. MacFroogle: Glad you asked that. The penalties are a bunch of actions that me and my subjects inflict upon disobedient citizens to put them back in line. They can range from humiliating, a bit painful and worse, mind-breaking. (To himself) The last part is my favorite. Anyways, let’s see what fate we have in store for you.

Dark Tari appears on stage with a hat full of notes. MacFroogle takes a note out and reads it.

Mr. MacFroogle: Oh yes, this is a good one!

Jenny Wakeman: What is it?

Mr. MacFroogle: ...Tell everyone your most traumatic experience!

Jenny and everyone gasps.

Jenny Wakeman: No, I can’t!

Mr. MacFroogle: Alright then. If you don’t want to, perhaps you can spend the rest of the day.. in the pit.

Past Buckaroo is shown opening a wooden trapdoor nearby, revealing a deep hole inside.

Jenny Wakeman: Um, a-alright! I’d rather give in rather than spend a day in the ground.

Mr. MacFroogle: That’s the spirit! Now, go to the microphone and say every last detail of your past out loud! Enough that the whole city can hear!

Jenny Wakeman: O-Okay...

Jenny heads to the microphone.

Sunny Funny: Man...

Crystal: That sounds wrong. Having her admit her past in front of the entire city by force?

Parappa: I know. Usually, they get to choose whenever.

Jenny Wakeman: Um, hey everyone. So anyways, as part of my penalty, I must tell all of you about my past. If I don’t, it’s a day in the pit. But anyways, here’s what happened.

Past Buckaroo and Past Saiko are seen in lawn chairs eating popcorn.

Past Saiko: Get on with the show!

Past Buckaroo: My popcorn is getting stale!

Jenny: Alright! But anyways...

As Jenny explains her backstory, a bunch of flashbacks begin.


AUGUST 15th, 2018



Two figures are seen on a large aircraft ship.

??? 1: "flashback" So, “CENSORED”, when is our next attack?

??? 2: "flashback" I am currently choosing a location, “CENSORED”. Then, we shall send our troops to strike.

??? 1: "flashback" Okay.

??? 2: "flashback" Here’s one location! It’s called Tremorton.

??? 1: "flashback" Cool. Maybe we should attack that place! It seems good for our fifth target!

??? 2: "flashback" You sure have a bright mind, “CENSORED”.

The screen cuts to black.




Jenny is seen sitting on a bench. Two humans, one that is tall with spikes red-orange hair, black shirt, white sweater, khaki pants and black shoes and one that is rather small with black hair, a red shirt with a black collar and a black stripe in the middle, blue jeans and black shoes appear and sit next to her.

???: "flashback" Hey, Jenny!

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback; to the tall person" Hey, Brad, (to the small person) hey, Tuck!

Tuck: "flashback" What are you doing out here all alone?

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Nothing. I thought I’d just watch the sunset.

Brad: "flashback" So, that explains why you were gone for 30 minutes straight!

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Pretty much.

Another human with black hair wearing a brown sweater with an album hoodie, white shirt, blue-grey pants, black and white shoes and two specks (which could either be freckles or acne) on his cheeks appears.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Hey, Sheldon!

Sheldon: "flashback" Hi, Jenny! Lovely day, isn’t it?

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Sure is. Well, I need to go home and meet mom. I’ll see you all soon!

Brad: "flashback" Bye!

Jenny leaves.




A female scientist with white hair, red lab goggles with onyx eyes, a black turtleneck, pointed nose, a yellow button-down coat and with heels matching the color of her coat is seen.

???: "flashback" When is Jenny coming back? She’s two hours late!

Jenny then enters the house.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Hey, mom!

???: "flashback" Jenny! Where were you?! I was worried sick about you!

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Mom.. I went outside to watch the sunset..

???: "flashback" Don’t “mom” me, young lady! You need to go clean your room. It is a horrible mess!

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Mom.. why do you always nag me around?

???: "flashback" First of all, I am doing what a parent does best, taking care of their child. And second of all, you had me worried sick all day. Now, go to your room and think about what you’ve done.

Jenny: flashback; sighs" Fine mom..

Jenny leaves.

???: "flashback" Or as she would soon be calling me, Nora Wakeman. After all, I created her. Well, before her, I did have some prototypes..

Nora leaves.




The two figures from earlier are seen in their spaceship heading towards Tremorton. The figures are revealed to be Dave and Glow.

Dave: "flashback" So, this is Tremorton. The perfect city to destroy..

Glow: "flashback" It looks big and wide. Sorry to have to do this.. but, a job must always be done!

Dave: "flashback" True. Anyways, send out our troops. And then, we will strike again..

Glow: "flashback On it.

Glow leaves. Meanwhile, Jenny is seen in her room frowning while cleaning up.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Why must my mom always boss me around? Man! Life just can’t end up getting worse than this.. Can it?

While Jenny continues to clean her room, a large shadow covers her up.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Huh?

Jenny turns around and is horrified to see a MASSIVE ship approaching towards the city.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" What the hell?! What is that?!

Jenny heads towards the window and opens it up. Inside the ship, Dave is seen. Glow then enters.

Glow: "flashback" Dave, our troops are ready to carry out the threat.

Dave: "flashback" Good. Leave nobody alive. I want to see nothing but pain and suffering. We exit the ship now.

Glow: "flashback" Got it!

Dave and Glow then leave. Jenny continues to stare at the ship with a shocked expression.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" S**t! It’s an invasion! I have to warn mom!

Jenny leaves.




Nora is seen downstairs conducting an experiment with potions on a robot.

Nora Wakeman: "flashback" Almost finished.. and..

Jenny then appears and screams causing Nora to drop the potions on the floor spilling a leak.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" MOM!

Nora Wakeman: JENNY! WHAT IS IT?! I was almost finished with making you a little brother!

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" No time, mom! There is another invasion on the city!

Nora Wakeman: "flashback" What?!

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Come look!

Nora Wakeman: "flashback" Okay!

Nora and Jenny leave the house. Outside, Nora stares in total shock upon seeing the spaceship heading towards the city.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Is Vexus planning yet another invasion on the city again?

Nora Wakeman: "flashback" It’s not an invasion Jenny.. it’s the last one..

Brad, Tuck and Sheldon appear.

Brad: "flashback" Jenny? What is going on?

Tuck: "flashback" Why is there a giant spaceship in the city?

Sheldon: "flashback" Oh dear..

Out of the ship, hordes of robots exit out using ropes and ladders. Many civilians come out of their homes in shock to see the robots, who look at them dead in the eyes.

Citizen 1: "flashback" Um, hello?

Robot Leader: "flashback" Fire at will.

The robots draw out guns and start firing at citizens, killing many.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" WHAT THE F***?!


Nora Wakeman: "flashback" This is something that Vexus would never do!

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" WHAT DO WE DO, MOM?!

Nora Wakeman: "flashback" WE LEAVE THE CITY, NOW!

Sheldon: "flashback" Okay!

The five run off. Not long after, Glow spots them running off.

Glow: "flashback" Dave, I see some people trying to escape the city.

Dave: "flashback" Right. I’m sending some troops to break their efforts.

Glow: "flashback" Okay!




Jenny, Brad, Tuck, Sheldon and Nora are seen running off to the airport. A female robot with dark burgundy “hair”, two thin black antenna-like ends on her head, green eyes and black pupils appears. She also has a thin V-shaped chest plate with a yellow orb in the center, and a thin black waist. Her arms have four segments, and she has thin black fingers. Following up, her skirt is striped burgundy and lime green and she wears burgundy pants and black boots.

Robot: "flashback" Jenny?! What is going on out there?!

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Vega! The city is under attack by some crazy robots! We have to leave the city, now!

Vega: "flashback" Okay!

As the six are about to leave, robot troops appear out of the ceiling.

Robot 4: "flashback" Sorry. No time for vacations.

The robots then fire at the five, hitting Brad in the arm.

Brad: "flashback" GAH!

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" BRAD! (To the robot) You..

Jenny activates her arm cannon and blasts the robot to smithereens. More robots see this.

Robot 6: "flashback; laughs" Big mistake..

The robot then blasts Tuck in the head, killing him.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" NO.. NOO!! TUCK!!

Nora Wakeman: "flashback WE NEED TO LEAVE, NOW!!

Brad: "flashback" DEAR GOD, TUCK!

The remaining five leave behind Tuck’s corpse. One of the robots speak into a wireless walkie-talkie.

Robot 2: "flashback" We got one of them.

Dave: "flashback; voice" Good. Me and Glow will arrive and help you take care of the rest as the rest of our troops destroy the city.

Robot 2: "flashback" Okay.

The robot turns the walkie-talkie off.




Jenny, Brad, Sheldon, Nora and Vega are seen heading inside the airplane.

Nora Wakeman: "flashback" Ok, we should be safe here-

Suddenly, a robot enters the plane and starts shooting at many passengers, killing them.

Sheldon: "flashback" NOT CLEAR. NOT CLEAR!

As the five back up, Brad suddenly gets decapitated.

Vega: "flashback" NO!!!

Robot 9: "flashback" Nowhere to run!

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" S***!

Jenny, Sheldon, Nora and Vega run into more robots.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Hang on!

Jenny activates her arm cannon and blasts the robots dead.

Jenny: "flashback" Okay! We need to leave!

The four continue running. That is when they encounter Glow.

Glow: "flashback" Sorry. But there is no escape!

Glow activates his knife arms and lunges at Jenny.

Vega: "flashback" LOOK OUT!

Vega steps in the way of Jenny, causing her to get stabbed by Glow.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" NO, NO, NO!! OH DEAR GOD!

Glow: "flashback" Fatal mistake!

Glow laughs evilly, before he slices upwards, killing Vega in the process. Not long after, Sheldon gets stabbed behind from another robot.

Sheldon: "flashback" AGH!

Nora Wakeman: "flashback" SHELDON!

Sheldon: "flashback" RUN! GO ON WITHOUT ME!

Robot 4: "flashback" The rest of you shall share the same fate.

Nora Wakeman: "flashback" JENNY, YOU HAVE TO LEAVE NOW!

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" But mom, what about you?!

Nora Wakeman: "flashback" JUST GO!

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Okay...

Jenny blasts a window clean open and is about to leave. She turns around and sees Nora. Suddenly, Nora gets sliced apart from her body by an unseen figure.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" MOM!! NOOOOO!!

???: "flashback" Now’s your drop..

Nora’s halves get kicked to the floor as they bleed rapidly. The figure is revealed to be Dave, who is seen with red eyes smiling evilly.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" NO.. NOO!!

Dave: "flashback; laughing" She had fulfilled her purpose.

Dave presses a button on his arm causing it to turn into a large blade.

Dave: "flashback; to Jenny" And so will you..

As Dave approaches Jenny, Jenny looses her balance and falls off the plane as she screams.

Dave: "flashback" Whatever. She’s dead to us.

Glow: "flashback" Now what?

Dave: "flashback" Keep destroying the city.

Robot 1: "flashback" Okay.

Dave, Glow and the robots leave the plane. Meanwhile, Jenny is seen on the ground covered with some dust and injuries. She gets up and looks at the plane with a saddened face. She then runs off.




Jenny Wakeman is now seen flying away from Tremorton. She then looks back at the city.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Okay.. I-I just hope nothing else happens-

Suddenly, the whole entire city of Tremorton explodes into pieces.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" ...

Jenny slowly falls to her knees in stunned silence as everything that had recently happened starts to loom over her. Finally, she lets out an anguished scream towards the heavens as the scene then cuts back to the present.




Jenny Wakeman: So, that’s what happened back then.

The villains look on unimpressed.

Mr. MacFroogle: Um, when I said every detail, I meant it.

Past Buckaroo: Yeah!

Jenny Wakeman: "sighs" Fine.


SEPTEMBER 17th, 2018



Some Elite Soldiers are seen at a pillager outpost having a conversation with some Pillagers.

Elite Soldier 4: "flashback" Look, we just want to borrow some of your weapons. Our general will be delighted in deed to use them for his war in February of next year.

Pillager 2: "flashback" Sorry, but they are not up for sale.

Elite Soldier 2: "flashback" Well, would this change your mind?

The elite soldier reaches into his pocket and takes out some emeralds.

Pillager 3: "flashback" You had our curiosity, but now you have our attention. Feel free to take some weapons!

Elite Soldier 1: "flashback" Thanks!

???: "flashback" Um, hello?

Pillager 3: "flashback" Who said that?

They turn to their right and see Jenny.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Hi. Do you know where I can find a nearby location to stay the night at?

Pillager 1: "flashback" What is a robot doing here at our outpost?

Elite Soldier 3: "flashback" Hold on, I’m going to dial a number real fast.

The elite soldier then takes his phone out and calls an unknown number.

Elite Soldier 3: "flashback" Um, hello? Yeah, I think we found the robot you might be looking for. Yep. She’s right here at an outpost located at the forest close to Pensacola. You will? Ok, thanks. Bye!

The elite soldier hangs up.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Uh.. who were you on the phone with-

Suddenly, a helicopter is seen arriving nearby. Out of it, robots exit out of it.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" N-No...

Robot 3: "flashback" Alright. We’ve got you surrounded. Put your hands in the air.


Pillager 4: "flashback" We do it for the worthy of loot-

Jenny then activates her arm cannon and blasts the pillager in the heart killing him.

Elite Solider 1: "flashback" OH S***!!

The elite soldiers and pillagers pull out their guns and crossbows and fire and Jenny. The robots in addition, aid in the firing.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" You’ve gone way too far..

Jenny then turns into a super activated robot and starts firing numerous blasts at the robots, elite soldiers and pillagers killing multiple.

Elite Solider 1: "flashback" NO.. PLEASE...!

Jenny activates her knife arm and slits the elite soldier in the neck, who rapidly bleeds and gurgles in pain. Jenny grabs the elite soldier and throws him at the helicopter making it lose it’s force.

Robot Pilot: "flashback" RETREAT!!

The robots head back to their helicopter. Jenny sees this from a distance.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Oh no you don’t..

Jenny fires her arm cannon at the helicopter shooting it down. It lands on the outpost, destroying it and the helicopter to numerous pieces. Jenny then runs off.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Okay... that did NOT go as I expected...

Jenny leaves.




Jenny is seen wandering off deep into the forest. She soon comes to a stop and rests in front of a tree.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" My day just cannot get any worse than this.. I was nearly fed off to the robots by some blocky and green figures. How am I going to live like this?! My mother and my friends are gone...

Jenny buries her head in her knees.

???: "flashback; voice" Hey there, young one!

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Um..

Jenny turns to her left and sees an elderly anthropomorphic dog holding a stick with a yellow sweater with black dots, grey pants and brown shoes. The dog is also nearby a house.

Elderly Dog: "flashback" What seems to bother you, young lady?

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Um, hi?

Elderly Dog: "flashback" Hello! My name is Sloopy!

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Nice to meet you! I guess? My name is Jenny Wakeman. But, people prefer to call me by my first name.

Sloopy: "flashback" What are you doing out here in the cold? It is dead at night.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Well, I just got back from nearly being killed. I have been trying to find someone that can help me for hours on end now.

Sloopy: "flashback" Yikes.. You can come on in in my house! I have shelter around here that can help keep you warm!

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback Thanks, Sloopy!




Jenny is now seen inside Sloopy’s dorm-like house.

Sloopy: "flashback" So, what made you came all the way here?

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" My mother and friends died in an invasion back in Tremorton. We tried to escape, but a storm of robots killed everybody. I was the only remaining one who managed to escape. I later tried to find someone who could help, but I stumbled upon an outpost filled with blocky creatures wearing suits (Pillagers) and weird black-eyed green figures (Elite Soldiers) that tried to sell me out..

Sloopy: "flashback" Ouch.. reminds me of that time where I lost all my best friends in World War II..

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Wait.. how old are you?

Sloopy: "flashback" 103.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback; surprised" Woah! You used to serve as a soldier in World War II?

Sloopy: "flashback" Yes. My kids moved to Mexico in the summer to start a new life while my grand kids went to Australia for a good education!

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Cool! So, what do you usually do around here?

Sloopy: "flashback" Oh, nothing. Just try to peacefully enjoy my life being a complete loner after my wife died of old age last year.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" I’m sorry for your loss.

Sloopy: "flashback" Well, I’m mostly sorry for yours. Your loss was worse than mine..

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Thanks! Anyways, I think I will try getting some food for us.

Sloopy: "flashback" Sounds good! Maybe I can lead you the way out tomorrow. There is a city known as “Pensacola” that might help you find some people who can guide you through a new life! The mayor, Crash Bandicoot might be pleased to meet you!

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Nice! How did you know about the mayor’s name?

Sloopy: "flashback" Newspapers. The stuff always gets sent to me.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Cool! Anyways, I’ll go get some berries for us to eat.

Sloopy: "flashback" Sounds fine! Be careful of them wasps. They are total jerks..

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" I will!

Jenny leaves.




Jenny is seen holding a basket while putting in berries. She then picks up and looks at a rotten berry.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Ew.. not healthy..

Jenny throws the berry away.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Alright. That seems enough to feed me and Sloopy! I think I will head back to his house.

As Jenny is about to head back, she sees smoke in the distance.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Um, what is that?

Jenny then runs to the smoke. As she clears off a path of trees, she is horrified to see robots burning down Sloopy’s house with a flamethrower.

Robot 2: "flashback" BUURRN BABY BURRRN!!! HAHAHAHA!!

Robot 3: "flashback" OH, THE HUMANITY!!!

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" NO!!

The robots see Jenny.

Robot 5: "flashback" There you are..

Robot 8: "flashback" GET HER!

The robots draw guns and aim at Jenny. Jenny then blasts lasers at the robots with her eyes.

Robot 4: "flashback" OH S**T-

The robot is destroyed through the chest by the laser. Jenny then kills the other robots before running inside the burning house. She drops the basket of berries when sees Sloopy on the floor heavily bleeding.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" SLOOPY!!

Sloopy: "flashback" J-Jenny?

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" SLOOPY! NO!

Jenny rushes over to Sloopy.

Sloopy: "flashback" Jenny.. you have to leave this place..

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" I am not leaving you to die..

Jenny grabs Sloopy by the arms and takes him outside of the burning house.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" What happened back there?!

Sloopy: "flashback" I don’t know.. some random endoskeletons came in and started asking me about you. I refused to tell them and they attacked me and burned down my house..

Jenny: "flashback" It’s okay.. you’ll be fine..

Jenny carries Sloopy far away from the burning house.




At another location, Jenny finally puts Sloopy on the ground. Sloopy is seen bleeding from his chest heavily.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Sloopy.. listen to me. You will be fine. Just don’t let go..

Sloopy: "flashback; coughs" I’m sorry, but I can’t hold on any longer..

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" No. You will be fine! Trust me!

Sloopy: "flashback" J-Jenny.. if I die, there is this you need to take with you.

Sloopy then reaches into his pocket and takes out a compass.

Sloopy: "flashback" Here, Jenny. Take this. This compass will guide you to the city, Pensacola. It will be fine, I might be left here for dead, but please.. trust me.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" I can’t leave you here! I’m not ready to leave you!

Sloopy: "flashback" Just go. You will find some people in a forest that could possibly help you. I believe in you Jenny.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Sloopy, no!

Sloopy then stops responding.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Sloopy? Sloopy?! “Sigh” It’s no use.. he’s gone..

Jenny then gets up.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" First, my city was attacked and my friends and loved ones were killed, then I was nearly given off to the pigs thanks to some elite soldiers and pillagers, and now, I have to see the person helping me die!

Jenny looks at the compass.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Well.. this is my only hope.. I have no choice now other than to follow Sloopy’s compass.

Jenny then runs off as the screen cuts to black. The scene cuts back to the present again.

Jenny Wakeman: "flashback" Anyways, I eventually managed to find the city of Pensacola right when the robot invasion was about to start, but basically that’s what happened to me back then.

Jenny leaves as the flashback comes to an end.




Sunny Funny: Geez...

Crystal: Man, no wonder I didn’t hear much about her.

Radish: True.

Azaz: I know, right?

Mr. MacFroogle: Well, that was all you had to do. You may go, but don’t break the rules again.

Jenny Wakeman: Yes, mayor... "sniffs" I understand.

Jenny leaves the stage as everyone leaves the area, whilst glaring at MacFroogle for his action.

Mr. MacFroogle: Gee. Tough crowd.

Sunny Funny: (to herself) Man, Wyldstyle was right. MacFroogle is a cruel tyrant who only keeps up appearances to make himself look good.

Tako: What are you talking about, Sunny?

Sunny: Nothing! J-Just nothing really important.

Tako: Um, alright?

Sunny leaves and looks at the wall. A sound-only flashback then starts in Sunny's head.

Wyldstyle: "flashback; voice" Meet me outside the walls at night and I’ll show you the place. Make sure nobody follows you.

The sound-only flashback ends.

Sunny Funny: Okay, just got to wait for night to come.

Sunny leaves.




At night, everyone is seen being forced into their homes by the villains.

Tako: Hey, what’s the big idea?!

Ikura: How come you’re forcing us into our homes?!

Dark Tari: Tonight is Villains’ Night. Heroes like you five must not be outside during that time.

Dark Tari shuts the door and locks it before leaving. Ikura futilely struggles to open the locked door.

Ikura: Okay, this is starting to get out of hand. First, MacFroogle lets the villains run free, then he starts enforcing strict rules and now he won’t let us leave our homes?!

Tako: I know! This is getting ridiculous!

Wasabi: Mustard! (True!)

Maguro: There has to be some way to straighten this out.

Kani: I’ll go talk to Mr. MacFroogle about keeping the villains under control.

Ikura: Are you crazy?!

Kani: Well, if I convince him, maybe he can start to become less strict!

Tako: Okay, but we got locked inside our house. How will you get out?

Maguro: Dark Tari secured the doors with special refusion locks.

Kani: Try the windows.

Ikura is seen near a locked window.

Ikura: Negative. This is a Fenster-Schneckler 380. Finest childproof lock in the world.

Wasabi: Mustard! (We’re trapped!)

Kani: Hang on! What about the chimney?

Tako: Yeah, I guess they forgot to board up the chimney.

Kani: All right, here I go.

Kani heads into the fireplace and shoots her claw arm at the top of the chimney before pulling herself to the top.

Kani: Okay, I made it!

Tako: Nice!

Maguro: Just be careful!

Kani: Got it!

Kani leaps off the roof and runs off. She then comes across Past Buckaroo and Terrovax heading through the street and quickly hides on top of a streetlight as they pass by.

Past Buckaroo: So, how are you liking the new rule-free life?

Terrovax: I’m enjoying it!

Past Buckaroo: True! This is the great life! No rules and no responsibilities! And best of all, we get to do whatever we please!

Terrovax: True!

Withered Foxy and Toy Chica drive by them.

Withered Foxy: Yar, you two! Me and Toy Chica have just been going around to look around the city for ourselves a little bit.

Past Buckaroo: Okay!

Terrovax: You both have fun!

Toy Chica: Thanks!

Withered Foxy and Toy Chica drive off as Terrovax and Past Buckaroo leave.

Kani: (to herself) Hm, where are they going?

Kani jumps off the streetlight and quietly follows Past Buckaroo and Terrovax through the city. She then notices Dark Tari and PLA-1137 earby.

Dark Tari: So, how excited are you for the TDC duology?

PLA-1137: Very excited! I’m looking forward to Part 1’s ending!

Dark Tari: Agreed! I’d stop watching after that since that’s the best part!

PLA-1137: Yeah! Kind of like to us, “Avengers: Endgame” didn’t happen!

Dark Tari: I know! I hated that movie for resolving the cliffhanger!

PLA-1137: I know! I wanted the heroes to stay dusted! Thanos was the true hero!

Dark Tari: True!

Terrovax: Come on, Dark Tari. We’re late.

Dark Tari: Okay, see you later!

PLA-1137: See ya!

Dark Tari leaves with Terrovax and Past Buckaroo while PLA-1137 enters an alleyway.

Kani: Hm, what are they up to?

Kani follows the three. Eventually, she spots them entering an abandoned Chuck E. Cheese's through a broken window.

Kani: The heck are they doing in there?

Kani enters the building through the same window, only to see no sign of the three villains.

Kani: They’re gone? Where did they go?

Kani notices bright lights shining through the ceiling above the show stage.

Kani: The heck are they doing up there? Hopefully, I can find Mr. MacFroogle there. Anyways, how do I get up there?

Kani notices a trapdoor on the stage underneath Muncher.

Kani: (To Muncher) Excuse me for a sec.

Kani moves Muncher out of the way, opens the trapdoor and jumps inside. She then notices a ladder nearby and climbs it. She then enters through another trapdoor and finds herself in another hallway. After going through the hallway, she opens a door labeled “EMPLOYEE’S ONLY” and looks inside to see Dark Tari, Past Saiko, Past Buckaroo, Terrovax and Mochi playing Roulette.

Dark Tari: All right, place your bets. Come on, everybody. Come on. Any splits?

Terrovax: Heya, bring it here.

Past Buckaroo: Alright.

Mochi: Bring it on.

Past Saiko: Let’s wager.

The villains place their money on the table and Mochi spins the roulette table.

Dark Tari: Here we go! Come on, 60! Come on!

Past Buckaroo: Come on, 55! Come on, 55!

Past Saiko: 73, baby!

Dark Tari: Come on, 60!

Past Saiko: Come on, 73!

Dark Tari: All right, that’s it. No more bets.

Past Buckaroo: Come on! Right here!

Past Saiko: Let me have 73! Let me have 73! Let me have 73!

The roulette table stops spinning and the metal ball lands on 73.

Past Saiko: Yes, I won!

The villains groan as Past Saiko claims their bets. Terrovax pounds his fist on the table in a rage.

Terrovax: Ah, man!

Dark Tari: Well, Past Saiko takes the round!

Past Saiko: (To Mochi) You lost! “laughs”

Mochi: Don’t rub it in!

Dark Tari: Okay, minimum bet. Five monopoly. Coyote’s wild.

Past Saiko: Here, here! Two greens here!

Dark Tari: Ok, exchanging two Reese cups. Hey, what do you guys think of the new recruits MacFroogle got? Any keepers?

Past Saiko: Ooh, the Uriah guy!

Dark Tari: Coconut? White and brown dog?

Terrovax: I’d prefer the parrot guy.

Dark Tari: True, but that zombie giraffe guy. He could be useful.

Past Buckaroo: Yeah, when he’s not being a rabid animal.

Terrovax: Like yourself?

All of the villains laugh.

Kani: Man, they are sure having fun.

Past Buckaroo: (offscreen) It’s not funny!

The scene cuts back to the villains.

Dark Tari: But anyways, nice that Mr. MacFroogle succeeded in becoming the mayor!

Past Saiko: True! Especially now that the Crash guy is out of the equation!

Kani: Well, I don’t think MacFroogle is here so I’d better look somewhere else.

Kani turns to leave, only to bump into Zombified Geoffrey who is carrying a plate of pepperoni rolls.

Kani: Oh.. (laughs nervously) Um, hey? I kind of heard about you from Toys R Us back during the mindless invasion.

Kani takes and eats one of the pepperoni rolls.

Kani: So, no hard feelings about that, right?

Zombified Geoffrey glances at the camera. He then seizes Kani offscreen, enters the room and throws her onto the table in front of the villains, knocking over their money in the process.

Past Saiko: My dough!

Kani: Hey!

Dark Tari: Well, well. Look who we have here.

Mochi, Past Buckaroo, Terrovax and Past Saiko grab Kani by her arms and legs.

Dark Tari: Take her to the town hall.

The villains all seize Kani, cutting the screen to black.

Kani: "voice" NOOOO!!!!




Sunny is seen exiting her house through a rope in her chimney. Afterwards, she leaps off the roof and leaves.

Sunny Funny: Ok, just got to find some way to make it across the wall and meet up with Wyldstyle.

Sunny notices Coconut Fred driving a pizza truck.

Coconut Fred: Might as well head out to get some pizzas.

Sunny Funny: Perfect.

Sunny heads to the truck just as it reaches a stop sign. Coconut Fred feels the truck move a bit.

Coconut Fred: What was that? Probably nothing.

The camera pans down to show Sunny having latched to the bottom of the truck. The truck then drives towards a gate in the wall being guarded by Barnyard Dawg.

Sunny Funny: Come on, come on.

Coconut Fred: Hang on, got to go to Chick Fil A first.

Coconut Fred turns the truck at a corner away from the gate.

Sunny Funny: No, no, no, no!

The truck stops at a Chick Fil A and Coconut Fred exits the truck and enters the restaurant.

Sunny Funny: Great. Looks like I’ll have to find another way out.

Sunny crawls out from the bottom of the truck and looks around the place. She then notices a fire escape ladder near a building and rushes towards it. Coconut Fred exits the building with a Chick-Fil-A bag and seemingly notices Sunny’s reflection in the window.

Coconut Fred: What the heck?

Coconut Fred instead picks up a quarter on the ground and by the time he gets back up, Sunny’s reflection is gone.

Coconut Fred: Cool, a quarter!

Coconut Fred enters the truck and drives away. The camera pans up to show Sunny now on the roof of the building.

Sunny Funny: Ok, just have to find a way to get across the wall.

Sunny notices a pair of elytra wings and a box of fireworks nearby.

Sunny Funny: Seems like those will work.

Sunny puts on the elytra wings and grabs a firework rocket.

Sunny Funny: Huh. Is this how Jesse and the others wear it? Anyhow. Hopefully, I can make it.

Sunny jumps off the rooftop and glides towards the wall.

Sunny Funny: Okay, time to activate that firework!

Sunny detonates the firework and gets pushed higher into the air.

Sunny Funny: Okay, almost there!

Sunny lands on top of the wall.

Sunny Funny: Yes, I made it! Now, I just need to find where Wyldstyle is.

Sunny heads across the walls. Eventually, she spots Wyldstyle standing next to a tree in the distance.

Sunny Funny: There she is. Well, time to go-

???: "voice" Sunny?

Sunny turns around and sees Jenny and Sonia.

Jenny Wakeman: Where are you going?

Sonia: How come you’re heading outside the walls?

Sunny Funny: Well.. It’s just something I have to do outside of here.

Sonia: Can we come with?

Sunny Funny: I don’t know. I was told that nobody should follow me.

Jenny: Who told you?

Sunny Funny: Darn it! "sighs" Alright, some person named Wyldstyle told me to meet her outside the walls so she could show me some place hidden in the forest.

Sonia: Cool!

Sunny Funny: However, I don’t think I’m supposed to bring other people with.

Jenny Wakeman: It’s fine! We can just tell her that we’re with you!

Sonia: Hopefully, she won’t mind!

Sunny Funny: Alright, I guess.

Jenny uses her boosters to fly onto the wall while Sonia uses her guitar as a ladder to reach the top. The three then leap off the wall and land outside the city.

Sunny: Ok, there she is.

Jenny Wakeman: Alright.

The three head to Wyldstyle.

Sunny Funny: Okay, I made it out.

Wyldstyle: Nice- Um, who are these two? I told you not to let anyone follow you!

Jenny Wakeman: It's okay! We’re with Sunny. Anyways, I’m Jenny Wakeman.

Sonia: I’m Sonia.

Wyldstyle: Oh, okay. It’s just that sometimes, we don’t trust outsiders. They could potentially rat us out.

Sonia: Don’t worry! We won’t tell anyone!

Jenny Wakeman: Same!

Wyldstyle: Alright, then. Anyways, just follow me. The location is down this trail.

Sunny Funny: Okay.

The four head down a trail in the forest.




In the town hall, Kani is seen waking up. She soon realizes that she is strapped in a chair.

Kani: Unhand me, you cowards! I demand to speak to MacFroogle!

Dark Tari: Zip it, crab girl! You don’t speak to MacFroogle until we say you can.

MacFroogle enters the room.

Mr. MacFroogle: Dark Tari? What’s going on here? Why is this crab person tied up?

Dark Tari: Oh, boss! Well, you see. She kinda got out.

Mr. MacFroogle: Got out? Oh no, this isn’t how we treat our citizens.

MacFroogle releases Kani.

Mr. MacFroogle: I’m terribly sorry about that.

Kani: It’s fine. Anyways, I came to make a request, MacFroogle.

Mr. MacFroogle: I’m listening.

Kani: All of the villains are getting out of control in the city. They keep constantly making messes and locking people in their homes. Me and the others respectfully request that you tone down their privileges.

Mr. MacFroogle: Well, request granted!

Past Saiko: What?!

Dark Tari: B-But MacFroogle-

Mr. MacFroogle: (To Dark Tari) Silence! (speaking) Basically, this person has shown some interesting qualities. Why, I’d say we found ourselves a recruit! Hear that, everyone? We got a new recruit!

Past Buckaroo: Alright!

The villains cheer while Dark Tari sarcastically claps with an annoyed expression.

Kani: What do you mean?

Mr. MacFroogle: We’re calling you up to the big leagues, miss! From now on, you’ll have anything you want!

Kani: That’s great! I’ll go get my friends to round up the villains.

Kani tries to leave, but MacFroogle stops her.

Mr. MacFroogle: Woah! Hold on there. These villains need to have their fun around the city still.

Kani: But they keep damaging the city.

Mr. MacFroogle: That I can agree upon. Which is why, for the good of our community, we ask the newer recruits to take on the hardships the rest of us can’t bear anymore.

Kani: Well, I guess that makes sense.. But I can’t accept. Me and the Sushi Pack always stay together no matter what.

Mr. MacFroogle: (now in an annoyed tone) A family girl, huh? I understand.. (To Zombified Geoffrey) Put her back in the chair.

Zombified Geoffrey: With pleasure!

Zombified Geoffey grabs Kani and ties her back into the chair.

Kani: Hey, what are you doing?! Unhand me!

Mr. MacFroogle: (To Dark Tari) Bring in 173.

Dark Tari whistles. SCP-173 enters the room with a MacFroogle Chip and an instruction manuel.

SCP-173: Right here, boss!

SCP-173 gives MacFroogle the instruction manuel while Past Buckaroo takes the MacFroogle Chip and approaches Kani.

Mr. MacFroogle: Let’s see here.

MacFroogle searches through the manuel before coming across “How to activate”.

Mr. MacFroogle: Ah yes, here we go! (reading) Insert chip to the back of subject’s head.

Kani: What are you doing?! Stop! Let go of me!

Past Buckaroo jams the MacFroogle Chip into the back of Kani’s head.

Kani: Ouch!

Mr. MacFroogle: (reading) To put the subject under your control.

Kani: No!

Mr. MacFroogle: (reading) Slide the switch from off to on and shut the protective case.

MacFroogle grins evilly as Past Buckaroo prepares to flip the switch to on.

Kani: Stop! No! NO! NOOOOO!!!!!

Past Buckaroo flips the switch as the screen cuts to black, ending the chapter.



Synopsis: Sunny, Jenny and Sonia follow Wyldstyle through the forest before they eventually come across a hidden village. Meanwhile, Tako and the others finally plot to rebel against Mr. MacFroogle and retake control of the city. However, Mr. MacFroogle is prepared...


The chapter opens as Sunny, Jenny and Sonia are seen following Wyldstyle through the trail in the forest.

Sunny Funny: So, this place the others are at is in this forest?

Wyldstyle: Yes. Besides, nobody searches the forest. Unless you’re Logan Paul that is.

Jenny Wakeman: Oh, right. I’ve heard of that video.

Sonia: Same.

Wyldstyle: Anyways, the place is hidden far in the forest and they’ve also put in some systems that makes it invisible to outsiders.

Sunny Funny: Okay?

Wyldstyle: But anyways, we’re nearing the location about now.

The four reach a large empty part of the forest with a river nearby.

Wyldstyle: Okay, we’re here.

Jenny Wakeman: Wait, this is the place?

Sonia: I don’t see anyone or anything.

Wyldstyle: True, but that’s what outsiders like you three will think. I just need to tell them that we’re here.

Wyldstyle heads to a nearby log and pushes a hidden button, causing a megaphone to pop out.

???:"voice" Who is this? Who managed to find our hidden radio system?

Wyldstyle: It’s me, remember?

???: "voce" Oh, right! How are you, Wyldstyle?

Wyldstyle: Good. Just found a bunch of people to bring in.

???: Ok, hang on a sec.

The megaphone shuts off. Afterwards, the entire scenery which is revealed to be a large curtain lifts up, revealing a large wooden village behind it.

Sunny Funny: The heck?!

Sonia: What is that?

Wyldstyle: Well, this is the place where the others are at!

Sunny: Cool!

Jenny Wakeman: (reading a nearby sign) “Knothole Village”?

Wyldstyle: Yeah, that’s the name of the village. Anyways, there’s a bunch of people residing there. Mr. MacFroogle has no knowledge about this place.

Jenny Wakeman: Alright!

Sonia: He’ll never find us here!

Sunny Funny: True! So, do we just enter the village?

Wyldstyle: Pretty much.

Sunny Funny: Alright?

The four enter Knothole Village as the curtain gets lowered back into place.





Mr. MacFroogle and Zombified Geoffrey are seen entering a security room.

Zombified Geoffrey: Ok, so what so I have to do here?

Mr. MacFroogle: Well, the job here is really simple. During the night, you monitor the different areas of the city to make sure there’s no suspicious activity going on. If you end up seeing something suspicious, sound the alarm to get my attention.

Zombified Geoffrey: Okay!

Zombified Geoffrey accidentally turns on last night’s footage, causing MacFroogle to notice something.

Mr. MacFroogle: What the?

Mr. MacFroogle looks at the footage and sees Sunny gliding over the wall as well as Jenny and Sonia following her past the wall, much to his alarm.

Mr. MacFroogle: Oh no... Oh no, no, no, no, no. This can’t be happening! I’ll get the others! Stay here!

Zombified Geoffrey: On it!

Mr. MacFroogle runs off as Zombified Geoffrey turns on the alarm and screams into the speaker.


Zombified Geoffrey begins imitating an air siren.




MacFroogle is seen with the other villains in his office.

Ghasticon: What do you mean the flower girl and some of her friends escaped?!

Mr. MacFroogle: I don’t know! Seems like they found a way to sneak out during the night!

Dark Tari: Well, we need to catch them and bring them back in!

Mr. MacFroogle: Or better yet, (pulls out a MacFroogle chip) Put them under my control.

Past Buckaroo: Oh, that one I like!

Barnyard Dawg: Agreed!

Mr. MacFroogle: Well, since that flower girl managed to escape from the city, looks like I’ll need to take drastic measures. (To Dry Bone Bro) Gather your brothers and have them outside and near the city walls to act as prison guards.

Dry Bone Bro: Got it!

Dry Bone Bro leaves.

Mr. MacFroogle: (To Dark Tari) You, Past Saiko and Bacon Colonel set up the Convert-A-Tron outside and fill it with the MacFroogle Chips. We’re having ourselves an army.

Dark Tari: On it!

Past Saiko: All taken care of!

The three leave.

Coconut Fred: But what if the others manage to stop us?

Mr. MacFroogle: No worries! After all, I recently came up with some blueprints to help "benefit" the city! And of course. (looks at Dry Bone Bro’s ship outside) There’s always a last resort..




Sunny, Jenny, Sonia and Wyldstyle are seen arriving in Knothole Village.

Jenny Wakeman: This village looks pretty cool!

Sunny Funny: That, I can agree on!

Sonia: Same!

Wyldstyle: True!

Sunny Funny: So, are there like other people here?

Wyldstyle: Oh, yeah there is!

Jenny Wakeman: Really, who?

Sonia: Hey, I see someone!

Sunny Funny: Who?

A blue anthropomorphic walrus wearing a yellow hat is seen working on a light.

Walrus: Ok, almost there-

Suddenly, the light explodes and causes the walrus to fall to the ground.

Walrus: Dang it! That’s the second time this week!

Sunny Funny: Um, hey there!

Walrus: (To Sunny) Oh, hi! Who are you?

Sunny Funny: Well, I’m Sunny. Anyways, who are you?

Walrus: My name is Rotor!

Sunny Funny: Cool!

Rotor: Anyways, what are you doing here?

Sunny Funny: Well, this person named Wyldstyle took us to this village in order to hide from my city’s new mayor, Mr. MacFroogle-

Rotor: What?!? Mr. MacFroogle?!

Sunny Funny: Hang on, you know him?

Rotor: Of course! One time, he tried to bulldoze our village to build a casino! Luckily, we fought back and sent him running!

Jenny Wakeman: Man!

Sonia: Serves him right!

Rotor: Um, who are they?

Sunny Funny: Well, that’s Jenny Wakeman and-

Rotor: Oh, the other one is Sonia! I remember!

Sonia: Wait, how did you know my name?

Rotor: Your brother Sonic told me about you and Manic!

Sonia: Oh, right! About twenty years ago.

Rotor: Anyways, what happened to your city, Sunny?

Sunny Funny: Well, Mr. MacFroogle took over as the new mayor and is driving the city into the ground. Heck, he even let the Scavengers run amok!

A nearby coyote with a yellow toupee and wearing a French uniform hears what Sunny said and screams.

French Coyote: SCAVENGERS?!? Oh no, anything but those guys!

Sunny Funny: Who is that?

Rotor: Oh, that’s Antoine. He’s another resident of the village!

Sonia: Oh, okay!

Rotor: But anyways, we also heard about the Scavengers. They love plundering resources for themselves and driving the city to ruin until there is nothing left. After that, they move on to the next city and the process repeats and so on.

Sunny Funny: True. They tried to raid our city one time during the Slendytubbie apocalypse as well.

Antoine: Hopefully, there are no Scavengers around here!

???: (offscreen) What? You mean this?

Antoine turns around and screams when he sees what appears to be a scavenger behind him.

Antoine: Oh, are you kidding me Bunnie?! Again with that stunt?!

The scavenger is revealed to actually be a mask worn by a female yellow rabbit with cybernetic legs and a cybernetic right arm.

Bunnie Rabbot: Oh man! You should have seen the look on your face!

Rotor: That one there is Bunnie Rabbot.

Jenny Wakeman: Um, what happened to her limbs?

Rotor: She kind of got in a roboticizer accident back when Dr. Robotnik took over the world.

Sunny Funny: Dr. Robotnik?

Jenny Wakeman: Roboticizer?

Bunnie Rabbot: Back then, Dr. Robotnik made this device called the Roboticizer. Living things go in. Robotic slaves come out.

Sonia: Oh, I heard about that too! He did the same thing while me, Sonic and Manic were looking for our mother back then.

Bunnie Rabbot: True.

Rotor: But anyways, there are a few more residents here. Soon, you can see our leader-

Suddenly, a loud crash noise is heard.

Sunny Funny: What was that?!

Bunnie Rabbot: Oh no. Not again.

Wyldstyle: Let me guess. Dulcy?

Rotor: Yep.

Sunny Funny: Who?

The seven run through the village and eventually reach a section where they see a giant green dragon with orange wings having crashed into a large tree.

Antoine: "screams" MY HOUSE!!

Jenny Wakeman: The heck?!

Sunny Funny: Is that a giant dragon?!

???: "sighs; voice" Not again, Dulcy!

Dulcy: Sorry! I just have trouble trying to make a proper landing!

???: "voice" Man, if this keeps up, the whole village will be reduced to smithereens!

Sunny Funny: Who is that?

A female chipmunk with dark red hair and a blue jacket is seen talking to Dulcy.

Dulcy: Well, except that one time when I was carrying the dragon egg.

Chipmunk: Just please be careful!

Sunny Funny: Um, hello?

Chipmunk: Um, who are you?

Sunny Funny: I’m Sunny. The others are Jenny and Sonia. You probably already know Wyldstyle by the way.

Chipmunk: I do! She came here earlier with others. Anyways, I’m Sally Acorn. I’m the leader of this village.

Sunny Funny: Cool! By the way, what do you mean others?

???: "voice" (heard from inside a nearby hut) Don’t tell me that large dragon crash landed again.

???: "voice" Well, it was loud so I assume that was her.

Two LEGO minifigures emerge from the hut. One has brown hair and is wearing a construction outfit while the other is a mini figure version of Batman.

LEGO Batman: Yep, it was.

LEGO Minifigure: Well, at least she didn’t crash into the hut we were in.

LEGO Batman: True.

Wyldstyle: Hey, guys!

LEGO Minifigure: Hey, Wyldstyle! Who are these guys you brought?

Sunny Funny: Well, I’m Sunny. Again, the others are Sonia and Jenny. What about you?

LEGO Minifigure: Well, I’m Emmet.

LEGO Batman: And I’m Batman!

Sunny Funny: I know, but you’re kind of a LEGO-

LEGO Batman: I said I’m Batman!

Antoine: Oh man, my house! How can this get any worse?

Suddenly, a ship crashes into the tree and explodes. Another LEGO Minifigure wearing a blue astronaut suit falls from the ship in a parachute.

LEGO Astronaut: SPACESHIP!!!

Antoine: ...

Antoine faints.

Wyldstyle: Also, that guy is Benny. He’s a 1980-something space guy.

Sunny Funny: Ok, then! Um, what’s he doing?

Benny is seen running around in circles.


Wyldstyle: Yeah, he’s kind of obsessed with it.

Sunny Funny: I can see how.

Jenny Wakeman: Geez, does he like ever calm down?!

Wyldstyle: Usually, after a few hours.

Emmet: Uh oh! He’s clinging to the rafters again!

Benny is shown swinging on a rafter.


Sonia: Um, is that literally all he says?

LEGO Batman: Pretty much.

Wyldstyle: Most of the time, he only says that and nothing more.

Sunny Funny: Man. So anyways, where did you and the others come from?

Wyldstyle: Well, me and the others are actually from another universe where everything is made of LEGO and we’re played with by some kid named Finn. However one day, a strange portal just appeared in our universe so me and the others decided to check it out and now we just ended up here.

Sunny Funny: Cool!

Emmet: Right now until everything is cleared over, we’re trying to find our way back to our universe.

Sunny Funny: True. Hopefully, you’ll find the right way back.

LEGO Batman: True.

Sally Acorn: By the way, there’s actually one more person here!

Sunny: Really?

Sally Acorn: Yeah, he said that apparently he needed some place to hide.

Sunny Funny: Hm, kind of sound familiar.

Rotor: He’s currently using the bathroom. I think he should be out soon.

???: (heard from inside the bathroom) Ok, finally I finished! Man, I really shouldn’t have eaten that dirt covered with fire ants.

The person exits the bathroom stall and is revealed to be Denny Funny.

Sunny Funny: Denny?

Denny Funny: Oh hey, Sunny!

Sunny Funny: What are you doing here?

Wyldstyle: Wait, you know him?

Sunny Funny: Yes, he’s my brother.

Emmet: That’s cool- Wait, what?

Bunnie Rabbot: Man, that was a shocking twist!

Sunny Funny: Anyways, what are you doing here?

Denny Funny: Well, I kind of ended up here because the police ended up finding out my hideout so I had to escape into the forest where I managed to find this place.

Sunny: Cool!

Sally Acorn: So, why is he on the run?

Sunny Funny: Well, he kind of got brainwashed into a sadistic bounty hunter called the Masked Menace and was sent to kill me. I managed to free him, but he already committed a bunch of dangerous acts including Day Zero.

Rotor: I heard about that. Man, over 2000 people killed.

Denny Funny: I know. Still can’t forget about that.

Sunny Funny: Well, nice to see you again!

Denny: Same! Anyways, what are you doing here?

Sunny Funny: Well, there’s this new mayor called Mr. MacFroogle who has pretty much turned the entire city into a prison ran by villains like Dark Tari, PLA-1137 and some new recruits.

Denny Funny: No, not those guys again!

Sunny Funny: (To Sally) Yeah, they used to be his soldiers.

Sally Acorn: Man!

Dulcy: Geez!

Denny Funny: So, yeah. Also, what about those other two?

Sunny: Those are Jenny Wakeman and Sonia.

Denny Funny: Cool!

Sally Acorn: But anyways, you can just hang out in the village with the others for now!

Sunny Funny: Okay! Would also be nice to catch up on stuff with my brother!

Denny Funny: True!





Mr. MacFroogle: (reading) To put the subject under your control.

Kani: No!

Mr. MacFroogle: (reading) Slide the switch from off to on and shut the protective case.

MacFroogle grins evilly as Past Buckaroo prepares to flip the switch to on.

Kani: Stop! No! NO! NOOOOO!!!!!

Past Buckaroo flips the switch as the screen cuts back to the Sushi Pack who overhear Kani’s scream in the distance.

Maguro: Did you guys hear that?

Ikura: Sounds like it came from the Financial District.

Wasabi: Mustard? (Um, didn’t Kani go there recently?)

Tako: Well, hopefully nothing bad happened to her...

Afterwards, the front door unlocks.

Maguro: Hey, the door is unlocked!

The Sushi Pack exit the house just as Volts, Rush, Mugs, Yankee, Manny, Frida, Scratch, Grounder, Zoe, Skulldozer, Zulzo, Tour the Dragonfly, The Five Guys, Animatronic MF2009, Sylvester, Geoffrey, Duos, Sonic, TheSuperAlmightyDragon, Sticks the Badger, Bulldozer, Killdozer, Asphaltian, Alternate Noo Noo, Lumpy, Robotboy, Robotgirl, Ms. Chalice, Little Buddy and RH arrive as well.

Lumpy: Um, did any of you guys hear screaming?

Manny Rivera: I did.

Tako: But who was it from?

Asphaltian: No clue.

Sonic: Who knows where it came from?

Ms. Chalice: Ok, now I’m starting to believe Mr. MacFroogle isn’t that friendly.

Frida: True.

Soon enough, MacFroogle and the other villains appear.

Mr. MacFroogle: Greetings, everyone! So, how are you enjoying your time here?

Scratch: Horrible!

Maguro: All of your men are getting out of control! I mean, we don’t have any crime to stop now!

Mr. MacFroogle: Well, of course they are! This is a paradise for us all!

Zoe Aves: Paradise?! All of the villains keep trashing stuff, wrecking property and committing crime sprees!

Frida: They even threw toilet paper at my house!

Ms. Chalice: You need to put these villains back behind bars!

Mr. MacFroogle: Well, here’s the thing, miss. No matter how violent my subjects can get, you and the others are never leaving the city.

Ms. Chalice: What do you mean?! Are you saying they you’re imprisoning us like a bunch of caged animals-

MacFroogle grabs a mallet and uses it to shatter Ms. Chalice’s mouth, rendering her unable to speak. Ms. Chalice lets out muffled noises as she feels around the shattered hole where her mouth used to be.

Mr. MacFroogle: Alright, that’s better.

Little Buddy: "outraged" Hey! No one shatters my friend’s mouth like that, you heartless a**hole!

Lumpy: Yeah!

Sticks: That does it! Come on, guys. We’re packing our bags and leaving.

Sticks begins leaving the area.

Mr. MacFroogle: Hold on there, miss. You all ain’t going anywhere.

Sticks: Oh yeah? Who’s gonna stop us?

Sticks ends up bumping into an unseen figure in the dark. The figure emerges from the darkness and is revealed to be Kani who now has glowing orange eyes.

Sticks: What the?

Tako: Kani?

Killdozer: What's going on with her eyes?

Mr. MacFroogle: Hey, Kani? How about you teach these people a little lesson about obedience?

Kani: Yes, master!

Kani uses her crab arm to smack Lumpy, Skulldozer and Maguro to the ground.

Tako: WHAT THE?!?!

Kani causes several earthquakes, taking out a bunch of characters like Little Buddy, the Sushi Pack, Ms. Chalice and several others. Eventually, Kani overwhelms all of the heroes and is shown standing on top of them all as MacFroogle grins evilly.

Kani: Rebels disabled, Master MacFroogle.

Mr. MacFroogle: Excellent, Kani!

Ikura: Kani, what are you doing?!

Kani: Silence, fiend! You’re in the custody of Mayor MacFroogle!

Frida: MacFroogle, what did you do to her?!

Mr. MacFroogle: I added her as a new recruit. (To Kani) Alright, Kani. Lock them up.

Kani: Yes, sir!

Kani and the other villains throw the heroes into a truck being driven by Coconut Fred.

Coconut Fred: Hold on to your seatbelts!

Kani enters the truck with the other villains as the truck drives away while Coconut Fred laughs evilly.

Ghasticon: So, what’s your plan now MacFroogle?

Mr. MacFroogle: Well, now that a bunch of those guys have learned about my true colors, it’s time we take drastic measures.

Mr. MacFroogle and Ghasticon leave. The scene cuts to black, ending the chapter.



Synopsis: As Sunny and her friends continue to interact with Sally and the others, Mr. MacFroogle begins setting up new defenses for the city as he begins to gain more power...


The chapter opens with the outside of the Pensacola Alcatraz. Inside, Kani and the other villains are shown throwing Manny and the others into prison cells. At one point, Tako breaks free from Past Buckaroo, kicks him into a wall and tries to run off, only for Dark Tari and PLA-1137 to tackle and overwhelm him.

Dark Tari: Where do you think you’re going, squid man?

PLA-1137: I don't think so!

Tako: U-unhand me!

Dark Tari throws Tako into his cell and locks the door.

Tako: (to Kani) Kani, please stop this now! You don't know what you're doing!

Kani: (to Tako) Silence, enemy! I will not fall for your bewitching charm!

Tako: (to Mr. MacFroogle) What did you do to her?!

Mr. MacFroogle: "laughs" Oh, I have my ways.

PLA-1137 is seen dragging Ms. Chalice into her cell.

Ms. Chalice: "muffled" (Stop! L-Let go of me!)

Little Buddy: Hey, you let go of her! Put her down this instant!

Little Buddy kicks PLA-1137, only for her to grab him by the shell and take him towards the cell.

Little Buddy: Hey, what do you think you’re doing?!

PLA-1137: If that’s how you want it to be, you can share the cell with her-

Mr. MacFroogle: Not him, PLA-1137.

Little Buddy: Huh?

Mr. MacFroogle: I believe this little turtle guy needs to learn himself some manners. Take him to the pit.

PLA-1137: With pleasure.

PLA-1137 leaves the prison with Little Buddy.

Little Buddy: Hey! Put me down, you moron! Where are you taking me?!

Ms. Chalice: "muffled" (Stop! Where are you taking him?!)

Manic enters the prison to see MacFroogle and his allies locking up the heroes.

Manic: Mayor? What are you doing?!

Mr. MacFroogle: Oh, well, we're just giving them some new places to stay in.

Manic: By locking them up?!

Mr. MacFroogle: You know what? I gave too many explanations. (To Past Buckaroo) Lock him up.

Past Buckaroo: On it.

Past Buckaroo throws Manic into his cell and locks it.

Manic: Hey! What’s the meaning of this?! I have my rights!

Mr. MacFroogle: Alright, Kani. Explain our overnight accommodations.

Kani: Yes, master! At night, prisoners sleep in their cells.

Outside, PLA-1137 is seen opening the trapdoor to the pit and throws Little Buddy.

Kani: (voiceover) Any prisoner caught outside of their cell spends the night in the pit.

Little Buddy: No, wait! Don't close it! Don't close it-

PLA-1137 shuts the trapdoor, trapping Little Buddy inside. The scene cuts back to the prison.

Kani: Meeting at dusk and dawn. Any prisoner who misses the meeting spends the night in the pit. Prisoners do not speak unless spoken to. Any prisoner who talks spends the night-

Frida: In the pit. We get it.

Kani: Oh, smart now?!

Kani storms towards Frida’s cell, only to get stopped by MacFroogle.

Mr. MacFroogle: At ease, Kani. They’re neutralized. But remember, they’ll say anything to make you doubt yourself.

Kani: Don’t worry, master. Any doubt got punched out of me during training.

Mr. MacFroogle: (to the prisoners) Listen up, everyone. We got a way of doing things here at Pensacola. If you start at the bottom, pay your dues. Life here can be a dream come true! But if you break our rules, step out of line, try to leave the city? Well, you’ll might just hurt yourselves. After all...

Mr. MacFroogle pulls out a MacFroogle Chip.

Mr. MacFroogle: There’s always this.

Skulldozer: The heck?

Tako: Hey, I see it on the back of Kani’s head!

Kani: (To Tako) Quiet, prisoner!

Mr. MacFroogle: (To Kani) You watch over the prisoners. (To the prisoners) Well, get a good night’s rest. You got a full day with my subjects tomorrow.

MacFroogle laughs as he and the other villains leave while Kani stays behind and watches the prisoners. Outside, MacFroogle meets up with Molly and the Roblox military who were guarding the outside of the prison.

Molly: Mayor, are you sure all of this is really necessary? Sure, the heroes are going against your law, but must you still lock them up?

Mr. MacFroogle: Relax, Molly. It's just only temporarily. They're just simply staying in there until they understand who's mayor of this town.

Molly: I see, sir.

MacFroogle leaves as Molly continues to look uncomfortable at his actions.




Back at Knothole Village, Sally and Sonia are seen.

Sally Acorn: By the way, how’s Sonic doing so far?

Sonia: Well, me and Manic recently met up with him! I don’t know how he is right now since he didn’t go with me to the village. He might be still in Pensacola.

Sally Acorn: Okay!

Rotor: So, how has Robotnik been doing right now?

Sonia: Well, when we recently saw him, he looked less menacing and a lot more idiotic.

Dulcy: Dang! Looks like Sonic brought him down by a dozen!

Sonia: "laughs" True!




Antoine is seen rebuilding his house.

Antoine: Ok, just finished repairing my house!

Sunny Funny: (from behind) Hey, Antoine!

Antoine screams and falls off the ladder where he lands on a clothesline and gets hung by his vest in mid air.

Antoine: Ah, oh geez!

Sunny Funny: Sorry about that! Anyways, so how did you and the others know about Sonic?

Antoine: Oh, we had quite a history back then! When Robotnik took over Mobius and turned it into Robotropolis, Sonic, me and the others formed a team called the Freedom Fighters to slowly take back the city. Eventually, we managed to defeat him and Snively and reclaimed Mobius!

Sunny Funny: Cool! Also, who’s Snively?

Antoine: Snively was Robotnik’s nephew. After he got defeated, Snively tried to perform his own evil plans. We managed to defeat him and so far, we’ve seen so sign of him ever since.

Sunny Funny: Cool! Never knew Robotnik had a nephew. So, Snively is dead?

Antoine: Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows? He could be back someday.

Sunny Funny: Okay?

Sunny leaves.

Antoine: Um, can someone get me down from here?

An axe gets thrown at the clothesline and cuts it, causing Antoine to plummet to the ground.

Antoine: I meant carefully!

Bunnie Rabbot: "offscreen" Sorry about that!




At the town hall, MacFroogle is seen in another meeting with the citizens.

Mr. MacFroogle: Attention, citizens. We are here today because we caught more citizens breaking the rules in the city.

Dark Tari and PLA-1137 bring in Bowser Junior, Joseph, Cody and Jeffy onto the stage.

Bowser Junior: Hey, let go of me!

Joseph: This isn’t fair, dude!

Cody: What did we do to get on here?!

Jeffy: This is horses**t!

Mr. MacFroogle: These four are here for staying out of home too late, too much cholesterol in his system, parking violations and repeated loitering in the girl’s locker room.

Junior: Hey, those aren’t crimes!

Joseph: True!

Cody: Well, except for that last part. That's understandable.

Mr. MacFroogle: Silence! Anyways, these four shall be sentenced to the Convert-A-Tron!

Cody: WHAT?!?!

All four get loaded onto several Convert-A-Trons and get injected with the MacFroogle Chips. All of them are now sporting the glowing orange eyes.

Bowser Junior: What’s your bidding, master?

Mr. MacFroogle: Yes! YES!

MacFroogle laughs evilly.

Carl appears with a plate deep fried nuggets.

Carl Brutananadilewski: Hey, mayor! I was figuring if you would like to try my new snack food!

Mr. MacFroogle: Sure!

MacFroogle eats one of the nuggets.

Carl Brutananadilewski: It’s deep fried cow that was force fed ranch dressing and had its udder injected with cheese.

Mr. MacFroogle: WHAT THE-

MacFroogle spits it out in disgust.

Mr. MacFroogle: Ah, you're disgusting! (To Junior and Cody) Send him to the pit!

Junior and Cody grab Carl and drag him towards the pit.

Carl Brutananadilewski: Hey, what do you think you’re doing?! Let go of me this instant-

Junior and Cody throw Carl into the pit and shut the trapdoor.

Little Buddy: (voice) Oh, you’re in here too?

Carl Brutananadilewski: (voice) Yeah, I guess so.

Mr. MacFroogle: Hm, maybe it’s about time to let out the prisoners soon. Well, after I discuss my new plans with my subjects.

MacFroogle enters his golf cart and drives away.




Back at Knothole Village, Antoine is seen at a pond fishing.

Antoine: Oh, I think I got one!

Antoine pulls on the fishing pull, only for a giant fish to leap out of the water and land on him.

Antoine: Oh, geez! Get this off of me!

Antoine pushes the fish off, only for it to leap back into the pond.

Antoine: No, so close!

Sunny and Denny appear.

Sunny Funny: Hey, Antoine! What are you doing?

Antoine: Um, nothing! Just had a little trouble with fishes lately-

A thrown pebble hits Antoine in the head.

Antoine: Ow!

The fish is seen laughing as it swims away.

Antoine: I’ll catch that fish some day.

Denny Funny: Hey, Antoine? Can you excuse us for a second?

Antoine: Sure, I guess.

Antoine leaves.

Denny Funny: So, have were you lately?

Sunny Funny: Good so far! Basically, stopping a bunch of villains as the Iron Flower. Occasionally, some strange mishaps such as chasing a bunch of villains who committed a food heist and making off with RH’s cereal.

Denny Funny: Cool! But anyways, I’ve just been doing my best to avoid the authorities ever since that Masked Menace disaster back then.

Sunny Funny: True.

Denny Funny: So anyways, about this new mayor?

Sunny Funny: Well, his name is Mr. MacFroogle and he’s been turning the city into a playground for the villains. We’re unable to stop them from running amok and causing destruction everywhere. He even let in the Scavengers.

Denny Funny: Man! He doesn’t sound like a good mayor at all!

Sunny Funny: True!

While Sunny and Denny are talking, a shadowy figure is shown watching them from the bushes.

???: MacFroogle? Took over Pensacola? What’s he up to this time?

Sunny Funny: Wait, did you hear that?

Sunny and Denny look at the bushes, but the figure is gone.

Denny Funny: I don’t see anyone.

Sunny Funny: Me neither.

Denny Funny: But anyways, how is Crystal doing as well?

Sunny Funny: I don’t know. She’s still in the city with the others.

Denny Funny: Hopefully, she’s doing fine.

Sunny Funny: True.

Antoine appears with a massive fishing line.

Antoine: Ok, I’m going to catch that awful fish this time! It shall not escape me!

Antoine casts the line into the pond.

Antoine: That’s right. Come get it.

The line gets pulled into the water.

Antoine: Yes, I caught it! This fish is so mine-

Suddenly, Antoine gets yanked off the deck and dragged into the water as he gets thrown around by the fish.

Sunny Funny: Oh man!

Denny Funny: That fish just won’t give up!

Sunny Funny: This is actually kind of hilarious!

Denny Funny: I know!

Sunny and Denny laugh as Antoine continues getting dragged around the pond by the fish.

Antoine: Hey, what’s so funny? Stop laughing! This is so humiliating!

Eventually, the fishing rod breaks, causing Antoine to get flung into a tree and hung by his pants on a branch.


Sunny Funny: Oh, that’s gotta sting!

Denny Funny: I know!

Bunnie Rabbot appears with a chainsaw.

Bunnie Rabbot: Antoine stuck again?

Denny Funny: Pretty much.

Bunnie Rabbot: Oh man, here we go again.

Bunnie Rabbot turns on the chainsaw and begins cutting the tree.

Antoine: Hey, what do you think you're-

The tree begins to fall over.

Antoine: "sighs" Timber...

The tree lands in the pond. In the water, Antoine notices the fish laughing at him and shakes his fist angrily.

Antoine: (gargled) This war isn’t over, fishy!




At the town hall, Mr. MacFroogle and Ghasticon are seen with the other villains, with Molly accompanying them.

Mr. MacFroogle: Ever since that flower girl and some of her friends escaped, me and Ghasticon have decided to start taking drastic measures to ensure no other citizens try to get over the wall.

Molly: Okay?

Xyloto: So, what did you all come up with?

Dr. Robotnik: Can’t wait to see!

Dreamcaster: Agreed!

Ghasticon: Here’s all of the new things we came up with! Just look outside.

The villains look out the window to see a massive red tower in the distance.

Molly: What the?!

PLA-1137: The heck is that thing?

Dark Tari: Looks like some sort of tower.

Mr. MacFroogle: That tower is what powers and manufactures the MacFroogle Chips. That way, no one can attempt to destroy them especially since the tower itself is heavily guarded.

Dr. Robotnik: Neat!

Past Saiko: Looks amazing!

Mr. MacFroogle: You did that, Ghasticon?

Ghasticon: Actually, I hired plenty of other people to assist.

Soon, the Robloxians working for BrickTech arrive to the town hall.

Ghasticon: I had seeked out the services of BrickTech to construct the tower for us.

BrickTech Commander: That's correct. Our company has more than enough resources to construct such grand projects for you all.

Mr. MacFroogle: Amazing!

Molly: Uh, nice?

BrickTech SWAT Officer Leader: Plus, MacFroogle had also given us permission to construct a new type of law enforcement for the city to protect MacFroogle and preserve his rulership.

The BrickTech Commander pushes a button. To the villains' surprise, and Molly's shock, an army of pill-shaped robots resembling police officers fly into view.

Mr. MacFroogle: Whoa!

Dr. Robotnik: The heck?

Coconut Fred: Are those officer robots?

BrickTech Commander: They are the SWAT-9000s. Anyways, these robot police officers shall replace the ordinary police force in Pensacola and its occupying cities and will make sure all of the citizens remain in line or otherwise.

Past Buckaroo: Cool!

Terrovax: Looks great!

Molly: Ummm.....

Mr. MacFroogle: I also recently hired Zombified Geoffrey to watch the city during the night as the security and he shall alert us if he sees any prisoner trying to escape.

PLA-1137: Alright!

Dark Tari: Told you he could be useful.

BrickTech Commander: However, we couldn't do all this work on our own. Because we entrused three other people to handle the manufacturing for all of this.

Bacon Colonel: Yep, you can thank me!

Bacon General: Same with me and all of our men!

PAMA: And especially me as well!

Mr. MacFroogle: Great! But you're all really going to love what all three of us managed to manufacture!

Toy Chica: What is it?

The Bacon Colonel, Bacon General and PAMA leave and then return with a wolf-looking robot.

Coconut Fred: The heck is that?!

Barnyard Dawg: Looks like a wolf!

Mr. MacFroogle: That’s because it is.

Bacon Colonel: Anyways, this is WLF-1139.

PAMA: But we like to better refer to him as WOLF!

WOLF activates.

WOLF: (to Mr. MacFroogle) Greetings, master. What is your bidding?

Mr. MacFroogle: If you see any sign of citizens trying to escape the city, make sure they don’t make it past the wall. Zombified Geoffrey shall alert you. If you catch any, bring them over to the Convert-A-Tron to "teach" them a lesson.

WOLF: Your wish is my command.

WOLF leaves.

Dark Tari: Cool, another robot!

PAMA: Um, I’m standing right here?

Dark Tari: So?

Coconut Fred: Well, I have to go now. I got to settle stuff with my former boss..

Coconut Fred leaves.

Mr. MacFroogle: Anyways, you may all go until next meeting.

Dark Tari: Okay!

The villains leave. Once MacFroogle has left, Molly remains behind to look at the SWAT-9000s, now completely uncertain about MacFroogle's intentions.

Molly: Okay, this is all starting to become a little overkill right now.




At Sportster's Bar, all of the Bros are seen eating a bunch of food. Dark Dry Bone Bro is shown giving them the food.

Sledge Bro: Oh yes! I want more food!

Curve Bro: Keep it coming!

Dark Dry Bone Bro gives Tornado Bro a chocolate cake.

Dark Dry Bone Bro: Here you go!

Tornado Bro: Thanks!

Tornado Bro leaves. Dry Bone Bro then appears.

Dry Bone Bro: Um. How much sugar did you put in his cake?

Dark Dry Bone Bro: Well, I kind of..

A flashback shows Dark Dry Bone Bro dumping several whole bags of sugar into the chocolate cake mix.

Dry Bone Bro: You did what?! Do you know what happens when Tornado Bro eats too much sugar?!

Dark Dry Bone Bro: What?

The two see Tornado Bro having eaten his cake with his face covered in chocolate.

Dry Bone Bro: Let’s just say he will learn the true definition of a sugar rush..

Dark Dry Bone Bro: How?

Tornado Bro begins laughing maniacally and begins spinning very fast to the point that he transforms into a yellow and green tornado.

Dark Dry Bone Bro: What the?!

The tornado begins spinning all over the bar and shredding apart the interior.

Ball Bro: Runaway tornado!

Fire Bro: Help! I’m being chased!

Water Bro: Evacuate!

All of the Bros run out of the bar, screaming. Dark Dry Bone Bro and Dry Bone Bro escape through the window as the tornado continues destroying the bar. Eventually, Ice Bro enters the bar and begins shooting ice at the tornado until it stops spinning and reveals a frozen Tornado Bro.

Ice Bro: Ok, all taken care of!




It is now nighttime. At Knothole Village, everyone is seen interacting with each other.

Sally Acorn: (To Emmet, LEGO Batman and Wyldstyle) So, what’s it like in the LEGO dimension?

Wyldstyle: Well, everything is made of well.. LEGO.

Emmet: And we can also build whatever!

LEGO Batman: I mainly fight crime in Gotham.

Rotor: Cool!

Wyldstyle: There’s also another person named Unikitty, but we don’t know where she went.

As everyone continues talking, Sunny begins heading towards the wooden bridge outside the village, causing Bunnie Rabbot, Antoine and Dulcy to notice.

Antoine: Sunny? Where are you going?

Dulcy: You do know the bridge leads back to the exit, right?

Sunny Funny: I know, but I got to go.

Antoine: You’re leaving?

Bunnie Rabbot: But why?

Rotor: Didn’t you like our village?

Sunny: I did, but my friends are still in there. I need to bring them here.

Sally Acorn: But MacFroogle is still there.

Emmet: What if you don’t escape a second time?

Sunny Funny: Actually, now I don’t know how to accomplish that again. But regardless, I still need to go back and get them.

Sally Acorn: True, but breaking back in and out might be near impossible. Unless, we decided to go with.

Sunny Funny: Right! You can just help me break them out!

Rotor: Sure, we can do that! We just need to get SWAT-Bot first.

Sunny: Who?

A large blue robot with a red visor walks up.

Sally Acorn: This is SWAT-Bot. He used to be part of his line of robots created by Dr. Robotnik. While we were fighting Snively during his rule, we managed to steal one of the SWAT-Bots and reprogram it to be on our side!

Sunny Funny: Cool!

SWAT-Bot: Greetings, flower girl.

Sunny Funny: Well, my name is Sunny, but thanks!

SWAT-Bot: Anytime. Anyways, we’ll try to help break your friends out. However, it won’t be easy as I managed to pick up MacFroogle talking with his subjects while outside the village and it turns out that he set up a huge line of defenses when you and the other two escaped the first time.

Sonia: But what kind of defenses?

SWAT-Bot: MacFroogle created a bunch of new robots called the SWAT-9000s. He’s had them patrolling the city during the night and in every district. The Financial District, the Industrial District, the Fast Food District. Everything. He’s also invented the Convert-A-Tron where he is converted citizens into his mindless drones.

Jenny Wakeman: Geez! He’s worse than I thought!

SWAT-Bot: I know, right? Anyways, your real problem while sneaking during the night is the security guard.

SWAT-Bot projects a hologram of Zombified Geoffrey laughing evilly.

Sunny Funny: Is that the zombie Geoffrey from the mindless invasion?! I thought he died!

SWAT-Bot: Guess not. Anyways, many people tried to escape just like you, but so far all of them failed thanks to Zombified Geoffrey and MacFroogle’s new robot known as WOLF.

SWAT-Bot projects a bunch of holograms showing the citizen’s failed escape attempts.

SWAT-Bot: Each one that got caught were taken to the Convert-A-Tron and were injected with the MacFroogle Chip. As for Zombified Geoffrey, he has his eye on everything. The Financial District.

The first projection shows Fishy Boopkins sneaking through an alleyway and reaching the wall. He tries to climb up the wall, only for Zombified Geoffrey to see him on the cameras and turn on the microphone.

Zombified Geoffrey: "hologram" THIS WATER CREATURE IS TRYING TO ESCAPE!

Dark Tari, PLA-1137 and Past Saiko appears with Dark Tari blasting Fishy Boopkins with her refusion beam, holding him in mid-air as MacFroogle appears.

Mr. MacFroogle: "hologram" I should have known better that you were trying to be like that flower girl.

MacFroogle gestures to Dark Tari who leaves with Fishy Boopkins.

Fishy Boopkins: "hologram" No! Let me go!

SWAT-Bot: The Fast Food District.

The second projection shows Mouse hiding under a Happy Meal box and sneaking towards the wall. After getting close enough, he leaves the box and rushes towards the wall, only for Zombified Geoffrey to see him and turn on the microphone again.

Zombified Geoffrey: "hologram" ESCAPEE!

Past Buckaroo grabs Mouse and drags him away.

Mouse: "hologram" No, please!

SWAT-Bot: And even the Farming District.

The final projection shows the squirrels from “Hibernation Heist!” sticking a plunger to the wall and trying to climb up it, only for Zombified Geoffrey to see them and turn on the microphone yet again.

Zombified Geoffrey: "hologram" WE GOT MORE ESCAPEES!

MacFroogle pulls the plunger off the wall.

Mr. MacFroogle: "hologram" Going somewhere?

Squirrel 1: "hologram" Aw s**t!

The projection shuts off.

SWAT-Bot: You can sneak past villains, break into buildings, climb that wall. But if you don’t get rid of that zombie giraffe, you’re not going anywhere. If you want to get out, you must get rid of him. The key to the gates are also in the office.

Sunny Funny: Got it. By the way, you kind of reminded me of Radish back at the Troll Enclosure II.

SWAT-Bot: Pretty much.

The scene fades to black, ending the chapter.



Synopsis: Zoe Aves, Skulldozer and AsphaltianOof encounter a notorious biker gang of horses nd end up accidentally gaining their wrath. Meanwhile, Sunny and her friends begin plotting to sneak back into Pensacola with the help of the Freedom Fighters...


The chapter opens as morning begins to shine upon Pensacola. Back inside the prison, everyone is seen in their cells. Azaz is seen playing “Despacito” on a harmonica until Kani grabs it and breaks it in half.

Azaz: Hey!

Kani: Quiet, musical man! Knock it off!

Kani hits the bars on the cell and leaves.

Azaz: (to himself) At least she didn’t take my sprite.

Kani: Oh, really?

Kani is shown with a bunch of sprite.

Azaz: What?! How?!

Mr. MacFroogle and the others enter the prison.

Mr. MacFroogle: Good morning, everyone!

Manny Rivera: (sarcastic) Morning, mayor.

Mr. MacFroogle: Anyways, you may all leave your cells now. You got a day with the villains today!

Mr. MacFroogle leaves while Dark Tari unlocks the cells.

Ms. Chalice: "muffled" (Hey, what did you do with LB?)

Past Buckaroo: What?

Ms. Chalice groans and draws what she just said on the wall.

PLA-1137: Oh, got him right here.

PLA-1137 drags Little Buddy who is covered in dirt into the room.

Tako: What happened to you in there?

Little Buddy: There was no light at all in the pit. Nothing but dirt and a bunch of unwrapped Snickers bars.

Maguro: Um, I don’t think those were Snickers bars.

Past Saiko: All right, everyone. Back into the city.

Everyone leaves the prison.




Heckle and Jeckle are seen still looking through piles of stories, but still no signs of themselves in any of them.

Heckle: No, not "CROSS-ING OVER Shorts!"!

Jeckle: Not "CROSS-ING OVER! Season One"! Oh, wait. We weren't introduced in that one. "throws it aside"

Heckle: Heck, we’re not even in any of the Hallowiki stories!

Jeckle: Why?!

Dark Tari: (offscreen) So, you two trying to find yourselves in the stories?

Heckle: (To Dark Tari) Who are you?

Dark Tari: Doesn’t matter. Anyways, did you two notice about RH not including you in his stories?

Heckle: Yeah.

Jeckle: No sign of us anywhere!

Dark Tari: Well, did you know that he was going to put you in “Vandal Buster: Part II”?

Heckle: No idea.

Jeckle: Besides, we didn’t see ourselves in the story.

Dark Tari: Well, that was because he scrapped your scenes.

Heckle: WHAT?!?

Dark Tari: (obviously lying) He outright told me that you two were scrapped because he hated your cartoons, preferred Tom and Jerry, thought you two were nobodies and wanted to get your hopes up, only to drive it into the ground.

Jeckle: But why would RH do this to us?

Dark Tari: You two do have an opportunity to get revenge on him. You just need to join MacFroogle’s army. What do you say?

Heckle: Um, I don’t know.

Jeckle: Is it a good idea?

Dark Tari: I’ll let you two decide.

Dark Tari leaves.




Zoe and Skulldozer are seen near the wall.

Zoe Aves: Man, everything in the city is just getting worse ever since MacFroogle brought his new defenses out.

Skulldozer: I know! I can’t take this anymore! I’m going for it!

Skulldozer tries to run to the wall and climb up it, only for Zoe to grab him and pull him back down.

Zoe Aves: Don’t do it, Skulldozer! It’s not worth it!

Skulldozer: But I need to get out of here!

Zoe Aves: It’s either escape the city or lose your free will! You already lost it not too long ago! Trying to escape is not worth it.

Skulldozer: Yeah, I guess you’re right.

Suddenly, the two hear screaming from nearby.

Zoe Aves: The heck?

Skulldozer: Sounded like AsphaltianOof!

Zoe Aves: What’s happening to him?

The two leave. AsphaltianOof is seen being chased by a bunch of anthropomorphic horses wearing jackets, helmets and riding on motorcycles. The camera shows the back of one of their jackets which reads "The Neighs of Pensacola".

Horse 1: Wait until we get our hooves on you!

Horse 2: We’re so going to twist you into a pretzel!

AsphaltianOof: Listen! I’m sorry! Please don’t hurt me!

AsphaltianOof runs into the park and locks the gates behind him as the horses get off their motorcycles and bang on the gate.

Horse 3: Hey! Let us in!

Horse 4: You’re making this hard for yourself!

Zoe Aves: AsphaltianOof? What’s going on?

Skulldozer: Who are those horses on motorbikes?

AsphaltianOof: Well, you see. I was just minding my own business. Then, I came across this gang and.. I kind of set them off. Now, they want to kill me!

Zoe Aves: Don’t worry. We’ll try to deal with them.

AsphaltianOof: Okay, j-just don’t let them touch me!

Zoe heads outside the gates.

Horse 1: The heck?

Horse 5: Who’s this goth-looking girl?

Zoe Aves: Well, I’m Zoe Aves. Anyways, who are you guys?

Horse 1: We’re “The Neighs of Pensacola”. The most bada*s biker gang in the entire state of Florida!

Horse 3: We plunder, we loot, we deep-fry candy bars!

Zoe Aves: Um, ok? Anyways, all of you should leave that pink-skinned blockhead alone, will you?

AsphaltianOof: (offscreen) Um, I’m right here!

Zoe Aves: (To AsphaltianOof) Sorry! (To the horses) Anyways, how about we just settle this straight? Besides, what did AsphaltianOof do to make you all so hostile?

Zoe leans against one of their motorcycles, only to accidentally knock it over, causing it and the other motorcycles to fall over like dominoes. Zoe glances nervously at the horses who are now angrily looming over her.

Horse 1: (angrily) He knocked over our motorcycles!

Horse 2: (pounding his hooves) Just like how we’re going to do to you!

Zoe Aves: (laughing nervously) So, um.. Can we talk about this after New Year’s?

Horse 3: GET HER!

Zoe screams and runs back inside as the horses break down the gates and chase her.

Zoe Aves: Run!

Skulldozer: Oh s**t!

AsphaltianOof: F**k!

The three run off as the horses chase them out of the park. Eventually, they enter a skate park and come across some skateboards.

Zoe Aves: Quick, onto those!

The three get on different skateboards and drive away.

Horse 5: They’re getting away!

Horse 1: Quick! Onto the motorcycles!

The horses run off and chase after Zoe, Skulldozer and AsphaltianOof on their motorcycles.




Sunny, SWAT-Bot, Jenny, Sonia, Sally, Rotor, Antoine, Bunnie Rabbot, Emmet and Wyldstyle are seen leaving Knothole Village.

Jenny Wakeman: I hope you know what you’re doing, Sunny.

Sonia: If Mr. MacFroogle catches us, we might lose our free will!

Jenny Wakeman: Or worse, executed. He could even turn me into a paperweight!

Sunny Funny: Don’t worry, everyone! After all, we do have the others to assist!

Sally Acorn: True!

Sonia: Ok, then!

SWAT-Bot: We are now reaching the city walls. But inside, the villains are currently on patrol. You (Sunny) must sneak past them undetected.

Sunny Funny: Ok, I think I might manage that.

SWAT-Bot: Me and Sally will be give you NICOLE to monitor your movements.

Sunny Funny: What’s NICOLE?

Sally Acorn: Forgot to mention, but she’s an AI system lent to me by my father, King Acorn.

Sally takes out a portal computer unit and gives it to Sunny.

NICOLE: Greetings, Sunny.

Sunny Funny: Um, how did she know my name?

Sally Acorn: She knows about everyone. Anyways, she will guide you through the city and will alert you to danger. Also, be careful with her.

Sunny Funny: I will.

NICOLE: Anyways, we must be careful entering the city as there are a lot of dangers up ahead.

Sunny Funny: Ok, then. So, how do I get back into the city? The gates are locked and I can’t do the elytra trick again.

NICOLE: True. Maybe the best solution would be to get a boost from someone.

Sunny Funny: True, but the walls are pretty tall.

Dulcy appears.

Dulcy: Hey, guys! So, what else should me and LEGO Batman do to watch over the village?

Antoine: Hm, seems like we found our solution.

Dulcy: What are you talking about?

The scene transitions to Dulcy standing next to the wall as Sunny climbs onto her.

Dulcy: (To Antoine) You owe me for this!

Sunny Funny: Okay, almost there.

Sunny eventually climbs to the top of the wall.

Sunny Funny: Ok, I made it on!

Sonia and Jenny climb onto the wall, using Dulcy as well.

Sonia: So did we!

Jenny Wakeman: So, now what?

NICOLE: The Industrial District is the least monitored from the villains. I suggest you arrive into the city from there.

Sunny Funny: Industrial District it is then.

The three head across the wall.

Rotor: Be careful!

Wyldstyle: Don’t get caught!

Emmet: If you do, tell me how you did!




Zoe, Skulldozer and AsphaltianOof are seen still skating away from the horses as they continue chasing them.

Horse 3: You can’t escape us!

Horse 2: I’ll use your eyes as a necklace of mine!

One of the horses throws a bag of seeds at Skulldozer, only to miss.

Horse 4: My seeds!

The horse leaps off of his motorbike for the seeds and gets left behind.

Horse 1: Darn it! I knew he would care more about the seeds!

Horse 2: Don’t let them get away!

The chase continues as they eventually make their way into a parking garage.

Horse 5: Keep up with them! We’re losing speed!

The horses continue chasing the three as they begin getting higher. Eventually, they reach the top and begin driving towards a ramp.

Zoe Aves: Get ready for a big leap, guys!

The three drive over the ramp, fly over the large gap and land on the interstate. The horses drive over the lamp and land as well, but one of the horses instead hits the edge and plummets to the bottom.

Horse 3: I regret nothing!!!

Horse 1: Don’t lose them! It wouldn’t be worth it to turn back now!

The horses continue to chase the three throughout the interstate, causing several cars to crash. One of the horses eventually drives next to Zoe and aims a gun at her.

Horse 2: I got you now-

Suddenly, the horse gets ran over by Woody’s truck.

Woody: Woah! I just made some roadkill right there! Well, time to listen to some country music!

Woody turns on "Shrimpo Hunter" and begins dancing to the music as he drives away. The camera cuts back to the chase as they eventually drive away from the main interstate and travel into the Fast Food District. The camera cuts to the Cat in the Hat at a stand reading “EGG$”.

Cat in the Hat: Buy my green eggs! Only $1 each!

Zoe, Skulldozer and AsphaltianOof drive by, followed by the horses who end up running over the stand, destroying it and crushing the eggs.

Cat in the Hat: MY EGGS!!!

One of the horses laughs, only for the enraged Cat in the Hat to drive by him on a unicycle, wielding an umbrella.

Cat in the Hat: (furiously) I’ll have you know that deliberately destroying eggs is a violation against human rights!

The Cat in the Hat whacks the horse with the umbrella, knocking him off his motorbike. Cat in the Hat then leaps off his unicycle and begins beating up the horse with his umbrella.

Horse 5: Please, stop! I didn’t mean to destroy your eggs! I’m sorry!




Sunny, Sonia and Jenny are shown sneaking through an alleyway.

NICOLE: Alert! A bunch of villains up ahead! Quick, hide!

Sunny Funny Shoot!

Jenny Wakeman: Where should we hide?!

Dark Tari and Past Saiko enters the alleyway.

Past Saiko: Hey, did you hear something in here?

Dark Tari: I think so. What could it be?

The two spot Sunny, Jenny and Sonia who are both standing against a painted mural on a building wall.

Past Saiko: The heck kind of painting is that?

Dark Tari: I know. They've never looked uglier.

Past Saiko: Whoever did that must be an amateur 2-year old painter.

Dark Tari: True. Hopefully, I don’t see a painting of myself. That would look embarrassing.

Dark Tari and Past Saiko leave. Sunny, Sonia and Jenny then leave their positions.

Sonia: That was a close one.

Jenny Wakeman: True.

Sunny Funny: Ok, what now?

NICOLE: To finds your friends, you must wait until noon since that’s the time where they are all gathered before they are put back in their cells by night.

Sunny Funny: Okay, got it.

NICOLE: For now, head to the park through the sewers. There’s a manhole nearby.

Sonia: The sewers?! There is no way I’m going in there!

NICOLE: Sorry, but it’s the only way.

Sonia: "sighs" So be it, then.

The three enter the manhole and shut the lid.




The horse leader is seen chasing Zoe, Skulldozer and AsphaltianOof throughout the Farming District.

Horse 1: This is wasting my time. Time for the ultimate weapon!

The horse leader takes out a key and uses it to unlock a glass box containing a metal box. He then opens it to reveal three banana peels inside. He then throws them in front of Zoe, Skulldozer and AsphaltianOof.

Zoe Aves: Oh no!

AsphaltianOof: Bananas!

Skulldozer: Look out!

The three skate on the banana peels, slip and fall to the ground. The horse leader gets off his motorcycle, pulls out a rifle and approaches them.

Horse 1: That was a good chase, I had to admit. Too bad it didn’t last.

Skulldozer: Please don’t kill us!

Zoe Aves: I only moved here just three months ago!

AsphaltianOof: I didn’t get to be on the Wheel of Fortune!

Horse 1: Silence! Anyways, say goodbye-

Suddenly, the horse leader hears a falling noise.

Horse 1: The heck?

The horse leader looks up and sees the tree Superactivated Robotboy threw earlier flying towards him.


The tree lands on the horse leader and crushes him. His helmet then rolls towards Zoe.

Skulldozer: Man, looks like he got flattened!

AsphaltianOof: True!

Zoe: I know, right?

Zoe picks up the horse leader’s helmet.

Zoe Aves: By the way, maybe I could find some use for this later. After all.

Zoe activates her claws.

Zoe: I did get these a while ago.

Skulldozer: True.

Mr. MacFroogle: (on the intercom) Attention, all prisoner citizens. All of you must report to the town hall by noon before being escorted back to prison for the night. Anyone who doesn’t show up spends a night in the pit.

Zoe Aves: Well, we might as well go.

Skulldozer: Probably.

AsphaltianOof: Might as well.

The three leave.




Manny, Frida, the Sushi Pack except Kani, Azaz, AsphaltianOof, Zoe and the others are seen meeting up near the town hall.

Azaz: Great, another night in the prison.

Manny Rivera: I know!

Frida: It’s not fair for the mayor to be treating us like his prisoners!

Zoe: I know! This is what the whole city is turning into!

Skulldozer: A giant prison!

Dark Tari: Wait here. Coconut Fred is on his way with the prison truck.

Dark Tari leaves.

Little Buddy: Well, hopefully we can find some way to get out of this.

Ms. Chalice: "muffled" True.

Suddenly, a crushed soda can gets thrown near Manny.

Manny Rivera: The heck?

Little Buddy: Where did that can come from?

Sunny Funny: (offscreen) Hey, guys! Over here!

Everyone notices Sunny, Sonia and Jenny nearby.

Frida: Sunny?

Azaz: You’re back!

Little Buddy: How have you and the others been doing?

Jenny Wakeman: Pretty good so far!

Manic: Nice to see you again, sis!

Sonia: Thanks! Also, where’s Sonic?

Manic: He’s at his house right now.

Sunny Funny: Speaking of which, where is Kani?

Tako: You won’t believe this, Sunny! MacFroogle captured her and brainwashed her with this sleeper chip!

Tako takes out a MacFroogle Chip.

Sunny Funny: Wait, that’s the same chip that I was showing earlier.

AsphaltianOof: Seems like MacFroogle got the idea from that.

Sunny Funny: Gosh. Still, nice to see all of you again!

Frida: Same!

Sunny Funny: By the way, what happened to this whole place? Everything looks like it’s falling into disrepair!

Manny Rivera: Oh, it’s awful! Mr. MacFroogle has recently been locking us up in prison cells, making the villains do whatever they please and right now, the Scavengers are starting to deprive the city of its resources!

Sunny: Oh no.

Zoe Aves: We need to do something about this!

Sunny Funny: Well, we can’t stop them all by ourselves, but I actually met a bunch of new people outside the city. I think they could help us! Their village is just outside the city!

Manny Rivera: But how are we going to get there?

Little Buddy: If it’s outside the city, then that means.

Sunny: It means we’re busting out of here.

Jenny: Tonight.

Ms. Chalice: "muffled" What?!

RH: But it’s impossible!

Robotboy: MacFroogle had his men lock up all of the wall gates and sent everyone on patrol!

Robotgirl: No one can escape and anyone who did got their free will taken away!

Sunny Funny: True, but there is one way out.

Frida: There is?

Sunny Funny: Yes. Anyways, here’s what we’re going to do.

Sunny begins to explain her plan as the scene fades to black.




It is now nighttime. Outside the city walls, Sally and the others are seen.

Sally Acorn: So, how do you think Sunny and the others are doing?

Bunnie Rabbot: Hopefully, they didn’t get caught.

Antoine: True.

Sally’s phone rings and she answers.

Sunny Funny: (voice) Hey, Sally. I managed to find the others. We’re plotting an escape.

Sally Acorn: Brilliant! So, what should we do?

Sunny Funny: (voice) I want all of you to come into the city. Help the others make their escape.

Rotor: We shall do our best!

Sunny Funny: (voice) Alright, good luck everyone. We have one shot at this.

Sally hangs up.

Sally Acorn: Well, looks like it’s time to break into the city.

Wyldstyle: Oh man. I can just tell there’s going to be a lot of trouble.

Everyone climbs onto Dulcy and reach the top of the walls.

Sally Acorn: (To Dulcy) If you see my signal, arrive to my location immediately.

Dulcy: Got it.

Sally and the others leap over the walls. The camera pans away to another part of the city. Suddenly, a portal opens and an unseen silhouette with a red glow is seen emerging from it. They notice Manny and the others being loading into the prison van. However, they set their sights on Robotboy and Robotgirl being loaded inside.

???: It’s them. I must keep them from harm.

The figure disappears. The scene fades to black, ending the chapter.



Synopsis: Sunny and the others begin their plan to break out of Pensacola and make it back to Knothole Village! Along the way however, Mr. MacFroogle and his goons become alerted to their plans and Sunny and the others end up encountering an old "friend" of theirs. Meanwhile, Molly discovers something in the town hall that may finally cause her loyalty to MacFroogle to crumble...


The chapter opens as Sunny, Jenny and Sonia preparing to break their allies out of prison. They are now currently on a rooftop, watching the prison van driving to the prison.

Sunny Funny: Get ready, guys. Soon, we shall set our escape plan into action.

Sonia: I hope it works.

Jenny Wakeman: True.

Sally and the others arrive to their location.

Sally Acorn: Ok, Sunny! We’ve arrived with backup!

Sunny Funny: Perfect! Now, there’s this one guy named Zombified Geoffrey. If we want to sneak out of the walls through the gates, we need to take him out first and get the keys.

Bunnie Rabbot: I’ll go with Jenny. We’ll take care of him.

Jenny Wakeman: You can count on us, Sunny!

Sunny Funny: Thanks.

The alarms are heard blaring from the prison.

Sunny Funny: That’s the time the prison is being shut down for the night. It’s our signal.

Sonia: Let’s go.

Sunny, Sonia, Jenny and the others leave the roof and begin heading through the city. Heckle and Jeckle then appear.

Heckle: Hey, guys!

Sunny Funny: Hi! What are you doing, Heckle and Jeckle?

Heckle: We were just minding our business until we heard your plan to escape the city!

Jeckle: Can we help?

Jenny Wakeman: Sure!

Sonia: After all, the more help increases our chances!

Jeckle: True!

Everyone continues heading towards the prison. However, Heckle and Jeckle begin remembering Dark Tari's words from earlier.

Dark Tari: (flashback) He outright told me that you two were scrapped because he hated your cartoons, preferred Tom and Jerry, thought you two were nobodies and wanted to get your hopes up, only to drive it into the ground. You two do have an opportunity to get revenge on him. You just need to join MacFroogle’s army. What do you say?

Heckle and Jeckle quickly shake the words off before following after them.




At the prison, Manny and the others are seen in their cells. Dark Tari, PLA-1137, Past Buckaroo, Past Saiko and Kani are seen nearby with Kani walking past the cells, checking to see if the prisoners are in their cells.

Kani: Goggle-wearing girl.

Frida: Present.

Kani: Tiger kid.

Manny: Here.

Kani: Yellow Blockhead with headphones.

RH: Here.

Kani: Chalice head.

Ms. Chalice: "muffled" Here.

Kani: Patrick Ripoff and Sprite Addict.

AsphaltianOof: Here.

Azaz: Also here.

Kani: Green hedgehog.

Manic: Here.

Kani: Goth girl.

Zoe: Here.

Kani: Skeleton robot.

Skulldozer: Here.

Kani: Turtle head.

Kani passes by Little Buddy’s cell, but turns back when she doesn’t get a response.

Kani: Turtle head?

Kani looks into Little Buddy’s cell and sees what appears to be him asleep in his shell. She then unlocks the cell and rushes to him.

Kani: Hey, sleepy! Wake up!

Kani grabs the shell, only to rip it in half, revealing it to be made of Play-Doh.

Kani: Huh?! Impossible!

Dark Tari: What the?!

Kani and the other villains turn around and see Little Buddy trying to push open the exit door.

Kani: Hey!

Little Buddy: Uh oh!

Kani and the others run at Little Buddy and surround him. In the process, Kani drops a key on the floor that Manic eyes.

Manic: Yes...

Little Buddy: Please stay back!

Dark Tari: (sarcastic) Little late for a stroll, eh p***s head?

Little Buddy: I’m not a p***s head! I’m a Little Buddy, you dark hunk of trash!

Dark Tari: "outraged" WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!?!

As Little Buddy and the villains argue, Manic grabs the key that Kani dropped on the floor and uses it to unlock his cell. Manic quietly shuts the door sneaks away from his cell before crawling into an air vent. Zombified Geoffrey is shown watching the footage, but is too focused on watching Little Buddy arguing with the villains to notice Manic escaping.

Dark Tari: Well, you’re turning out to be quite the troublemaker, aren’t you? You think you could just walk out of here?

Little Buddy: Yeah, and I would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you meddling villains! (to Dark Tari) You blue hoodie wearing loser! You’re not a villain! You’re just an android with accessories! You’re a murder weapon with legs!

Little Buddy bites Dark Tari in the foot, causing her to jump in pain, before she furiously orders PLA-1137 to take Little Buddy away.

Dark Tari: (To PLA-1137) SEND HIM BACK TO THE PIT!!!

PLA-1137: On it.

PLA-1137 grabs Little Buddy and begins leaving. Little Buddy briefly winks at Manny and the others before beginning to pretend to panic.

Little Buddy: No! Not the pit! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it! I like hoodies! Really! No, please, no!

PLA-1137 leaves with Little Buddy as Sunny and Sonia are shown watching from the vent on a roof.

Sunny Funny: Ok, check.

Sonia: Everything is going according to plan.

Sunny and Sonia leave.

Dark Tari: (To Kani) Good work, Kani. Anyways, resume your sushi-stopping uh, duties.

Kani: Yes, sir. Actually, I need to go on my lunch break first.

Kani leaves.

Past Saiko: I’ll take charge until she gets back.

Dark Tari: Well, I’m going out.

Past Buckaroo: So am I.

Dark Tari and Past Buckaroo leave.

Robotgirl: (to herself) Ok, now my part. (To Past Saiko) Um, hey? Can I use the bathroom for a moment?

Past Saiko: Well, you should have thought of that while you still had your free time.

Robotgirl: Please? I really need to use it.

Past Saiko: No.

Robotgirl: So be it. Guess I have no choice to but to do so on your hammer.

Robotgirl pushes a button on her arm and the camera cuts to behind her as she prepares to urinate oil on Past Saiko's hammer, prompting her to give in before she can do so.

Past Saiko: Ok, fine! I’ll take you to the bathroom! Just don't p*ss on my hammer!

Robotgirl: Thanks!

Past Saiko unlocks the cell and she and Robotgirl head to the bathroom.




Outside the prison, Manic is seen exiting through the vent outside. He then rushes off and eventually reaches the pit. He opens the trapdoor and puts a wooden staircase inside. He then closes the trapdoor and hides in a bush as PLA-1137 appears with Little Buddy and opens the trapdoor.

Little Buddy: Wait! I’ll do anything! I’ll-I’ll even polish your helmet!

PLA-1137 ignores Little Buddy and throws him into the pit, before shutting the trapdoor.

PLA-1137: Might as well see how the Bros are doing.

PLA-1137 activates her jetpack and flies off. Afterwards, the trapdoor opens and Little Buddy is seen climbing out by using the staircase. Manic then emerges from the bush.

Little Buddy: Ok, what now?

Manic: (gives Little Buddy a walkie talkie) I need you to guide Sunny and the others to the nearest gate. To avoid detection, hide in that rock of yours. Got it?

Little Buddy: Got it.

Little Buddy leaves, but looks back at Manic.

Little Buddy: Also, it’s not a rock. It’s a shell.

Little Buddy leaves.




In the security room, Zombified Geoffrey is shown watching the cameras. He is also eating a bag of Doritos.

Zombified Geoffrey: Okay, no sign of any escapees yet. Hang on, what kind of Doritos are these?

Zombified Geoffrey looks at the bag and it says “Third Degree Burn: Scorching Habanero Flavored”.

Zombified Geoffrey: ... "shrugs" Well, at least I don’t have a digestive system.

Zombified Geoffrey continues eating the Doritos. Behind him, the vent on the roof opens.

Jenny Wakeman: "voice" Ok, I got the bag. I’m gonna place it over his head.

Bunnie Rabbot: "voice" Alright, but be careful.

Jenny gets lowered from the vent and is shown to be holding a black bag. The camera cuts to inside the vent where it’s shown that Bunnie Rabbot is holding her by her legs. Back in the security room, Jenny looks at Zombified Geoffrey and begins swinging back and forth as she tries to reach his head to place the bag on. However, Zombified Geoffrey suddenly turns around and screeches at her. Jenny screams as she accidentally swings into Zombified Geoffrey, knocking them down and causing Bunnie Rabbot to get dragged into the room with her. Zombified Geoffrey gets up and glares at Jenny.

Zombified Geoffrey: Wait till I tell the boss about this!

Zombified Geoffrey rushes towards the microphone, but Jenny shoots a grappling hook out of her arm, pierces him through the arm and pulls him away from it.

Jenny Wakeman: Oh no, you don't!

Zombified Geoffrey screeches and leaps at Jenny as they begin fighting. Eventually, Zombified Geoffrey overwhelms Jenny and begins hitting her in the face repeatably.

Jenny Wakeman: (to Bunnie Rabbot) Go get the rope!

Bunnie Rabbot: Got it!

Bunnie Rabbot opens a drawer, takes out some rope and rushes towards Zombified Geoffrey. He stops punching Jenny and turns around to see Bunnie Rabbot running at him with the rope. Zombified Geoffrey screams as Bunnie Rabbot leaps at him and the scene cuts away to Robotgirl entering the bathroom.

Past Saiko: You have five minutes.

Past Saiko shuts the door.

Robotgirl: Ok, what now?

Robotgirl looks around the room. She then spots a broom lying nearby.

Robotgirl: Perfect.

The scene cuts back to the security room. Zombified Geoffrey is shown to have been tied up with the rope and has his mouth duct taped.

Zombified Geoffrey: "muffled" (Release me this instant! The boss will have your heads for this!)

Bunnie Rabbot: Oh, be quiet.

Jenny grabs Zombified Geoffrey and throws him into a dresser before closing the doors, grabbing a broom and placing it into the handles.

Zombified Geoffrey: "muffled" (No, let me out!)

Bunnie Rabbot: (To Jenny) Get the key.

Jenny begins searching through the desk drawers.

Jenny Wakeman: Where is it? Where is it? Where’s the key? Where’s the key?

Jenny finds a gold key in the drawer.

Jenny Wakeman: Found it!




Back in the prison, Manic is seen sneaking back into the cell room through another vent and lands on top of the prison cells.

Manic: (To Azaz and AsphaltianOof) Okay, now.

Azaz: Got it.

Azaz and AsphaltianOof begin pretending to argue, causing Kani to notice.

Azaz: Hey! What do you think you’re doing? I told you to keep your hands off of my sprite!

AsphaltianOof: Make a move, blockhead!

Azaz and AsphaltianOof begin fighting.

Kani: Hey, hey, hey! No fighting! Break it up!

Kani rushes to their cell and unlocks their cell.

Azaz: Take take, tubby!


Kani grabs Azaz and AsphaltianOof and pulls them out of their cell.

Kani: You can’t hit each other. That’s my job!

Manic: (offscreen) Not anymore!

Kani looks up.

Kani: What the?

Manic leaps off the cell and drops a large glass cage on top of Kani, trapping her inside. She then begins banging on the glass in an attempt to escape.

Kani: Hey, let me out of here!

Azaz: Not a chance!

Kani: Wait till I get out of here!

Kani prepares to smash the glass open with her claw arm, but AsphaltianOof pulls out a heat lamp and shines it at Kani, weakening her and causing her arm to revert to normal.

Kani: No, not the heat lamp! Y-You're so gonna regret this!

Manic: (To Azaz) Let the others out.

Azaz: Got it!

Azaz grabs the key and unlocks the other’s cells.

Kani: Help! Prison riot!




Past Saiko is seen outside the bathroom.

Past Saiko: Okay, it’s been five minutes. Time to return to your cell.

Past Saiko opens the door, only to see no sign of Robotgirl.

Past Saiko: The heck? Where did she go?

Robotgirl appears behind Past Saiko and strikes her with the broom’s handle. Before Past Saiko can recover, Robotgirl presses her foot on her chest to restrain her.

Robotgirl: No more games, Past Saiko! How do we turn Kani to normal?

Past Saiko: You can’t make me talk! Never! "laughs" But I’d like to see you try.




Little Buddy is seen sneaking through the city. At one point, he looks through the window of the town hall and sees Ridley and his allies partying in an office, surrounded by empty pizza boxes.

Little Buddy: Man, they eat messier than PJ Berri.

Little Buddy leaves. The scene then cuts back to Kani as she continues struggling to break out of the glass box.

Kani: This glass can’t hold me forever!

Kani tries to break the glass down by running into it, only to smack face-first into it.

Manny Rivera: So, what should we do with Kani?

Tako: We should probably keep her in there until we can turn her back.

Maguro: Maybe take her with us to a Knothole Village.

Frida: Ok! Just make sure she doesn’t escape.

Zoe Aves: True. She might tell MacFroogle about it.

Kani: Let me out of here! Wait until I get my hands on you!




In a dressing room, Past Saiko is seen tied to a chair as Robotgirl is shown looking through a dresser.

Robotgirl: Let’s see what we have here.

Past Saiko: Hey, what are you doing?

Robotgirl takes out a pair of undies.

Robotgirl: Pink undies. I may be pink, but those might not fit.

Robotgirl rips the undies in half, causing Past Saiko to scream.

Past Saiko: Oh! Robotgirl, those were vintage!

Robotgirl: Ready to talk?

Past Saiko: Never! All right, go ahead. Rip them. I don’t care. They’re a dime a dozen.

Robotgirl takes out a red glitter dress,

Robotgirl: Ooh, glitter dress! Sadly, this was during disco which has been dead since.

Robotgirl rips the dress in half.

Past Saiko: No! Uh, who cares? Who cares? Dresses are tacky. Who cares?

Robotgirl: Oh! An Ouya jacket!

Past Saiko: “gasp” Robotgirl, not the Ouya!

Robotgirl: This is from what, 2013?

Past Saiko: The fashion formal collection, yes!

Robotgirl: What a shame.

Robotgirl begins to rip the Ouya in half.

Past Saiko: Oh, no, no, no! Wait, there’s an instruction manual!

Past Saiko struggles to get free, only to fall over.

Past Saiko: M-MacFroogle used the manual to brainwash Kani. "sobbing"

Robotgirl: Where’s that manual?




At the town hall, Dark Tari is seen watching TV while eating a bag of chips. The TV is shown to be airing"“CROSS-ING OVER! Season 1".

Dark Tari: Ok, I think only a few more minutes before the scene of me killing Luigi comes in!

Dark Tari continues watching the TV. Unbeknownst to her, Robotgirl is seen sneaking into the room through a vent.

Robotgirl: (to herself) Man, what’s with all of these vents? Well, might as well look for the manual.

Robotgirl looks around the room. She eventually sees the manual lying on a table.

Robotgirl: (to herself) There it is- Oh no..

The table the manual is on is shown to be next to Dark Tari.

Robotgirl: (to herself) S**t, how am I going to get that?

Robotgirl notices the TV’s cord plugged into an outlet next to her. Robotgirl then pulls the cord out of the outlet, causing the TV to turn to static.

Dark Tari: What the?! What happened the picture?!

Dark Tari heads to the TV and starts pounding on it.

Dark Tari: Come on! Work, dang you!

While Dark Tari is distracted, Robotgirl grabs the manual and sneaks out through the vent.




Dulcy is shown outside the walls.

Dulcy: Hopefully, Sally and the others are doing okay in there.

Suddenly, Dulcy notices two shadowy figures nearby.

Dulcy: The heck are they?

??? 1: So, you’re saying that your old enemy is in this city.

??? 2: "voice" Yes. However, he’s did something horrible to it. Turned it into a personal playground for crooks like himself.

??? 1: Man.

Dulcy: Uh, hello?

The two figures see Dulcy and quickly run off, disappearing from sight.

Dulcy: No, wait! Who were they?




Back at the prison, Tako and Manny are seen outside.

Manny Rivera: So, do you think Robotgirl managed to retrieve the information?

Tako: Hopefully. Without Kani, our team is down to four.

Robotgirl appears with the manual.

Robotgirl: Ok, I got it!

Tako takes the manual.

Tako: Okay, thanks!

Manny Rivera: Now, we need to see how to get Kani to normal.

The three enter the prison.




At the town hall, Molly is seen entering Mr. MacFroogle's office to meet up with the mayor, who is accompanied by Dreamcaster, Dr. Fusion and Dry Bone Bro.

Molly: (adjusts her stance) Mayor MacFroogle! I came as soon as I got your message. What’s this urgent meeting about?

Mr. MacFroogle: (startled, turns around) Ah, Molly! Right on time. We were just discussing… ah, town safety. You know how it is.

Molly: (not convinced) Sounds more like a secret, judging by the way you were huddled around the screen. What’s going on?

Mr. MacFroogle: (waves a hand dismissively) Just some administrative changes. Nothing for you to worry about!

Dreamcaster: (smirking) Yeah, Molly, you wouldn’t believe how much the SWAT-9000s are going to change things around here. Completely revolutionize the law enforcement!

Molly: (crossing her arms) Revolutionize the law enforcement? What do you mean, Dreamcaster?

Dr. Fusion: (enthusiastically) Oh, you’ll see! These robots are precision-engineered for excellence. No more human error. Just pure efficiency!

Mr. MacFroogle: Basically, once the SWAT-9000s have proven their full potential, I will no longer require the services of you or the rest of the Robloxia military, Molly.

Molly: ..... Are you saying you’re going to replace me? Replace all of us?

Mr. MacFroogle: (caught off guard) Wait, Molly, it’s not like that!

Molly: (voice rising in fury) Not like that? I’m hearing you’re planning to eliminate jobs! Do you even understand what that means for us?

Dr. Fusion: (dismissively) You’ll be fine, Molly! Plenty of other jobs in Robloxia for a soldier like you... if you want them.

Molly: (frustrated) You have no idea what you’re talking about! Soldiers aren’t just workers; we protect the city. We have loyalty to the citizens and each other.

Dry Bone Bro: (leaning forward) Loyalty? What a quaint notion. But in this age, it’s all about adaptability. The SWAT-9000s are the future!

Molly takes a step back, her heart racing as she processes the implications. She feels her loyalty to the mayor begin to fracture.

Molly: (voice breaking slightly) You don’t get it, do you? We’ve dedicated our lives to serving this city, and you’re ready to just throw us aside like we’re obsolete?

Mr. MacFroogle: (trying to regain control) Look, this is a necessary change for the safety and efficiency of Pensacola. These robots will reduce crime rates. Trust me.

Molly: (firmly) Trust? You expect me to trust you after watching this? You’re willing to sacrifice real lives for budget cuts and shiny toys!

Dreamcaster: (chuckles) Well, it’s about time you understand the reality of progress. Better to be a cog in the wheel than get crushed beneath it!

Molly: (clenching her fists) A cog? Is that all we are to you? I’ve spent years defending this town! This isn’t innovation; it’s betrayal.

Mr. MacFroogle: (frustrated) Enough! You’re a soldier, Molly. Your duty is to follow orders.

Molly: (shaking her head) I can’t do this. Not when I know the truth now. You’re abandoning everything we’ve built for a quick profit and a shiny new toy.

She takes a step back.

Molly: (voice steady) I’ll serve the people of Pensacola, but it won’t be through you anymore.

Molly storms out of the office as MacFroogle grimaces.

Dr. Fusion: What shall we do about her, MacFroogle?

Mr. MacFroogle: If she and the military think they can just walk out on me like that, they're gonna have another thing coming. Anyhow, you all can leave. I'm gonna take some rest.

Dreamcaster, Dr. Fusion and Dry Bone Bro leave as MacFroogle falls asleep at his desk.




Little Buddy is seen sneaking through another part of the city. He then hears Past Buckaroo and Terrovax nearby.

Terrovax: So, did you see any sign if that flower girl and her friends returned?

Past Buckaroo: Not yet. Soon, we shall convert them with the Convert-A-Tron pretty soon.

Little Buddy: S**t, better hide.

Little Buddy hides in his shell as the two pass by.

Past Buckaroo: By the way, I heard that new "Baywatch 2: Electric Boogaloo" is out in theaters!

Terrovax: True! I’m looking forward to seeing it!

Past Buckaroo: I know-

Past Buckaroo trips on Little Buddy’s shell and falls.

Past Buckaroo: Ow!

Terrovax laughs.

Terrovax: "laughing" You fell over!

Past Buckaroo: Oh, you think that’s funny?!

Past Buckaroo gets up and punches Terrovax in the face.

Terrovax: (enraged) Oh, that’s it!

Past Buckaroo and Terrovax begin fighting each other. As they are fighting, Little Buddy’s legs exit his shell and quietly sneaks away from the scene. After getting far away, Little Buddy’s head exits his shell and he continues heading through the city. He then notices Barnyard Dawg standing next to the gate.

Little Buddy: There’s the gate! But that dog is in the way though.

Heckle and Jeckle appear.

Heckle: Hey, LB!

Jeckle: What are you up to?

Little Buddy: Trying to get past that dog guarding the gate.

Heckle: We’ll distract him!

Little Buddy: Thanks! Anyways, here’s how to distract him.




Heckle: What?! No way we’re doing that!

Little Buddy: But it’s the only way!

Jeckle: Oh, fine. But you owe us one!




Barnyard Dawg is seen. His stomach growls.

Barnyard Dawg: Man, I’m starting to get hungry. What should I have?

Suddenly, a ding is heard. Snapping to attention, Barnyard Dawg notices Heckle wearing a chef hat and standing next to Jeckle, who is lying on a plate with an apple in his mouth.

Heckle: Bonjour, mademoiselle. It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we proudly present your... dinner.

Barnyard Dawg immediately pulls out a knife and fork, and begins advancing on the two.

Barnyard Dawg: I’m having birds tonight!

Heckle: Be our...

Heckle and Jeckle scream and run off as Barnyard Dawg chases them in hot pursuit. Once they are gone, Little Buddy sneaks into the control room and turns on the walkie talkie.

Little Buddy: Okay, Manic. I found the gate.

Manic: (voice) Good. I’ll arrive with the others soon.

Little Buddy: Alright!

Little Buddy turns off the walkie talkie. He then pushes a button, causing the gates to open. He then notices a box of pizza.

Little Buddy: Well, might as well not let this pizza go to waste.

Little Buddy begins eating the pizza.

Barnyard Dawg is seen rushing into an alleyway. He looks around for Heckle and Jeckle, only to see no sign of them.

Barnyard Dawg: Darn it! They got away! Oh well, back to bones I guess.

Barnyard Dawg leaves. Heckle and Jeckle then exit a trash can.

Heckle: That was a close one!

Jeckle: True!

They then have another flashback.

Dark Tari: (flashback) Well, did you know that he was going to put you in “Vandal Buster: Part II”?

Heckle: "voice" RH? How could you?

An obese-looking RH is then shown laughing diabolically while +smashing apart figures of Heckle and Jeckle.

RH: (imagine spot) You two shall never be in my stories! You are nothing!

RH laughs evilly as he grabs a bunch of buffalo chicken wings and eats them with the camera showing a closeup of his mouth messingly chewing them as lightning strikes everywhere. The imagine spot then ends.

Heckle: Let's face it, Jeckle. RH never cared to put us in his stories. He's always been leaving us out of the spotlight!

Jeckle: Heckle, w-we still don't know that-

Heckle: Face it, Jeckle! RH wanted us forgotten. So, it is time we get payback...

Jeckle: H-How so?

Heckle: Follow me...

The two leave.




Back in the prison, Kani is seen banging on the glass box while Azaz and AsphaltianOof are guarding it.

Kani: Help! Prison riot! Mayday! Mayday!

Azaz: Oh give it up, Kani. No one can hear you.

Kani: What?

Azaz: I said "no one can hear you"!

Kani: Speak louder!

AsphaltianOof: (loudly) He said "no one can hear-

Azaz: Quiet, will you?

Tako, Robotgirl and Manny enter with the manual.

Manny Rivera: Hey, guys! We got the instructions for the MacFroogle chip!

RH: Awesome!

Robotboy: So, what now?

Tako: Now, we need to turn Kani back to normal.

AsphaltianOof: Ok!

AsphaltianOof throws away the heat lamp.

Maguro: Asp, no!

Kani’s arm reactivates and she proceeds to smash apart the glass box and escapes.

Tako: Stop her! Don’t let her escape!

Kani rushes towards the door.

Kani: MacFroogle, I’m being taken hostage by my own prisoners-

Ikura and Wasabi leap at Kani and knock her to the ground.

Tako: Quick, don’t let her get away!

Kani: Unhand me, fiends! My boss will show you no mercy!

Manny Rivera: Um, try finding something to stop her from struggling-

Azaz grabs a lamp and smashes it over Kani’s head, knocking her out.

Manny Rivera: Well, that’s not what I had in mind, but okay.

Robotboy: Well, we should probably leave while we still can.

Ms. Chalice: "muffled" Might as well.

Everyone leaves the prison.




MacFroogle is seen still asleep in his office. However, he wakes up when he sees the door opening and unseen figures entering the office.

Mr. MacFroogle: What the? Who are you? Why are you two in my office?

The figures don’t respond. The camera cuts to outside as MacFroogle yells out.

Mr. MacFroogle: "voice" What?! What do you mean they escaped?!




Dark Tari, PLA-1137 and Coconut Fred are seen rushing into the prison and seeing all of the cells opened and empty.

Coconut Fred: Impossible!

PLA-1137: They escaped!

Dark Tari: And they took Kani! Why didn’t Zombified Geoffrey call us?!

Dark Tari's phone rings and she answers. Past Buckaroo and Terrovax are shown in the security room with Zombified Geoffrey having been let out of the dresser while still tied up.

Past Buckaroo: Guys, they got to Zombified Geoffrey! They just tied him up and took the keys!

Dark Tari: Quick, sound the alarms!

Past Buckaroo: Got it!

Past Buckaroo makes police noises while running in circles.

Terrovax: You’ve got to be kidding me.




Sunny, Sally, Sonia and Frida are seen heading through the city. They then come across Curve Bro in an abandoned McDonald’s, devouring a table full of food.

Curve Bro: Oh yes! All you can eat, baby!

Curve Bro continues eating as the four sneak past him.

Sunny Funny: Ok, we’re almost there-

Frida accidentally steps on an empty burger box, causing Curve Bro to hear the noise.

Curve Bro: Who’s there?

Sunny: Quick, hide.

The four hide in a nearby bus station. Curve Bro exits the McDonald’s, heads to the bus station and looks inside, only to see it is empty.

Curve Bro: Huh, must have been a rat.

Curve Bro continues eating a Big Mac as he heads back into the McDonald’s. Sunny, Frida, Sonia and Sally are then shown to be clinging to the ceiling.

Sonia: Ok, he’s gone.

The four land on the ground and sneak away from the area. Sonic then appears.

Sonic: Um, Sonia? What are you and the others doing?

Sonia: Hey, Sonic. Me and the others are sneaking out of the city to escape from MacFroogle. Come with us.

Sonic: Alright. "notices" Oh! Uh, hey Sally! Long time, no see.

Sally Acorn: True!

Frida: He locked us in prison cells and forced us to aid the villains in their needs.

Sonic: Ok, I’ll come. So, how do we get out?

Sunny Funny: LB located the gate. We must get there quickly.

Sonic: Ok.

Sally Acorn: We’re getting close now.

The five leave.




Sunny and the others are seen meeting up with Manic and the others near the gate.

Manic: Ok, did you find the others?

Sunny Funny: Yes, we got them all here.

Azaz: All right! By the way, we decided to bring these guys with.

Jez, Zara, Ratty the Friendly Vindicator, Guest, Jake, Blackie and Kitty are seen.

Jake: Hey, guys!

Sally Acorn: So, what got you and those others wanting to escape?

Jez: MacFroogle has practically drove Robloxia into the dust.

Zara: We’re unable to do stuff together without the villains messing things up!

Blackie: True! I even had to spend a day in the pit cause I couldn’t stop dropping pianos on his men!

Kitty writes "True."

Guest: Anyways, we heard about your escape attempt and we decided to come with!

Sunny Funny: Okay!

Little Buddy: Alright, I’m opening the gates now-

Suddenly, spotlights shine on them.

Sunny Funny: The heck?!

Ms. Chalice: "muffled" No!

???: "evil laughter" I’d have to admit, that was a pretty impressive escape attempt. Sadly, it was all for nothing.

MacFroogle and the other villains emerge from the shadows.

Dark Tari: Nice try, guys.

PLA-1137: None of you are going anywhere.

AsphaltianOof: Um, yeah we are!

Robotgirl: We’ve had enough of living under your rule!

Robotboy: Your men were getting out of hand!

Mr. MacFroogle: They get to do whatever. After all, there’s nothing out there for you all. Nothing but grass and trees.

Sunny Funny: That’s a lie.

Mr. MacFroogle: Oh, really? What did you see outside those walls that made you believe so?

A-01 Springtrap: Go on and spill the beans.

Sunny Funny: I’m never telling you.

Sally Acorn: You’ll never know.

Mr. MacFroogle: Wait, Sally Acorn? I never expected to see you around again. Especially after I tried to bulldoze your village.

Rotor: Um, yeah! You tried to build a casino over it!

Mr. MacFroogle: Until you thwarted me.., (to the others) Anyways, why not you all simply come back to the city. I’ll even let you stay out of the prison. You can join our family again!

Antoine: This is not a family of yours!

Frida: Right now, this is no longer a city! It’s a prison! You’re a liar and a bully!

Mr. MacFroogle: (annoyed) Oh, really?

Frida: Yes! And I’d rather either live or rot outside these walls than join any family of yours!

Ridley: That so now?

RH: Right! This is not how the position of mayor should go! Being a mayor is all about dealing with the responsibilities! Not about the power!

Mr. MacFroogle: I get to rule by my own vision!

Ghasticon: Same!

RH: And by the way, how did you even know we were escaping?

Manny Rivera: Yeah, we took out the night guard!

Mr. MacFroogle: “laughs” Well, you can thank my brand new recruits...

The two figures enter the scene and are revealed to be Heckle and Jeckle.

Jeckle: H-Hey, everyone.

Jez: WHAT?!?!

Tako: Heckle and Jeckle?!

Maguro: H-how could you?!

Jeckle: We’ve been ignored, overshadowed and rejected for too long.

Sunny Funny: What do you mean?! We've always let you take part in our heroics-

Heckle: This isn't about you or the others, Sunny.

Jeckle: "pointing at RH" It's about him.

RH: W-What?

Heckle: RH neglected to put us in his stories ever since "Lost Memories" ended.

RH: B-But guys! I-I know this may be tough to explain-

Heckle: Oh, really? Then, why were we told that you hated our cartoons, preferred Tom and Jerry and wanted to break our hopes and dreams?!


Robotboy: (To RH) RH, is this true?

Robotgirl: Tell us this isn’t true.

RH: Guys, listen! I-I don't know what those villains are telling those two, b-but if you all just let me-

Jeckle: I'm afraid it's too late for that!

RH: But what about "Project Maguro"? You guys are in it!

Heckle: Oh yeah, that story.


RH: Look, I just got delayed-

Heckle: Excuses, excuses! Our new friend, Dark Tari promised that we would be respected better than you guys so we decided to join the new family!

Jeckle: Sorry, but MacFroogle is our friend now.

Maguro: Please, don’t!

RH: He’s trying to trick you!

Jeckle: Ah, be quiet hypocrite!

RH: Guys!

Mr. MacFroogle: Well, if that’s the way you want it to be, guess I have no choice.

MacFroogle brings out a MacFroogle Chip.

Mr. MacFroogle: Now, which should I do first?

Sally Acorn: Neither!

Sally pulls out a firework rocket, lights it and it shoots into the air before exploding.

Past Buckaroo: What?

Uriah: Was that it?

Louie: That didn’t look threatening.

Mother Brain: Seriously?

Mr. MacFroogle: That's your ultimate resort?

Sally Acorn: Oh, just wait.

Loud rumbling is heard.

Mr. MacFroogle: Woah, what’s going on?!

Dulcy flies into the city and lands on the ground, creating a violent earthquake, causing MacFroogle and the others to fall. Little Buddy quickly activates the switch and opens the gates.

Little Buddy: Everybody, run!

Everyone runs through the gate and Little Buddy follows them as MacFroogle and the others get back up.

Mr. MacFroogle: (to the villains) Don’t just stand there! Stop them!

Dark Tari: On it!

Dark Tari and the others chase after Sunny and the others as they rush towards the forest.

Sunny: We need to get back to Knothole Village!

Wyldstyle: Right, but we have a risk of exposing it to MacFroogle!

Sonia: Someone will need to stay behind to distract them!

Little Buddy: Go on without me! I’ll hold them off!

Ms. Chalice: "muffled" Be careful!

Little Buddy stays behind while the others run off. The villains then approach Little Buddy and Dark Tari grabs him by the shell and lifts him.

Dark Tari: Alright, p***s head. Where did they go?

Little Buddy: I’m never telling, you purple eyes notchface!


Little Buddy: (sarcastic) Oh, sorry. Did I insult you? I think I meant to say “Eat trash, trashface”!

Little Buddy hides in his shell.


Little Buddy: (from inside) Never! You can’t make me!

Dark Tari begins shaking the shell.

Dark Tari: Just wait until I get my hands on you even if I have to rip this thing open!

Dark Tari tries to cut the shell apart with her knife arm, only to bend it.

Dark Tari: Ah s**t!

Little Buddy laughs.

Dark Tari: Oh shut up, will you?!

PLA-1137: I got it!

PLA-1137 fires at the shell, but it doesn’t leave a mark.

Little Buddy: Man, you really need to get that thing charged!

Terrovax: Um, they’re getting away.

Dark Tari: Fine, me and the others will go after them. You and the others kill this son of a b***h!

Dark Tari throws the shell to the ground and she, Past Saiko, Coconut Fred, Barnyard Dawg and Uriah leave. Little Buddy exits his shell as Terrovax aims a gun at him.

Terrovax: I’m having myself some stew tonight!

Little Buddy: Oh f**k!

Little Buddy runs off as Past Buckaroo, Terrovax and PLA-1137 chase after him.




Sunny and the others are seen running through the trail.

Sunny: S**t, I see them catching up!

Wyldstyle: Well, we need to lose them somehow!

Sally: Everyone split up! They can only chase some of us!

Everyone splits up.

Dark Tari: You two go after the blockhead and his two robots. I’ll keep up with the rest!

Past Saiko, Coconut Fred, Barnyard Dog and Uriah split from Dark Tari and chase after RH, Robotboy and Robotgirl. Eventually, the three end up reaching a large boulder at the end of a path.

RH: S**t, a dead end!

The four villains appear.

Past Saiko: Caught you all!

Barnyard Dog: No where to run!

Coconut Fred: Man, is the boss going to be mad with you three.

Uriah: Well, time to bring them in-

Suddenly, a blue portal appears behind them. The glowing red figure from earlier as well as Ghost Luigi, Ghost Buddy and Ghost Desti appear.

???: Stop right there!

Uriah: The heck?

Barnyard Dawg: Who’s the red guy?

???: You leave those two robots and my old friend alone!

The figure shoots red blasts at Coconut Fred and Past Saiko, knocking them down.

Barnyard Dawg: Oh f**k!

Barnyard Dawg runs off.

Uriah: Hey, come back!

The four begin shooting blasts at Uriah.

Uriah: Ok, I’m going! I’m going!

Uriah runs off.

Past Saiko: So are we!

Coconut Fred: We are so out of here!

The two run off, screaming.

RH: The heck?

Robotboy: Who was that?

???: Hey, RH! Nice to see you taking care of my old robots!

The figure is revealed to be a red ghost version of Dr. Morpheus.

RH: Wait, Morpheus? Is that really you?

Ghost Morpheus: Well, isn’t it obvious?

Robotboy: Hey, master!

Ghost Morpheus: Hey, RB! So, how are you and RG doing with my old partner?

Robotgirl: Pretty good!

Ghost Morpheus: Cool! Anyways, you should probably get back with the others. Who knows when those awful villains will show up again?

RH: On it.

Ghost Desti: We’ll meet up with you all later.

Ghost Luigi: Be careful!

RH, Robotboy and Robotgirl leave.




Little Buddy is seen still being chased by PLA-1137 and the others. Eventually, he exits the forest and stops when he ends up at the edge of a tall cliff with an ocean at the bottom.

Little Buddy: Oh no, cornered!

The three villains emerge.

PLA-1137: Nowhere to run down, turtle head!

Past Buckaroo: I bet you will taste great in a stew!

Little Buddy: Never!

Little Buddy leaps off the cliff and plummets. The three look over the ledge and see no sign of him.

PLA-1137: I don’t see him.

Past Buckaroo: Me neither.

PLA-1137: Well, I’m going to go check if Dark Tari captured the others. You both go down and make sure he's dead.

PLA-1137 leaves. Past Buckaroo and Terrovax look over the ledge, with Terrovax noticing that Past Buckaroo is uncomfortably close to him.

Terrovax: Seriously?

Past Buckaroo: "backs away" Sorry.

They continue looking down for any sign of Little Buddy.

Terrovax: Look, no creature like him could ever survive that fall. Listen, we're just gonna go back and tell her that we went down there, and ate him.

Past Buckaroo: Oh, perfect. I'm starving!

Terrovax: We're not going to eat him! The turtle guy is dead. That's all she ever has to know.

Terrovax leaves as Past Buckaroo stays behind for a little.

Past Buckaroo: Works for me.

Past Buckaroo leaves. Unbeknownst to the two, Little Buddy is shown to have been hiding underneath the surface of the river below the cliff, before he soon resurfaces. After gasping for air for a bit, he then swims away from the area.




Sunny and the others are seen arriving to Knothole Village.

Sunny Funny: There it is!

Manny Rivera: Wow! It looks cool!

RH, Robotboy and Robotgirl appear.

RH: Okay, we made it.

Robotboy: Also, you won’t believe what we just saw-

Dark Tari: (from nearby) Keep going, everyone! We’re getting closer!

Robotboy: Um, maybe another time.

Sally Acorn: Everyone inside! Rotor, secure the curtains!

Everyone runs inside while Rotor lowers the curtains. He slides inside at the last second just as the curtain shuts completely and Dark Tari and the others arrive.

Dark Tari: Huh? Where did they go?

PLA-1137: I could have sworn they were here.

Past Buckaroo: Sadly, I believe we lost them.

Dark Tari’s eyes turn completely black with purple irises.

Dark Tari: (in an unstoppable rage) I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE EVADE US!

The sky turns dark purple as Dark Tari unleashes refusion lightning from her hands.

PLA-1137: Woah, calm down!


Coconut Fred: I know, but we’ll just try harder next time!

Dark Tari: "sighs" All right. Let’s just report back to MacFroogle about our failure.

Dark Tari and the others leave as the sky returns to normal. The camera cuts to inside of Knothole Village.

Sonia: Man, she (Dark Tari) sounded really p****d...

Manic: I know.

Zoe Aves: Now, I really don’t want to make her mad.

Sunny Funny: True. But at least we managed to escape from them!

Sally Acorn: Especially since they don’t know our hideout!

RH: True!

Ms. Chalice: "muffled" Wait, where’s LB?

Manic: What?

Eventually, Ms. Chalice rushes off and looks through a pile of junk near the village. She manages to find an identical chalice, prompting her to tear her old head off her body and throw it aside, where it is heard shattering offscreen. She then places the new chalice on her body, and her face and mouth reappear on it.

Ms. Chalice: I said where's LB?

Manny Rivera: I don’t know. I didn’t see him meet us outside the village.

Ms. Chalice: Well, I-I hope he hasn’t gotten into trouble. What if they did something to him?

Sunny Funny: Well, he did lead some of them away. There could be a chance that he escaped.

Ms. Chalice: O-Okay then.

Sonic: Maybe soon, he’ll show up to the village!

Sally Acorn: Well for now, let’s just pretty much do whatever until we try to come up with a plan.

Sunny Funny: Right.

Everyone leaves.




Little Buddy is seen swimming through the ocean.

Little Buddy: Ok, I think I might have gotten lost. Hopefully, I can find my way back.

Little Buddy reaches the shore and leaves the ocean, only to find himself in a large desert.

Little Buddy: The heck? A desert?

Little Buddy notices a sign reading "Tasmanian Dunes, Beware of Tasmanian Devils". He then notices a moose skull lying nearby getting blown away by wind.

Little Buddy: Oh man. Well, might as well see what’s up ahead...

Little Buddy heads into the desert. The scene fades to black, ending the chapter.



Synopsis: Sunny and the others check out more of Knothole Village until they decide to find a way to stop Mr. MacFroogle! Meanwhile, Little Buddy ventures through the desert until he comes across a newcomer...


The episode opens at the town hall, where Mr. MacFroogle is seen eating a bowl of Doritos in his office. Dark Tari, PLA-1137, Heckle and Jeckle and Coconut Fred enter the town hall.

Mr. MacFroogle: Oh, hey there! So, how did you do capturing that flower girl and her friends? I bet you must have gotten them all converted with my sleeper chips!

Dark Tari: Um, yeah. There’s just one thing, boss.

Mr. MacFroogle: Yes?

Dark Tari: Uh.. (To Coconut Fred) Maybe, you’d better him.

Coconut Fred: Are you crazy?! Don’t you know what he’s capable of?!

Dark Tari: Well, someone has to tell him!

Coconut Fred: Ok, fine. (To Mr. MacFroogle) Um, hey boss? Well, I hope you don’t mind if I tell you this. Because um, well. It’s kind of hard to explain-

Mr. MacFroogle: Just get to the point!

Coconut Fred: Well, not only did the flower girl and the others escape, we lost track of them and it seems like they made off with both Kani and.. the instruction manual for the MacFroogle Chips.

Mr. MacFroogle: .... (To Dark Tari, PLA-1137 and Heckle and Jeckle in a disturbingly calm voice) Leave my office please..

Heckle: Uh, yes sir.

The four quickly run out of the office. The camera then cuts to them outside the office.

PLA-1137: So, how did you think he took the news?

Jeckle: I think he took it well-

Suddenly, loud crashing noises are heard from inside the office.

Dark Tari: The f**k?!

PLA-1137: What’s going on in there?!

Dark Tari: I’ll take a look.

Dark Tari looks in the office. She then closes the door and turns around to show she has a stapler attached to her face.

Dark Tari: I’m not going back in there..

Inside, Coconut Fred is shown screaming while frantically dodging heavy objects thrown by Mr. MacFroogle who has entered an unstoppable fury.


Mr. MacFroogle throws a trash bin at Coconut Fred, covering him in trash.

Coconut Fred: Ouch!

Mr. MacFroogle: ONE!

Mr. MacFroogle throws a chair at Coconut Fred and it hits him in the face.

Coconut Fred: S**t!

Mr. MacFroogle: F*****G!!

Mr. MacFroogle picks up the desk and prepares to throw it.

Coconut Fred: No please, boss! Anything but the desk!

Mr. MacFroogle: JOB!!!!

Mr. MacFroogle throws the desk at Coconut Fred and it shatters into pieces while sending Coconut Fred flying into a portrait of Mr. MacFroogle swinging a golf pole, destroying it. Mr. MacFroogle then grabs Coconut Fred by the leg.


Knish enters with soda.

Knish: Hey, boss! I got the soda you wanted-


Mr. MacFroogle throws Coconut Fred at the soda, spilling it everywhere. Knish screams and runs out of the room. Dark Tari and the others reenter the room.

PLA-1137: Um, you finished boss?

Mr. MacFroogle: “sighs” Yes. It’s just now that they have the manual, they’ll might find the MacFroogle Chips' weakness.

Heckle: True.

Jeckle: But we’re planning on trying to find out where they went! After all, Sally and the others must have came from somewhere.

Mr. MacFroogle: True. They must be hidden in some sort of secluded area somewhere in the forest. I want you and all of the others to go outside the city every few hours and try to look for any sign of them. If you find any valuable information, let me know.

PLA-1137: We will.

The four leave while Coconut Fred crawls out of the room.

Coconut Fred: You’re crazy even for my standards!

Mr. MacFroogle: "points to the exit" GO!!!

Coconut Fred screams and runs out of the office. He then dashes down the hall and leaps through the window to escape, shattering the glass in the process.




In Knothole Village, Rotor is seen working on a light.

Rotor: Hopefully, it works this time.

Rotor turns the light on. Suddenly, the light detaches, flies into the air and is sucked into a grey portal that disappears.

Rotor: Okay, I don’t remember programming that.

The camera cuts to Sonic and Sally interacting with each other.

Sonic: So, how were you lately Sally?

Sally Acorn: Pretty good! Just helped Sunny and the others escape from the city.

Sonic: Nice! I’ve also just been hanging out with my siblings recently! So, how’s Antoine?

Sally: Oh, he’s still having that dumb war with the fish.

A snapping noise is heard followed by Antoine’s scream from the distance.

Sonic: Speaking of the devil.

Sonic watches as Antoine is seen flying through the air until he lands on a clothesline.

Antoine: Still can’t believe that fish outsmarted me yet again!

Sally Acorn: Well, it’s what you’d expect from General Sherman. (To Sonic) That's the name of the fish. Hardest one to catch. Only one man nearly managed to catch it. Also weighs about 500 pounds.

Sonic: Cool! Who knows if I’m a match for him?

Another snapping noise is heard. Manny is shown hanging on the clothesline next to Antoine.

Manny Rivera: I just tried catching that General Sherman. Well, he just snapped my rod and so yeah.




In the desert, Little Buddy is seen heading through the area.

Little Buddy: Hopefully, I find find some place near. If I can remember, my species are unable to survive in hot temperatures like this.

Little Buddy comes across an oasis.

Little Buddy: Alright, found some water-

Suddenly, the oasis disappears, revealed to be a mirage.

Little Buddy: Or rather not.

Little Buddy continues heading through the desert. A hermit crab then appears.

Hermit Crab: This desert is one of the biggest in the entire world. I can help you out. You just need to listen to what I-

Suddenly, a falcon snatches the hermit crab and flies away with it.

Hermit Crab: OH, SON OF A-

Falcon: "screech"

Little Buddy: Um, I’m going to pretend I didn’t see that.

Little Buddy continues heading through the desert.




Back in Knothole Village, Maguro and Ikura are seen.

Maguro: Still can’t believe Heckle and Jeckle betrayed us.

Ikura: I know. Hopefully, they’ll come back to our side.

Maguro: I don’t know if they will. They mainly have a grudge on RH for not putting them in his stories for so long.

Ikura: True, but maybe they’ll come around.

Maguro: I hope so. Also, how are Tako and the others doing with Kani?

Ikura: They’re currently locking her up until they can turn her to normal.

Maguro: Okay! Hopefully, she’ll be restored soon.

Ikura: True.




Kani is seen waking up, only to find herself locked inside a wooden cage.

Kani: What the?! Where am I?! (notices Tako, Frida and Rotor outside) Hey, let me out this instant!

Frida: Not a chance!

Rotor: Not until we turn you to normal.

Kani: Idiots! MacFroogle will have your head for this!

Tako: And just for a precaution.

A heat lamp is shown above Kani’s cage with its light entering through a hole in the roof.

Kani: No, not the lamp!

Kani leaps to try to reach the hole, only to keep missing.

Frida: Yeah, good luck with that.

Manny appears.

Manny Rivera: Hey, guys! So, how’s Kani doing?

Tako: We just finished locking her up. We recently gave the manual to Sally and she’s currently trying to find information on how to reverse the effects.

Manny: Ok! Also, has anyone seen Zoe lately?

Frida: Well, I heard she’s been working on some “special” project of hers. She hasn’t told us yet.

Manny Rivera: Okay then.




Inside a hut, Zoe is seen placing the helmet on a stand.

Zoe Aves: Ok, just need to come up with some design.

Zoe takes out some spray paint and spray paints the helmet black.

Zoe Aves: Ok, good so far! Maybe put a little purple in.

Zoe paints a purple stripe on the front as Antoine enters.

Antoine: Hey, there-

Startled, Zoe accidentally turns around and sprays purple paint in Antoine’s face.

Antoine: Ah, oh geez!

Zoe Aves: Sorry! Anyways, what are you doing?

Antoine: Well, I only came to ask how did you meet Manny and that goggle wearing girl?

Zoe Aves: First, her name is Frida. Anyways, I decided to move to Pensacola at one point. However, I ended up arriving at the same time Day Zero was occurring. Eventually, I came across Manny and Frida fighting the ISIS soldiers and decided to help them out.

Antoine: Cool! Well, I’ll let you get back to what you were doing. By the way, what are you working on?

Zoe Aves: Just something that could maybe aid in stopping MacFroogle.

Antoine: I see.

Antoine leaves. Zoe then paints some purple eyes on the front.

Zoe Aves: So far so good!




Dulcy and Sonic are seen outside the gates.

Dulcy: So, how have you been doing lately Sonic?

Sonic: Pretty good! Although, had to keep dealing with my toxic fanbase and my car getting destroyed? What about you? Improved the landings?

Dulcy: Not much.

Sonic: I would have known.

Suddenly, the two hear some voices coming from a nearby microphone.

??? 1: "voice" Um, hello?

??? 2: "voice" Is this thing on?

Dulcy: Who is that?

Sonic: Guess we’ll have to see. (speaking into the microphone) Hello? Who’s out there? Who found this microphone?

??? 1: "voice" It’s us, the Five Guys.

??? 2: "voice" Remember me? Poppy the Fairy?

Sonic: Oh, right! I heard about you two during some of the past invasions!

Guy 2: "voice" True.

Guy 3: "voice" So, can you let us in please?

Poppy the Fairy: "voice" We kind of managed to sneak out of the city while MacFroogle was trying to recapture you. We just need somewhere to hide from him.

Sonic: Okay!

Dulcy pulls the lever, causing the curtain to lift. The Five Guys and Poppy enter the village.

Poppy: Thanks!

Sonic: Anytime!

Dulcy lowers the curtain again.




Back in the desert, Little Buddy is seen sliding down a dune.

Little Buddy: Man, how big is this desert?! It’s like the size of the earth or something!

Little Buddy eventually lands on top of a rock.

Little Buddy: Man, I better find a way out or someplace cool. I don’t know if I can last any longer.

???: Excuse me?

Little Buddy: Huh? Who said that?

???: Down here.

Little Buddy looks down and sees a granite-textured head sticking out.

???: Hi.

Little Buddy: Hey, there! So, what are you doing under that rock?

???: I’m not a rock. I’m a Granite Bud. Can you get off me please?

Little Buddy: Okay!

Little Buddy gets off the shell. The Granite Bud’s legs emerge and he stands up.

Little Buddy: Sorry about that.

Granite Bud: It’s okay.

Little Buddy: Cool! So, want to be friends?

Granite Bud: I’d like that. Well, technically I would...

The Granite Bud suddenly pulls out a handgun and tries to mug Little Buddy.

Granite Bud: Okay, hand over your shell!

Little Buddy: Hey! W-What do you think you're doing?!

Granite Bud: I said hand over your shell!

Little Buddy: W-What's wrong with yours?!

Granite Bud: Mine is useless against this atrocious heart! Yours is perfect for hiding against it!

Little Buddy: Look, I am not handing over my shell!

Granite Bud: Okay, you asked for it!

The Granite Bud pulls the trigger, and the handgun squirts Little Buddy with water.

Little Buddy: Um, okay? I don't see why-


Little Buddy screams and runs away as the Granite Bud pursues him through the desert. Soon, Little Buddy trips and he yells as the Granite Bud prepares to tackle him.

Granite Bud: My shell now-

The Granite Bud notices something offscreen and screams as a desert tornado zooms by and over him. By the time it passes by, the Granite Bud's skin had been stripped from his body, reducing him to a lifeless skeleton that then crumbles to pieces.

Little Buddy: Woah, w-what the f**k?!

???: Yeah, you really need to watch out for those.

Little Buddy sees another Granite Bud that is slightly older-looking.

Granite Bud 2: By the way, you really dodged the bullet with that guy.

Little Buddy: Why?

Granite Bud 2: That one granite bud was a notorious scam artist who made up his 10 years of slumber stories and when creatures like you let their guards down, he knocks them down, steals their shells and pawns them. I’d have to say he got what was coming to him. Heck, I was even a past victim of him. Had to use a rock from now on.

Little Buddy: Yeah, I guess so. Sorry to hear that though.

Granite Bud 2: Anyways, my name is Mussolini. What about yours?

Little Buddy: Well, I don’t really have an actual name. I just have my species’ name.

Mussolini: Ok, then. Anyways, watch out for those sand tornados. Anyone caught in them get stripped to the bone in an instant. Some blue moose (Lumpy) learned that the hard way.

Little Buddy: Okay, I’ll keep that in mind.

Mussolini: Alright. Anyways, what brings you into the desert?

Little Buddy: Well, it’s kind of a long story. Anyways, what about you?

Mussolini: My species reside in these kinds of deserts. Almost 103 degrees to be exact.

Little Buddy: Geez! How do you even survive out here?!

Mussolini: We’re used to these kinds of temperatures. Where does your species live?

Little Buddy: Man, it’s been quite a while since I was asleep for 12 years. I think if I can remember, it’s like close to volcanoes.

Mussolini: Cool! Anyways, I’d better get going. Got my own path to follow.

Mussolini begins to leave.

Little Buddy: Hang on for a moment. Do you know how to get out of here?

Mussolini: Try going South. Rumors have it that there is some abandoned location there.

Little Buddy: Okay, thanks! Where are you going though?

Mussolini: Wherever I can find in this desert. This is practically my whole life.

Little Buddy: I see?

Little Buddy begins heading south as Mussolini heads off in the distance.




Back in Knothole Village, Kani is seen banging on the cage.

Kani: I’m getting out of here eventually! These bars can’t hold me forever!

The Five Guys are seen watching from nearby while eating burgers.

Guy 1: Try all you want, crab girl. There’s no escape.

Guy 3: (to Guy 2) By the way, don’t you think it’s rather interesting that there’s a burger chain named after us?

Guy 2: I know, right?

Guy 4: True. Our names are literally on the bags.

Guy 5: True.

Bunnie Rabbot is seen.

Bunnie Rabbot: So, how did you order that anyways?

Guy 1: Well, we used that pulley system from nearby while we dialed the number.

Guy 2: I also heard they have a twenty minutes or it’s free policy!

Bunnie Rabbot: Is that so?

Bunnie Rabbot leaves.




Sunny, Sonia and Antoine are seen heading through a part of the forest outside the city.

Antoine: This forest is what we consider our museum. Here, we store mementos of me and the Freedom Fighter’s past adventures as well as interesting discoveries like this giant boulder we found here.

A giant green and yellow rock is seen on a pedestal.

Sunny Funny: Wait, I know that rock! That’s a piece of Greenhouse!

Antoine: It is?

Sunny Funny: Yes. How did you find this?

Antoine: Well, me and the others just heard a giant explosion coming from the sky. Then, that giant rock just crashed into our village. Ever since, we decided to keep it in our museum and try to find out its origins until you told me.

Sunny Funny: Cool!

Sonia: Um, what is that?

Antoine: (looking where Sonia is looking at) Oh, you mean that?

A lifeless dwarf-like figure made out of crystal is seen standing on a pedestal in a screaming position.

Antoine: That’s just Naugus.

Sunny Funny: Who?

Antoine: Naugus was a grim and cunning sorcerer. Back then, he teamed up with Snively to try to take over Mobius once more. Eventually, we defeated them both and they’ve never threatened us again.

Sunny Funny: True, but what happened to Naugus?

Antoine: Oh, well let’s just say the Void’s magic took its toll on him.

A flashback starts. Sonic, Sally, Bunnie Rabbot, Dulcy, Antoine and Rotor are seen fighting Snively and Naugus.

Snively: "flashback You’ll never defeat us, hedgehog! Me and Naugus shall rule once more!

Sonic: "flashback" Not like that’s gonna happen!

Antoine: (narrating) During the battle with Snively and Naugus, Naugus slowly started to crystallize as he was exposed to the magic of the Void for too long back when he was originally trapped.

Naugus tries to fire a spell at Sonic, only to notice his hand slowly turning to crystal.

Naugus: "flashback; gasps" I must return to the void! I can’t stay out much longer!

Naugus snaps his fingers, summoning a portal.

Dulcy: "flashback" He’s getting away!

Sally: "flashback" If he escapes, he’ll still remain a threat!

Sonic: "flashback" Looks like we’ll have to delay his flight!

Naugus prepares to jump into the portal, only for Bunnie Rabbot to run up behind him grab him by the legs.

Naugus: "flashback" Hey! Let go of me!

Naugus struggles to get free as the crystal begins to spread across his body.

Antoine: (narrating) Eventually thanks to our efforts, the portal shut and Naugus was unable to use his magic anymore.

Naugus eventually breaks free, only for the portal to disappear.

Naugus: "flashback" No! I’m running out of time!

Naugus tries to snap his fingers, only for both of his hands to crystalize.

Naugus, "flashback" No! (To Snively) Help!

Snively: "flashback" Uh.. (To Sonic and the others) I’ll get you next time, hedgehog! You hear me? Next time!

Snively runs off.

Naugus: "flashback" No, come back! No, NO, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Naugus screams towards the sky as he completely turns to crystal and becomes lifeless.

Antoine: (narrating) After Naugus was turned to crystal, me and the others placed him in the museum both to act as a memento of his past and of course, his tomb.

Antoine laughs as the flashback ends.

Sunny Funny: Man, that stuff sounded interesting back then!

Antoine: True! After the downfalls of both Naugus and Snively, Sonic chose to leave for some time and I assume that’s when the adventures of him and his siblings took place.

Sonia: Pretty much!

Sunny Funny: Cool! Well, I have to go for now. See you later!

Sunny leaves.

Antoine: (To Sonia) So, you want to hear about that time we dealt with the giant one-eyed nuclear gorillas?




Poppy is seen floating through the city.

Rotor: So, you’re a fairy right?

Poppy the Fairy: Pretty much! I do have wings after all.

Rotor: Well, maybe you can go up and see what MacFroogle’s men are up to!

Poppy the Fairy: Sure, I can try!

Poppy flies into the sky and looks at the city in the distance.

Rotor: So, what do you see?

Poppy the Fairy: So far, I see Dark Tari and PLA-1137 discussing something. Most likely about their plans for the day.

Rotor: Okay then.

Poppy the Fairy: Well, I think that may be all to report- Hang on a sec.

Rotor: What is it?

Poppy: I think I see someone approaching the village.

Rotor: Who?

Poppy the Fairy: I don’t know. It looks like something pink.

Rotor: What should we do about them?

Poppy the Fairy: Maybe, we could try to see who it is. Hopefully, they weren’t sent out by MacFroogle.

Rotor: True.




Back in the desert, Little Buddy is shown still heading south. However, he is visibly sweating and starting to move slower.

Little Buddy: No, can’t give up now. Must keep going. Must keep going. Actually, no I can’t. I can’t keep going. Nevermind, I can. No, I can’t. Oh, shut up! No, you shut up! No you, no you, no you. Oh, real mature. How can you say that?

Little Buddy eventually reaches a sign. It says “EXIT NEAR”.

Little Buddy: (offscreen) Yes, I’m getting close!

The camera pans out, revealing underneath is “1280 miles to go”.

Little Buddy: Oh, what’s the point. It’s hopeless.

Little Buddy collapses and passes out.




Back at Knothole Village, Ghost Desti, Ghost Luigi, Ghost Buddy and Ghost Desti are seen.

Ghost Morpheus: So, where’s Toadette?

Ghost Desti: She’s currently busy having to take care of all of the dogs up at Rainbow Road.

The camera cuts to Rainbow Road, where a bunch of ghost dogs are seen running amok.

Ghost Toadette: Stop it, stop it! It’s time for your baths! You must listen to me-

One of the ghost dogs run into Ghost Toadette, knocking her over. It then cuts back to the village.

Ghost Buddy: Yeah, they’re quite pests up there.

Ghost Desti: True.

RH appears.

RH: Hey, guys!

Ghost Morpheus: Hey, RH! By the way, what happened to you? You look kind of different than when I got killed.

RH: Oh, true. Kind of went through a bit of a crisis back then.

Ghost Buddy: Oh.

RH: (To the others) Speaking of which, can you guys excuse us for a sec.

Ghost Luigi: Oh, sure!

Ghost Desti: If you insist.

The four ghosts leave, leaving only RH and Ghost Morpheus present.

Ghost Morpheus: Ok, so what’s this about?

RH: Well, it’s just ever since you died back then. Kind of kept having bad thoughts about it.

Ghost Morpheus: About what?

RH: It’s just back when we found out Onion Cream tricked you into creating Masked Menace. Just the way I kind of blew up at you. I wanted to take it back, but I never got the chance to do so when you died. But anyways, I wanted to say that I am sorry about what I said to you back then. It’s just that Onion Cream is my sworn enemy and I didn’t really stay around to hear the whole thing.

Ghost Morpheus: Oh, it’s fine! After all, I would have accepted it regardless!

RH: Okay, thanks! About time I got that off my back.

Ghost Morpheus: Anytime! So, how have my robots been doing?

RH: Good so far! Although they kind of snuck into the Scavenger camp once. Luckily, me and Sunny were able to save them.

Ghost Morpheus: True.

RH: But they’re still learning though!

Ghost Morpheus: Nice!

Rotor appears.

Rotor: Everyone, come quick! There’s someone outside the village!

RH: Who?

Rotor: Come!

Ghost Morpheus: Guess we should take his word.

The two follow Rotor.




Everyone is seen near the bridge. Sally is shown speaking into the microphone.

Sally: Hello, who is this?

???: "voice" I don’t have time! Just please let me in! They could come any second now!

Sally: Who?

???: "voice" Just hurry!

Dulcy opens the curtain and someone rushes inside as Dulcy lowers it.

???: Thanks!

Dulcy: Anytime!

Sally: So anyways, who are you?

Sonic: Wait a sec...

The figure is revealed to be someone resembling Amy Rose, but wearing a green dress and a red headband and her quills are styled in a similar appearance to Sonic's.

Sonic: Amy?




Back in the desert, Little Buddy is shown still lying in the desert as several vultures land next to him. One of the vultures head towards Little Buddy and prepares to eat one of his legs. Suddenly, a loud gunshot is heard, causing all of the vultures to screech and fly away. Afterwards, two unseen figures are shown approaching Little Buddy. They then lean down and feel his pulse.

???: He’s still alive. We better get him out of here.

???: "sighs" This is such a mess.

The two figures picks up Little Buddy and leave as the scene fades to black, ending the chapter.



Synopsis: After the pink hedgehog Sonic recognized made it to the city, she explains how she made it to the village. Soon, they discover something shocking about her. Meanwhile, Molly and the Robloxia military discuss their intentions to turn on Mr. MacFroogle, only to learn that he intends to repay their betrayal with interest via the SWAT-9000s...


Rotor: Everyone, come quick! There’s someone outside the village!

RH: Who?

Rotor: Come!

Ghost Morpheus: Guess we should take his word.

The two follow Rotor.




Everyone is seen near the bridge. Sally is shown speaking into the microphone.

Sally Acorn: Hello, who is this?

???: "voice" I don’t have time! Just please let me in! They could come any second now!

Sally Acorn: Who?

???: "voice" Just hurry!

Dulcy opens the curtain and someone rushes inside as Dulcy lowers it.

???: Thanks!

Dulcy: Anytime!

Sally Acorn: So anyways, who are you?

Sonic: Wait, I know her!

Wait a sec...

The figure is revealed to be someone resembling Amy Rose, but wearing a green dress and a red headband and her quills are styled in a similar appearance to Sonic's.

Sonic: Amy?

Classic Amy: H-Hey, Sonic. T-Took along enough for me to find you.

Sonic: What do you mean?

Classic Amy: I’ve been trying to look for you for years.

Sonic: What are you talking about? You’ve already been trying to get me on a date during that time.

Classic Amy: ... That wasn't me.

Sonic: Huh? W-What do you mean?

Dulcy: Who are you by the way?

Classic Amy: Um, Amy Rose obviously.

Sonic: But there- What’s even going on here?!?

Classic Amy: Well, let me explain first.

A flashback begins.




Sonic and Classic Amy are shown in Sonic’s house.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Well, I’ll see you later Sonic!

Sonic: "flashback" See ya! Maybe next time, we can go to the movies!

Classic Amy: "flashback" Sure!

Classic Amy leaves, enters her car and drives off. However, an unseen figure is shown watching her in the bushes before leaving.




Classic Amy is seen stopping at a stoplight. Afterwards, a yellow car pulls up next to her. She then notices the car.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Hm, haven’t really seen a lot of yellow cars lately.

The light turns green and Classic Amy drives off. The camera cut to inside the yellow car where the driver from their POV are shown watching Classic Amy driving away.




Classic Amy is seen exiting her car and entering her house.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Okay, maybe I should watch some TV.

Classic Amy turns on the TV. Bread Monster appears.

Bread Monster: "flashback" This is Bread Monster reporting live from the Financial District of Pensa-

Bread Monster narrowly avoids a car flying towards him, which crashes into a building behind him.

Bread Monster: "flashback" Cola. Complete chaos has erupted ever since I.M Meen became the prime minister. People have objected to his rules and are starting riots! Events here have this reporter wondering. Will the city ever return to normAAAAAAALLLLLLLL?!!!

Bread Monster runs away from Black Yoshi wielding a mace and wearing ripped garbage bags as clothes who then approaches the camera.


Black Yoshi smashes the camera with the mace, destroying it.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Geez! Ever since Crash lost his job as the prime minister, lots of unfair rules are being put in!

A loud explosion is heard.

Classic Amy: "flashback" The heck is that?!

Classic Amy heads to the window and sees a giant mushroom cloud in the distance.

Dan: "flashback" (in the distance) Don’t just stand there! Stop her! She’s escaping!

Robot 1: "flashback" On it!

Robot 3: "flashback" We’ll take care of her!

Laser sounds are heard.

Robot 4: "flashback" Ow! She’s resisting!

Robot 5: "flashback" My eyes! They burn!

Classic Amy: "flashback" Man, lots of chaos seems to be going on.

Classic Amy notices the yellow car from earlier parked outside.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Isn’t that the same car I saw from earlier? Maybe, they live in this neighborhood.

Classic Amy leaves. The driver of the yellow car exits and watches her through the window before leaving.




Classic Amy is seen driving through the city.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Maybe soon, I can go visit Sonic again! Maybe we can see if he can beat Shadow in that chili dog contest again!

Classic Amy continues driving. However, the same yellow car once again pulls up next to her.

Classic Amy: "flashback" It’s that same car again! Man, we must take the same paths I guess.

Classic Amy drives off, unaware that the yellow car is following her.




Classic Amy is seen stuck in traffic.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Come on! Hurry! Daylight Savings start soon!

Classic Amy notices the same yellow car.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Okay, this is starting to get weird.




Classic Amy is seen driving through another part of the city while listening to the radio. Radish is heard on the radio.

Radish: (voice) Hey, Everyone! This is Radish. You probably know that ever since I.M Meen win the Election, we have had to deal with his and the villain’s unfair rules. However, we have finally gotten fed up with his rules and it’s about time we show him that he shouldn’t have messed with this city! So, all of you must unite and rebel against what’s left of his army! And should we win the day, the Election Day shall no longer be known as a special event, but the day when we declare with one voice: We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! WE ARE GOING TO LIVE ON! WE ARE GOING TO SURVIVE! TODAY! WE CELEBRATE! OUR ELECTION DAY!

The radio shuts off. Classic Amy then notices a bunch of ogres fighting I.M Meen’s robots.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Man, looks like I.M Meen’s army is about to be taken down!

Classic Amy stops at a stoplight, only to notice the yellow car once again.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Why is that car still following me?!

Classic Amy drives away. Eventually, she reaches another stop, only to notice the same car once more.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Seriously?!

Classic Amy drives off, goes through an interstate, several highways and eventually stops at her house.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Ok, hopefully that car is gone-

Classic Amy notices the car yet again.

Classic Amy: "flashback" The f**k?! Why does it keep following me?!

Classic Amy runs into the house and locks the door with three locks.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Okay, hopefully that gets rid of them-

A sheet of paper gets slid under the door.

Classic Amy: "flashback" The heck?

Classic Amy looks at the paper. On it is a picture of Sonic’s face with the words “Sonic is all mine!” on it.

Classic Amy: "flashback" The f**k?! What do they want with Sonic-

Suddenly, loud explosions are heard.

Classic Amy: "flashback" What the?! What was that?!

Classic Amy looks through the window and sees most of her lawn blown up.

Classic Amy: "flashback" My yard! Who’s doing this?!

Another explosion occurs, destroying part of her wall.

Classic Amy: "flashback" My walls! Stop destroying my house, whoever you are!

An unseen figure begins smashing the windows.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Stop now! Quit smashing my windows!

Parts of the roof break and TNT are thrown in and detonated.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Oh s**t!

Classic Amy runs out of the house as it explodes.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Who’s doing this?! I don’t think it’s the robots or something!

Classic Amy notices the figure looking at her. They begin heading towards her.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Oh s**t!

Classic Amy runs off. After running through the forest, she stops and hides behind a tree.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Okay, I think I lost her.

Suddenly, Classic Amy hears bush noises.

Classic Amy: "flashback" The heck? Who is that? Hello-

Suddenly, the figure smacks Classic Amy in the head with a branch, knocking her out.




Classic Amy is shown waking up. However, she notices that she is chained to the wall.

Classic Amy: "flashback" What the?! What is this?!

Evil laughing is heard from the darkness.

Classic Amy: "flashback" The heck?! Who is that?! Show yourself!

???: "flashback" Don’t worry! Sonic will be safe with me.

Classic Amy: "flashback" What are you doing with Sonic?!

???: "flashback" Relax. He’s still home. However, I’m planning a date for the two of us tonight.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Uh, what?

???: "flashback No, not you! Me and Sonic!

Classic Amy: "flashback" You can’t! He loves me!

???: "flashback" Not anymore! Why is it that Sonic had to chose you over me, huh?! I had everything you got! Your looks, your wealth, your achievements, and what did I get in return?!

Classic Amy: "flashback" W-who are you anyways?! Show yourself at once!

???: "flashback" Oh, you really should see the look on your face, sis...

The figure steps into the light and is revealed to be Amy Rose.

Classic Amy: "flashback" S-sis?!

Amy Rose: "flashback" That's correct.

Classic Amy: "flashback" W-What's the meaning of all this?!

Amy Rose: "flashback" Oh, sister. I always had my eyes on Sonic during our time in junior school. Yet no matter how many times I show him affection, he always seems to prefer you! So, I figured that if I took over your life, then Sonic would finally be in my romantic grip!

Classic Amy: "flashback" What are you talking about?! Let me free this instant! You know me and Sonic haven't seen you in years! He's pretty much forgotten you by now!

Amy Rose: "flashback" Oh, not to worry. He'll just think I'm you!

Classic Amy: "flashback" Where am I anyways?!

Amy Rose: "flashback" You’re currently inside the factory that RH 2.0 died in. Besides, this factory is abandoned so no one will come looking in here. Not even Murder Man!

Classic Amy: "flashback" Let me free now!

Amy Rose: "flashback" Never! Now, I have to go. I got a date with Sonichu tonight!

Amy Rose shuts off the lights and leaves.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Hey! Come back! LET ME OUT!!!

The flashback ends.




Sonic: S-So all this time, Amy was actually your sister?

Classic Amy: Yes. S-She was my twin.

Sonic: Gee, it's no wonder I fell out of love with her. She was nothing like you!

Classic Amy: Indeed.

RH: But how did you escape?

Emmet: How did you survive for that long?

Classic Amy: Well, it wasn’t really pleasant, but this is how I got out.

Another flashback starts.




Classic Amy is shown crushing a cockroach with her foot before pulling it over to herself and eating it.

Classic Amy: "flashback" This is really gross, but it’s all I can get my hands on.

Jenny Wakeman: (voiceover) Ew, you survived off of roaches?

Classic Amy: (voiceover) I did. Now, please let me explain the rest. Anyways, this is how I escaped.

Classic Amy notices Zombified Geoffrey entering the factory.

Zombified Geoffrey: "flashback" Come on, there’s got to be some roaches in here.

Classic Amy: "flashback" This is my chance. Just got to lure him in.

Classic Amy stomps on another cockroach, pulls it to herself and grabs it.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Hey, you! Smell the cockroach!

Zombified Geoffrey smells the cockroach and sees Classic Amy with it.

Classic Amy: "flashback" You want this cockroach?

Zombified Geoffrey: "flashback" Yes!

Classic Amy: "flashback" Really?

Zombified Geoffrey: "flashback" Yes!

Classic Amy: "flashback" You really really want it?

Zombified Geoffrey: "flashback" Yes, yes, YES!!!

Classic Amy: "flashback" Okay, but you’ll have to grab it first!

Classic Amy holds the cockroach near one of the chains.

Zombified Geoffrey: "flashback" GIVE IT TO ME!

Zombified Geoffrey lunges at the cockroach, but Classic Amy pulls it out of the way, causing Zombified Geoffrey to bite and break one of the chains.

Classic Amy: "flashback" So close! Try again!

Classic Amy holds the cockroach against the other chain. Zombified Geoffrey lunges at it, only for Classic Amy to pull it away again, causing Zombified Geoffrey to bite and break the other chain, causing Classic Amy to land on the ground.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Finally, I’m free!

Classic Amy runs off.

Zombified Geoffrey: "flashback" Hey, get back here! Well, after I eat this cockroach.

Zombified Geoffrey begins eating the cockroach as the flashback ends.




Classic Amy: Anyways, I managed to escape from the factory and eventually end up here!

Sonic: Cool! Well, nice to see you back!

Classic Amy: True!

Sonia: Also, how did you make it here?

Classic Amy: Well, that now I can’t explain later.

Sonia: Ok, then?




Mr. MacFroogle is seen in his office talking to Dry Bone Bro.

Mr. MacFroogle: What do you mean she escaped?!

Dry Bone Bro: I don’t know! We were in the process of converting her, but she suddenly broke free and ran off!

Mr. MacFroogle: Ok, but still! I didn’t even know that the Convert-A-Tron had a design flaw!

Dry Bone Bro: True!

Mr. MacFroogle: Well, if you see her again, capture her! I can’t bear to imagine her running about!

Dry Bone Bro: On it, boss!

Dry Bone Bro leaves the office. Coconut Fred and Tornado Bro enters the office with Coconut Fred holding a bag of sugar.

Mr. MacFroogle: Hey, Coconut Sled-

Coconut Fred: Fred.

Mr. MacFroogle: Whatever. Anyways, what’s with that bag of sugar?

Coconut Fred: Oh, you’ll see.

Coconut Fred force feeds Tornado Bro the entire bag.

Mr. MacFroogle: Um, was that it?

Coconut Fred: See ya! This is for throwing me around lately!

Coconut Fred runs out of the office.

Mr. MacFroogle: Um, ok?

Tornado Bro begins laughing maniacally as he transforms into a tornado again. The tornado begins spinning around the room, throwing stuff everywhere.





In Knothole Village, Sonic and Classic Amy are seen heading through the forest.

Sonic: So, why would your sister lock you up and take your place?

Classic Amy: She was absolutely obsessed with you. And she grew absolutely envious that I was the one who would always win you over. Especially when you chose me as your prom date over her.

Sonic: Geez. I didn't even remember that you had a twin sister. I-It's been so many years.

Classic Amy: Yeah.

Suddenly, Classic Amy yells as she falls to her knees and clutches her head in pain.

Sonic: Amy?! W-What's wrong?!

Classic Amy: I-I...

Suddenly, Classic Amy lifts her head back up, revelaing her eyes have turned a glowing orange.

Sonic: AMY-

Sonic yells as Classic Amy rushes up and seizes him by the neck.

Sonic: W-What the?!

Classic Amy: (in a deep and monotonic voice) You’re coming with me to MacFroogle! He shall have you converted-

Classic Amy’s eyes suddenly turn to normal and she drops Sonic to the ground out of shock.

Classic Amy: "hyperventilates a little" The heck?! What just happened?!

Sonic: I don’t know! F-For a moment, it looked like one of the people who got injected by the MacFroogle Chips!

Classic Amy: Ok, but how did that happen?! I didn’t even get injected with one.

Sonic: We need to find Sally.




At their military bunker in Robloxia, Molly is seen having gathered up the rest of the military.

Molly: (voice steady but urgent) Listen up, everyone. I’ve just returned from a meeting with MacFroogle and we have a serious problem on our hands.

Robloxia Military 1: (frowning) What kind of problem? If it’s about those heroes again—

Molly: (interrupting) It’s worse. Mayor MacFroogle is planning to replace us; the whole law enforcement in Pensacola with those SWAT-9000 robots.

Robloxia Military Leader: (confused) The SWAT-9000s? Aren’t those just glorified drones? They can’t possibly function as well as we can.

Molly: (shaking her head) You’re wrong, sir. They’re not just drones. They’re advanced AI—stronger, faster, and with zero empathy. If we don’t stop MacFroogle, he and the villains will control the entire city. They want to eliminate us and take over. The heroes are currently under threat, and we need to act fast.

Robloxia Military 2: But isn't he still the mayor-

Molly: Yes, but he's gone way too far now! We should've been suspicious about him from the start, but he and the villains are now starting to brainwash innocent civilians for the most minor of crimes! We cannot support him any further.

Robloxia Military 3: (crossing his arms) So what’s the plan, Molly? You think we can just waltz in and confront the mayor? He’s got the entire city under his thumb!

Molly: (determined) We can’t wait for him to make his move. We need to find Sunny and the rest of the heroes. They’ll help us counter this attack before it’s too late.

Suddenly, alarms start blaring, and red emergency lights flash across the room. The soldiers exchange worried glances.

Robloxia Military Leader: (shouting) What’s happening? Is it a drill?

Molly: (gritting her teeth) No, it’s not! We’re being attacked!

The holographic display flickers, and the screen switches to live footage of legions of SWAT-9000s floating toward the base, their eyes glowing a menacing red.

Robloxia Military Leader: (gathering soldiers) Get to your battle stations! We need to defend this base!

Molly: (commanding) All units, to your posts! We can’t let them breach the walls!

The soldiers quickly disperse, grabbing weapons and preparing defenses. Molly grabs a megaphone.

Molly: (shouting) This is not just a fight for our base; it’s a fight for our city! Stand strong, everyone!

The doors to the command center bang open, and a wave of SWAT-9000s charge in, firing lasers. The Robloxia military responds, returning fire as explosions rock the base. Molly takes cover behind a large crate with the Robloxia Military Leader.

Robloxia Military Leader: (eyes narrowed) They’ve got us surrounded! How do we turn this around?

Molly: (thinking quickly) We need a distraction. If we can access the base’s control room, I can override the systems and release our security bots. They’ll fight for us!

Robloxia Military 4: (fighting off a nearby SWAT-9000) Let’s make a break for it, then! We’ll cover you!

Molly nods and takes a deep breath, rallying her courage. She moves toward the door as the others cover her, shooting at the approaching SWAT-9000s.

Molly: (shouting over the chaos) On the count of three! One... two... three!

The remaining soldiers unleash a barrage of fire as Molly makes a run for the control room. She dodges lasers bouncing off the walls, narrowly avoiding a shot.

Molly: (under her breath) Come on, come on...

She reaches the control room and slams the door shut behind her. Quickly, she types on the console, her fingers flying over the keys.

Molly: (determined) I just need a few more seconds...

In the command center, the soldiers are fighting valiantly but struggling to hold their ground. The Robloxia military leader is pushing back a SWAT-9000 just as another soldier takes one out.

Robloxia Military Leader: (gritting his teeth) We can’t hold them forever!

Molly’s eyes widen as she sees the SWAT-9000s breached the main entrance.

Molly: (frantically) Almost there... yes! Got it!

With the press of a button, the room lights flicker, and a new wave of security bots, previously under the base’s control, switches allegiance and charges toward the SWAT-9000s.

Molly: Yes! That’s it! We did it!

She rushes back out into the fray, where the tides have turned. The new security bots clash with the invaders, creating chaos. Molly quickly joins the rest of the military.

Molly: (shouting) We’re pushing them back! Keep fighting!

The sounds of battle fill the air as the Robloxia military and their newfound allies fight fiercely. Slowly but surely, the SWAT-9000s begin to retreat, unable to withstand the onslaught.

Robloxia Military 5: (breathing heavily) They’re falling back! We can do this!

Molly: (inspiringly) Let’s finish this! We’ve got to clear a path to the exit and regroup with Sunny and the others!

With renewed resolve and the sound of clattering circuits ringing in their ears from the defeated robots, the team pushes forward through the chaos, rallying together as they charge toward the exit and out into the open roads of Pensacola.

Robloxia Military Leader: (shouting) Move out, soldiers! We’re not done yet!

They storm through the last few remaining SWAT-9000s controlling their path, before eventually reaching the wall and gradually climbing over to the other side.

Molly: (breathless but determined) Pensacola needs us. Let’s show them what we’re made of!




Inside a large wooden fort, Sonic, Classic Amy and Sally are seen.

Sally Acorn: So, what happened?

Sonic: Amy’s eyes just suddenly turned like the ones who got injected with the MacFroogle Chips and she attacked me and said I’m going to MacFroogle until she just turned back to normal.

Sally Acorn: Okay?

Classic Amy: Yeah, I have no idea what happened.

Sally Acorn: Alright, but what caused it- (notices something on Classic Amy) Oh no..

Sonic: What?

Classic Amy: What is it?

Sally Acorn: This isn’t good.

A MacFroogle Chip that is blinking red repeatably is shown on the back of Classic Amy’s head.

Sally Acorn: There’s a MacFroogle Chip on her back.

Classic Amy: WHAT?!?!?

Sonic: But why didn’t she get mind controlled permanently?

Sally Acorn: I don’t know.

Classic Amy: I-I mean, t-this is all I could really remember...

Another flashback begins.




Classic Amy is shown heading through the city. She then sees Terrovax and Xyloto eating pizza.

Terrovax: "flashback" So, how did you like that "Lost Memories" movie?

Xyloto: "flashback" I enjoyed it! I stopped watching after the flashback of Dreamcaster’s victory since that’s how it should have ended!

Terrovax: "flashback" True!

Classic Amy: "flashback" Hey, there! So, who are you-

Classic Amy accidentally knocks Terrovax’s pizza out of his hand, much to his outrage.

Terrovax: "flashback" Hey! You just ruined my pizza!

Classic Amy: "flashback" Sorry! Here, let me get that-

Classic Amy picks up the pizza slice, but accidentally slips on a banana peel, causing the pizza slice to hit Terrovax in the face.


Classic Amy: "flashback" Sorry! Hang on, I got that-

Classic Amy trips on a rock and accidentally shoves Terrovax towards a nearby burger stand where he falls face first into the deep fryer.

Terrovax: "flashback" AHHH!!!! OH JESUS!!!

Terrovax removes his face from the deep fryer which is now deep fried.

Terrovax: "flashback" OH, YOU’RE IN BIG TROUBLE NOW!!!

Xyloto grabs Classic Amy.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Hey! P-Put me down!

Xyloto: "flashback" Just for that, you’re getting a taste of the Convert-A-Tron!

The two drag Classic Amy away.




Classic Amy is shown being strapped into the Convert-A-Tron.

Dry Bone Bro: "flashback" So, I heard that you harmed Terrovax? That’s a violation of Rule #41.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Please, it was an accident! I-I swear!

Terrovax is shown with Past Buckaroo biting off parts of his fried face.

Terrovax: "flashback" Too late for that! (To Past Buckaroo) WILL YOU QUIT THAT?!?!?!

Terrovax beats up Past Buckaroo.

Dry Bone Bro: "flashback" Anyways, enjoy your new personality!

Dry Bone Bro activates the Convert-A-Arron and it begins to insert the MacFroogle Chip into Classic Amy’s head.

Classic Amy: "flashback" No, p-please don't!

However, she notices Sunny, Sonia, Frida and Sally nearby talking to Sonic.

Sonic: "flashback" Um, Sonia? What are you and the others doing?

Sonia: "flashback" Hey, Sonic. Me and the others are sneaking out of the city to escape from MacFroogle. Come with us.

Frida: "flashback" He locked us in prison cells and forced us to aid the villains in their needs.

Sonic: "flashback" Okay, I’ll come. So, how do we get out?

Sunny: "flashback" LB located the gate. We must get there quickly.

Sonic: "flashback" Okay.

Sally Acorn: "flashback" We’re getting close now.

The five leave.

Classic Amy: "flashback" Sonic?! I’m over here! H-Help!

Classic Amy struggles and slowly begins to break free from the restraints.

Classic Amy: "flashback" C-Come on!

Classic Amy breaks out before the Convert-A-Tron can finish, and she runs off.

Dry Bone Bro: "flashback" STOP HER! DON’T LET HER GET AWAY!

Terrovax, Xyloto and PLA-1137 lunge at Classic Amy, only to miss and crash into each other.

Terrovax: "flashback" Ow!

Xyloto: "flashback" Watch it!

PLA-1137: "flashback" That hurt!

Classic Amy runs off as the flashback ends.




Sonic: Gee, that explains so.

Sally: I think what happened is that since you were still being reprogrammed when you escaped, the process was left unfinished so you might end up switching at random.

Sonic: Well, can’t we just rip it off her?

Sonic grabs the MacFroogle Chip and begins pulling on it.

Sally Acorn: No, wait!

Sonic suddenly gets electrocuted until he loses his grip.

Sonic: Ow, what was that?!

Sally Acorn: If you try to remove the MacFroogle Chip by force, it will electrocute you. They can’t be removed through forceful means.

Classic Amy: N-No! There has to be a way to remove it!

Sally: I looked in the manual. It says that the only way to remove it is through a specially-made key to deactivate them.

Sonic: Well, that sounds easy enough!

Sally: Just one problem. The key is lost.

Sonic: Oh.

Sally Acorn: Besides, we need to find a way to remove that chip quickly. Cause if it completes the process, she won’t wanna change back.

Classic Amy: Are you kidding me-

Suddenly, Classic Amy’s eyes turn orange again and she grabs Sally.

Classic Amy: (in deep and monotonic tone again) You think you’re so smart, don’t you? (impersonating Sally) Oh, look at me! I’m Sally Acorn! I know everyone cause I’m the leader! Let me tell you how to fix your problems in a lame way! (no longer impersonating Sally) Well, you know what I think? You don’t know nothing. You don’t know nothing!

Classic Amy throws Sally against a wall and turns back to normal again. At this point, Classic Amy begins experiencing a panic attack.

Classic Amy: No, no, no, no! G-Get this chip off of me!

Classic Amy tries to pry the chip out of her head, but shouts as it electrocutes her.

Sonic: Amy, stop! You're gonna hurt yourself!

Classic Amy continues struggling to remove the chip, but eventually gives up and breaks down over her predicament.

Classic Amy: "sobbing" I-I-I don't want this in me any longer... I-I don't want to be forced into hurting people.

Sonic: Amy! I-It's going to be okay! W-We're going to turn you back to normal. I-I promise.

Classic Amy: "sniffs" Really?

Sonic: Of course.

Classic Amy: "sniffs" Alright.

Sally Acorn: Don't worry, we're going to find that key. Somehow.

Sonic and Classic Amy leave.

Classic Amy: So, how are we going to get that chip removed from me?

Sonic: We’ll find a way. We just need to find how.

Suddenly, they hear Rotor alerting everyone.

Rotor: Guys, to the entrance of the village! There's a whole bunch of people wishing to see us.

Sonic and Classic Amy join the crowd as they arrive to the entrance bridge where they soon find Molly and the rest of the Robloxia military standing on the other side.

Sunny Funny: Molly?

Molly: H-Hey, everyone.

The scene cuts to black, ending the episode.



Synopsis: After waking up, Little Buddy finds himself inside an abandoned film and TV studio. He soon discovers that a group of unknown individuals are in the building with him...


The chapter opens with a POV shot of someone slowly waking up. The figure is heard groaning as they slowly wake up to find themselves inside a dark chamber.

???: "flashback" Where.... W-Where the heck am I?

Evil laughter is heard as some people enter the room. As the person's vision clears up, the figures are revealed to be the Bacon Colonel and his men.

Bacon Colonel: "flashback" Good morning, Zara! You enjoying your stay here?

The person is revealed to be Zara who is chained up in the chamber back in Guest Alcatraz.

Zara: "flashback; sarcastic" Oh, am I ever...

Bacon Colonel: "flashback" I have to say I am disgusted first by you defecting and then harming my fellow soldiers.

Zara: "flashback" So? What you're doing to the guests is inhumane.

Bacon Colonel: "flashback" You seriously cannot understand how much of a great life you threw away. You could've had a great position within my army. Instead, you had to side with the defector (Jez). You had to side with the guests.

Zara: "flashback" Regardless, I will never let you exterminate the rest.

Bacon Colonel: "flashback" Oh, but I will. "grabs Zara by her cheeks" And trust me, when we are finished with the guests, they won't be all that we'll be after-

Zara suddenly takes the opportunity to bite down on the Bacon Colonel's fingers, making him yell in pain. The Bacon Colonel eventually frees his hand from Zara's grip and stares in shock at the bloody bitemarks she had left on them. He then begins to glare FURIOUSLY at her as she stares at him defiantly.

Bacon Colonel: "flashback" That's how you want to be? Then so be it...

The Bacon Colonel snaps his fingers causing another bacon general holding a butcher knife to enter. He is also wheeling in a table that has a hot plate of iron on it.

Bacon Colonel: "flashback" It seems that your constant refusal to harm the guest has left us no choice!

The bacon soldier puts the knife on the iron until it starts glowing red. He then hands the Bacon Colonel the knife and he approaches Zara, as another bacon soldier grabs her by the hair and lifts her head up to face the knife.

Zara: "flashback" Stop! W-What do you think you're doing?!

Bacon Colonel: "flashback" I'm afraid that we will have to teach you a very "valuable" lesson! I hope you learned it...

Zara struggles to break free as the burning knife inches towards her right eye.

Zara: "flashback" No! S-Stop, wait! N-NO-

Right before the knife touches Zara's eye, she suddenly jolts awake in one of the houses in Knothole Village, revealing the whole thing was a nightmare of her past experience in the Guest Alcatraz. Zara pants softly as she gets out of bed and walks towards the window overlooking the village. She then sadly feels the scar on her right eye and winces slightly from the pain that hadn't fully healed yet. She then sighs sadly before returning to bed.




Somewhere in a darkly-lit room, Little Buddy is shown to be still passed out and floating inside a large water tank. Eventually, he slowly starts to wake up as he looks around to discover where he is at.

Little Buddy: "gargled" Huh? W-Where am I?

After looking around for a little bit, Little Buddy soon swims up to the surface of the tank.

Little Buddy: What place is this?

Little Buddy suddenly notices that his shell had disappeared.

Little Buddy: Hey! W-Where did my shell go?

Eventually, Little Buddy spots his shell lying against the wall just nearby.

Little Buddy: Oh. There it is.

Little Buddy exits the tank, before proceeding to slip his shell back on himself.

Little Buddy: Okay. Still, how did I get here? Is this some kind of supply room? Guess I should look around.

Little Buddy exits the room and comes across a hallway that is in a ruined and dilapidated state.

Little Buddy: Whoa. This place sure looks run-down. Even Kee-Oth's realm looks better.

Little Buddy heads through the hallway. He then comes across an old movie poster, showing a shadowy demonic figure standing against some fog. On it is the title, "The Man".

Little Buddy: "The Man"? Is that like some horror movie or something?

Little Buddy continues heading through the hallway. Eventually, he comes across a door labeled "Staff Room".

Little Buddy: "Staff Room"?

Little Buddy enters the room. Inside is a bunch of desks with papers scattered everywhere.

Little Buddy: Woah! What is all this? Kind of looks like some sort of animation studio.

Little Buddy comes across an animation frame the ground. On it is a picture of Parappa and Red Bird from "Angry Birds" hiding from a bunch of Nixels from "Mixels".

Little Buddy: Isn’t that Parappa? Also, who’s that red bird guy and those small black creatures?

Little Buddy notices a title underneath the picture reading "Super Plush Crossover".

Little Buddy: "Super Plush Crossover"? The heck is that?

Little Buddy continues heading through the room as he sees posters for different shows like "Roblox: The Series", "Minecraft Story Mode: The Series", "The Plush Show" and "FNAF Adventures".

Little Buddy: What is all this? It’s kind of like posters for different shows.

A shadowy figure suddenly appears in the darkness behind Little Buddy.

???: "voice heard from the darkness" That's because it is.

Little Buddy: Hey! W-Who said that?

???: "voice" I see that you have awaken.

Little Buddy: What are you talking about?

???: "voice" Me and my friends found you out in the Tasmanian Dunes about to be picked about by vultures. You're lucky to even be alive.

Little Buddy: Ok, but who are you exactly?

???: "voice" My name is QUACK. Otherwise known as "QUICK UBER ANONYMOUS COMPACTOR KRASHER".

Little Buddy: Cool! So, do you know where I’m at?

QUACK: "voice" Right now, you and us are in this abandoned film and television studio known as "Minecraft Angry Birds Productions". This studio originally aired a lot of shows, movies and other types of entertainment, but they eventually went out of business due to being unable to keep up with other more successful rival companies. Now, what remains of it has since become our local hideout.

Little Buddy: I see. So, you're saying that there are others here?

QUACK: "voice" Yes. There’s my master and our friend.

Little Buddy: Master?

QUACK: "voice" I’ll show them to you.

Little Buddy: Okay! Also, can you come into the light? I can’t really see you.

QUACK: "voice"Sure.

QUACK steps into the light. They are revealed to be a large water tank containing a rubber duck entangled in electrical wires with mechanical arms and legs attached to the tank and a screen on the front with green eyes projected on it.

Little Buddy: Woah! You’re actually a mecha?

QUACK: Pretty much. I used to be an ordinary rubber duck until my master’s new friend put me in this body and granted me life.

Little Buddy: Cool! So, where are they?

QUACK: They’re in this building right now. My master is currently having her dinner while her friend is doing her own stuff. I’ll show you my master first. Just follow me.

Little Buddy: Okay!

Little Buddy follows QUACK into a nearby elevator. Inside, Little Buddy jumps to try to reach the floor button, but is unable to. Eventually, QUACK pushes the button himself, causing the doors to close.

Little Buddy: Thanks!

QUACK: Anytime. So, what are you exactly?

Little Buddy: Well, I’m kind of a Little Buddy. Don’t know if that’s my species’ name or my actual name. I was asleep for 12 years.

QUACK: I see.

The elevator stops rising and opens. Little Buddy and QUACK exit the elevator.

QUACK: We’re getting close to the cafeteria. That’s where we usually have our foods.

Little Buddy: Okay!

The two enter a door labeled "Cafeteria".

QUACK: There she is. She’s over there eating.

A figure is shown sitting at a table eating some food. Little Buddy approaches the figure to greet her.

Little Buddy: Hey, there! So, are you his master?

???: I sure am! Anyways, nice to see you’ve awoken. We pretty much found you in the desert while we were gathering more resources from the desert.

Little Buddy: Ok, thanks! Anyways, who are you?

She is shown to be a green anthropomorphic sea monster with red hair.

Sea Monster: I’m Nessie! What about you?

Little Buddy: I’m a-

QUACK: He says he’s a Little Buddy or something.

Little Buddy: True. Although my friends call me LB.

Nessie: Ok, then! Anyways, after we all found you in the desert, we just decided to bring you to our hideout until you woke up.

Little Buddy: Ok! So, what do you do here usually?

Nessie: Usually, we just mind our own business around here. Occasionally, we head out to look for resources in order to survive.

Little Buddy: Cool!

Suddenly, loud noises are heard in another room.

??? 1: "voice" Stop, what are you doing?!?

??? 2: "voice" I just put extra glitter in it!

??? 1: "voice" No, it gets the mixture all wrong-

A loud explosion occurs.

Little Buddy: What was that?!

Nessie: Oh, it’s that time of day again.

The door opens and a pink unicorn-kitten hybrid made out LEGO emerges covered in ash.

Lego Unicorn-Kitten Hybrid: Um, were you sure glitter does not mix well with gasoline?

??? 1: "voice" Of course it doesn’t! It only sets it off!

Lego Unicorn-Kitten Hybrid 2: Well, sorry! After all, I’m not used to these types of physics!

??? 1: "voice" Just stay out of it next time.

Nessie: What happened in there?

Another figure exits the room. They turn out to be a female mechanic who is wearing a brown jacket with their hood up, peach-colored skin and wearing a green visor over her eyes.

Female Mechanic: Nothing. It’s just that Unikitty decided to combine the gasoline with her glitter.

Unikitty: Hey, this dimension isn’t made of LEGO! How was I supposed to know?

Nessie: Enough, guys. Anyways, our new house guest has recently woken up.

Unikitty: Cool!

Female Mechanic: (lifts her visor over her eyes) Alright! So, who are you?

QUACK: Little Buddy. Friends refer to him as LB.

Little Buddy: True!

Unikitty: Nice! Anyways, my name is Unikitty! I’m the ruler of the Unikingdom in my dimension!

Little Buddy: Cool! What about the other one?

Nessie: That one there is Tracey!

Trace: Um, it’s actually Trace. My parents gave me the name Tracey.

Nessie: Oh right, her name is Trace. She also works as a mechanic around here!

Little Buddy: Cool! Also, why is her hood up? It’s not freezing or anything.

Trace: That actually isn’t really important.

Little Buddy: Um, okay?

Trace: By the way, I also shot at the vultures who tried to eat you.

Little Buddy: Okay, thanks!

Trace: Anytime!

Little Buddy: So, how do you all get here in the first place?

Unikitty: My friends, Emmet, Wyldstyle, Benny and Batman found this strange portal and we decided to see where it led to. Somehow, I didn’t end up in the same place as them.

Little Buddy: Hey, I know them! I think they went to Knothole Village with the others!

Unikitty: Cool! We’ll have to see them some time!

Little Buddy: True! (To Trace) What about you?

Trace: Well... It’s a long story actually. Can we explain later?

Little Buddy: Sure! (To QUACK) I already know that you were created by Trace.

QUACK: True.

Little Buddy: What about you, Nessie?

Nessie: Oh, it’s quite a history!

Trace: But the thing is that she kind of loves explaining her backstory through a puppet show.

Little Buddy: Cool! I can sit through that!




Little Buddy and Unikitty are seen sitting in chairs. Little Buddy is shown eating popcorn while Nessie, QUACK and Trace are shown near a puppet stage.

Nessie: You guys ready for this? Back then, we spent half a year preparing for this!

Little Buddy: You bet I am!

Unikitty: Can’t wait!

Trace: Ok! By the way, I did work on the puppets and special effects. QUACK does the narrating while Nessie controls the puppets.

Little Buddy: Okay! Anyways, let’s see how it goes!

The stage’s curtains open. A wooden sign held up by Trace appears, reading “The Ballad of Nessie. Don’t tell Disney please.”. The sign disappears and a lake background gets dropped into frame.

QUACK: (narrating) In the bonny blue highlands, where the bagpipes play, lives a creature called Nessie, but it wasn't always this way. Before her great loch had ever been seen, shy Nessie lived life on the moors of Glenkeane. She was rumored a monster, which wasn't quite right. For she was really a softie, with no bark, and no bite.

A green wooden puppet of Nessie pops out of a bucket of water, representing the lake. A small picture of QUACK’s rubber duck taped to a popsicle stick pops out as well. The two puppets when controlled by Nessie begin moving around the puddle representing them swimming.

QUACK: (narrating) And with a wee friend that she had, the kind loyal and true, they played hide and seek in a pond just for two.

Trace pushes a button, causing cardboard storm clouds to rise into the stage.

QUACK: (narrating) Until one gloomy, gray day, at a quarter past two, from some distant, dark land, came a tartan-clad crew. With no time to waste, and a toot and a bugle, no expenses were spared, for tycoon MacFroogle!

A wooden marionette of Mr. MacFroogle alongside puppets of Knish and Zeke appear on stage. Little Buddy drops his popcorn in shock as he recognizes the puppet.

Nessie: (voicing Mr. MacFroogle in a hilariously fake masculine voice) This place is perfection, it's just what I need. With a few slight corrections, it will be heaven indeed.

Trace takes out several toy bulldozers, places the puppets of MacFroogle, Knish and Zeke on them and begins shoving the scenery of the lake off the stage with them. The Nessie puppet runs off as the lake continues getting torn down. Afterwards, Trace lowers a cardboard scenery depicting MacFroogle’s Golf Emporium into the stage. The Nessie puppet heads to the gate and begins shouting.

Nessie: (voicing herself) Hey! What’s the big idea?! Bring my lake back at once! (breaking character) Pretty cool voicing myself, right?

Little Buddy nods while eating popcorn. The MacFroogle puppet strikes a small cotton ball representing a golf ball with his club. The ball which is controlled by a popsicle stick falls into a hole in the table.

Trace: (voicing Zeke) Brillaint, sir! Brilliant!

Nessie: (voicing Mr. MacFroogle) Thank you! Thank you!

QUACK: (narrating) Nessie's anger burned bright, her eyes flickered with tears.

A bird puppet controlled by Trace flies into the scene.

QUACK: (narrating) Then a friend scolded, and told her.

Trace: (voicing the bird) Keep a stiff upper lip. Don't cry, be a braveheart, chin up now, pip pip!

The bird puppet flies away. The Nessie puppet places a bunch of items onto a small rag which drop into the stage and emerge as a bundle that the Nessie puppet takes and leaves with.

QUACK: (narrating) Nessie gritted her teeth, and decided to pack her whole kit and kaboodle, and her dear friend, MacQuack.

Trace: (voicing Knish) Fore!

QUACK: (narrating) She set off to search for a new pond that could serve, a place with no golf clubs and no AstroTurf. But every pond was empty.

The Nessie puppet leaps into an empty bowl of water.

Nessie: (voicing herself) Ouch!

QUACK: (narrating) Every well was dry.

The Nessie puppet leaps a well, but ends up hitting the bottom, breaks its head off.

Nessie: Whoops!

Nessie glues the head back onto the puppet.

Nessie: Anyways, (voicing herself) Ow!

QUACK: And every tough was spoke for.

The Nessie puppet leaps into a bowl of mud filled with some pig puppets. Trace pushes a button, causing a springboard to launch the Nessie puppet out.

Nessie: (voicing herself) I can fly! (breaking character) Sorry, I just get really into it.

QUACK: Yet, still she had to try. She traveled each road, and sought out every route. But instead of finding home, poor Ness got the boot.

The Nessie puppet is shown getting kicked out of different houses by Nessie’s foot, hand and tail.

QUACK: (narrating) And the reward for her efforts, it was always this quip.

A rat puppet appears.

Trace: (voicing the rat) Only wee babies cry, chin up now, pip pip.

The rat puppet runs off. Trace takes out some water hoses, removes the Nessie puppet’s eyes and screws the hoses in as she heads to a nearby water dispenser and plugs it in as Nessie moves the Nessie puppet to a mountain scenery.

QUACK: (narrating) Nessie finally popped out. She'd reached the end of her rope. Where do you go, when there is no more hope? She stifled a whimper, and a lump in her throat. Chin up now, pip pip. She recited by rote.

Trace turns on the hose, causing water to pour out of the Nessie puppet’s eyes

QUACK: (narrating) What begin as a trickle, soon turned to a shower-

Suddenly, the water sprays harder, causing it to hit Little Buddy and Unikitty, knocking them out of their seats.

Little Buddy: Ahh, oh geez!

Nessie: Sorry, sorry, sorry!

Trace turns down the water pressure.

Nessie: We tend to keep messing that part up.

Little Buddy: It’s fine! Please continue.

Trace fills several buckets of water and dumps them all over the set.

QUACK: (narrating) Nessie cried and she cried, she cried by the hour. She cried cups, and pitchers, and bottles, and buckets. She cried tubs and barrels, quintets and quintuplets. For days Nessie cried, nay, for weeks on it went. Till one day she sniffed, her tears finally spent.

Trace turns off the water hose, removes them and places the Nessie puppet’s eyes back in. Afterwards, the lake scenery is lowered back in.

QUACK: (narrating) In surprise she looked up, at MacQuack there, afloat? Dunkin' and bobbin' in what looked like.. A moat, nay, 'twas a lake! A great loch! Nessie gasped in delight. Sure 'twas the paradise, with no golf tee in sight!

The Nessie and QUACK puppets begin swimming in the bucket of water again.

QUACK: (narrating) Nessie learned herself a lesson on that bright and happy day. And it bears worth repeatin', no matter what folks may say. Don't ever be afraid to cry, it really is okay. Sometimes it's through our tears, we find a better way. As for Nessie, and MacQuack, well, they're still there, I guess. Forever playing hide and seek, all along Loch Ness. And as for, MacFroogle? Well, let’s just say he got what he deserved.

The scenery is replaced with a scenery of MacFroogle’s Golf Emporium which is now flooded. The Mr. MacFroogle, Knish and Zeke puppets are shown floating on a log as the Mr. MacFroogle puppet begins spraying water out of his eyes. The curtains then close.

Little Buddy: Amazing! I enjoyed everything about that puppet show!

Unikitty: Same!

Nessie: Thank you! We put a lot of effort into it!

Little Buddy: Anytime! I really enjoyed when Mr. MacFroogle’s golf course got flooded! Serves that b***h right especially for when he took over Pensacola lately-

A record scratch is heard as Nessie hears what Little Buddy said.

Nessie: Wait, you know him?

Little Buddy: Yes. He recently took over the city I live in and has drove it into the ground. He’s allowed criminals and villains alike to run free and rebuilt his golf course! Right now, he’s acting like a corrupt a**hole who cares about nobody but himself!

Nessie: MacFroogle. He’s back?

Nessie grabs the MacFroogle puppet and tensely squeezes it.

Nessie: I-It's impossible...

Nessie throws the puppet at a wall, shattering it into pieces.

Trace: Woah, Nessie!

QUACK: Calm down!

Nessie: I know. It’s just the fact t-that he's still out there.

Little Buddy: True. But I have one question. If you got your lake back, why aren’t you in it anymore?

Nessie: Well, what happened was-

Suddenly, an alarm is heard.

Little Buddy: What is that?

Nessie: That must be him. Guess I’ll have to tell you later.

Little Buddy: Ok, but who’s here?

The five head downstairs. Nessie pushes a button, causing a bunch of gates in front of the building to open as an unseen figure enters.

Nessie: Welcome back!

Trace: So, how were you lately?

???: "voice" Still doing alright. I-I can't believe I was dumb enough to trust him. He’s ruining everything for everyone in Pensacola!

Trace: Yeah, I know!

???: "voice" We got to figure out a way to stop him and make things right!

Upon seeing the figure, Little Buddy suddenly begins to recognize him.

Little Buddy: Wait a sec...

The figure is revealed to be none other than a alive and well Crash Bandicoot.

Crash Bandicoot: H-Hey, LB.

Little Buddy: Crash?!

The scene cuts to black, ending the chapter.



Synopsis: Sunny and Sally begin to plan how to infiltrate Pensacola to retrieve information on how to defeat Mr. MacFroogle, while Molly and the Robloxia military work to assist them. Meanwhile, Sonia, Manic, Zoe and Skulldozer end up encountering a mysterious person who has arrived to warn them about something...


Sunny and the others are shown still confronting Molly and the Robloxia military after the latter two had arrived at Knothole Village.

Manic: Just what do you all think you're doing here?

Molly: Listen, everyone. Me and the rest of the military have a good reason for coming here.

Manny Rivera: Oh, really? After all of you chose to side with MacFroogle and let all the villains and scavengers run amok?!

Robloxia Military Captain: Yes, we know this is a really awkward situation at the moment, but we need to explain something urgently.

Sunny Funny: What is it?

Molly: We're finally aware of how corrupt MacFroogle truly is. He had begun brainwashing innocent civilians with sleeper chips for the most minor of rule-breaking, he's begun imprisoning the entire city and everything surrounding it within giant walls, and most recently, he's been planning to replace all the law enforcement including us with those officer robots (SWAT-9000s).

Lumpy: Oh geez.

Frida: MacFroogle is just putting all of Pensacola on a shorter and shorter lease!

Robloxia Military 1: Indeed!

Molly: Look, everyone. We all made a mistake trusting MacFroogle in the first place. But we now want to help you all in stopping him. If you let us across this bridge, me and the military will work on defending this village you're all hiding in from any intruders or any of MacFroogle's men.

Azaz: Uh, still not sure if this is a good idea accepting this offer-

Sunny Funny: Guys, Molly is correct. She and the military may have been against us at first, but we are all on the same side. If we don't partner up, we may stand no chance against MacFroogle in his forces.

Sally Acorn: Agreed. If we're going to overthrow him, we need as much help as we're gonna get.

Ms. Chalice: True.

Molly: Thanks, guys. We'll be happy to assist.

Sunny Funny: Anytime.

Molly and the Robloxia Military are allowed to cross the bridge to enter the village.




Lumpy is seen eating some berries from a bush.

Lumpy: Man, this village sure has some good berries!

Lumpy continues eating the berries. However, he accidentally eats a poison berry and begins choking. Eventually, he collapses to the ground, dead. Afterwards, white rings appear and separate to reveal Lumpy now revived.

Lumpy: I hope no one saw that. Well, might as well hide this.

Lumpy drags the corpse away.

Lumpy: Okay, now where should I hide this?

Lumpy notices the chimney in Antoine’s house.

Lumpy: Perfect!

Lumpy enters Antoine’s house, throws the corpse into the fireplace and uses the branding iron to stuff it into the chimney above.

Lumpy: Ok, hopefully no one will find it.

Lumpy runs out of the house.




Buckaroo, Azaz and Manic are shown.

Manic: So, what do you two do in your spare time?

Buckaroo: Well, we do like doing contests against each other!

Manic: Cool!

Azaz: For example, I’m the champion of the world’s longest burp!

Manic: Oh, really? If I remember, I actually did it for two minutes.

Manic shows a video of him burping for two minutes straight.

Azaz: Ohh.. Well, I kind of only did 30 seconds. Um, how about worm swallowing?

Manic shows a badge reading "Most amount of worms slurped". Azaz’s jaw drops.

Azaz: Uhh, rock crunching?

Manic shows his broken teeth.

Manic: Done it.

Azaz: (now sweating) Sewer slurping?

Manic: (releasing bad breath) How’s this?

The smell knocks out a nearby Scratch.

Azaz: Dust licker?

Manic shows his tongue covered in dust.

Azaz: Uhh, uhh, sprite drinking?

Manic: Huh, actually I didn’t do that yet.

Azaz: Then we got a challenge!

Buckaroo: Uh oh.




Azaz and Manic are seen sitting at separate ends of a large rock. On it is a massive pile of Sprite cans.

Manic: You know I’m gonna beat you. Sprite is green. I am green. It fits me.

Azaz: Oh, try your best! "laughs"

Buckaroo: Um, Azaz? I don’t think this is a good idea.

Azaz: Oh, be quiet! Can’t you see I’m about to become the champion? Now, ring the gong!

Buckaroo: Ok, then.

Buckaroo grabs a rock and throws it at a wooden plank, starting the contest. Manic grabs a Sprite can, opens it and drinks it, leaving Sprite all over his chin. However, Azaz yawns before drinking his own Sprite and folding his arms defiantly.

Manic: So, that’s how you want to do it?

Manic opens four Sprite cans and drinks them all at once. He throws the cans down and grins. Azaz’s jaw drops.

Azaz: I won’t let you win!

Azaz drinks five cans at once and swats them away while breathing heavily. The camera switches to Buckaroo as he looks back and forth at Manic and Azaz drinking their cans over and over. The camera cuts back to Manic and Azaz who are now slumped against the rock with only a couple cans left in the middle while a huge pile of empty cans have piled up. Manic reaches for one of the cans, opens it and despite feeling full, slurps it completely. He then drunkenly grins, throws the can away and looks smugly at Azaz. Azaz grabs another Sprite can, opens it and looks inside it. The liquid inside emerges and morphs into a green version of Buckaroo.

Spritearoo: I told you this wasn’t such a good idea!

Azaz gags as if trying not to puke before collapsing and throwing the last Sprite can in mid air in slow motion. The Sprite can lands on the rock and spills as Manic slurps the puddle with a straw.

Manic: Well, looks like I’m the champion of Sprite drinking!

Manic leaves as Azaz lies passed out on the ground.

Azaz: Impossible. I mean, how did he beat me?

Buckaroo: I guess Manic was right about Sprite fitting his color.

Azaz: But I have green! Why didn’t it work for me?

Buckaroo: No clue.




Sonic and Classic Amy are seen.

Sonic: Hopefully, we’ll be able to get that sleeper chip out of you soon.

Classic Amy: Yeah, I-I hope so. I don't know how long I've got until it finishes its programming...

Sonic: I know.

Sonia appears.

Sonia: So, how is Amy doing?

Sonic: Turns out that she has one of those sleeper chips planted into her. We're trying to find a way to get it out before the change becomes permanent.

Sonia: Oh. Well, did you try unscrewing it?

Classic Amy: Yes, but it doesn’t work. It just keeps shocking Sonic every time.

Sonia: What about smashing it with a hammer?

Classic Amy: "annoyed" That didn’t work either! Same results!

Classic Amy’s eyes turn orange yet again and she grabs Sonia.

Classic Amy: (in a demonic voice) What, you think I'm to blame for the Dreamcast flopping?!?!

Classic Amy throws Sonia against the wall of a house before turning to normal.

Classic Amy: Sorry about that! I didn’t mean for that!

Sonia: It’s fine. Just take it easy, okay?

Classic Amy: I’m trying! By the way, has anyone seen that flower girl?

Sonic: Her name is Sunny.

Sonia: Well, I think I heard that she’s discussing something with Sally.




At the wooden fort, Sunny and Sally are seen.

Sally Acorn: So, what are we talking about?

Sunny Funny: We’re going to come up with a plan to defeat Mr. MacFroogle and his men.

Sally Acorn: How? He has a lot of defenses and there are chances we could get caught and exposed to the sleeper chips.

Sunny Funny: True, but on this case, we’re going to be sneaking into the city during the night.

Sally Acorn: Ok, but how does this plan go?

Sunny Funny: Here’s my plan. Afterwards, we’ll gather everyone in the village and tell them about our plans.

Sally Acorn: Ok.

Sunny begins to explain her plan to Sally as the scene fades to black.




Sonia and Manic are seen talking with Zoe and Skulldozer.

Zoe Aves: So, what did you two have in common with Sonic?

Sonia: Well, him and us spend most of our time searching for our mother to overthrow Dr. Robotnik and his army.

Manic: Of course, we all love chilli dogs!

Zoe Aves: Cool!

Sonia: I prefer mine with tofu.

Skulldozer: Cool! (to himself) What is wrong with her? Tofu, seriously?

Unbeknownst to the four, the masked figure, now holding a hammer from earlier is seen looking at them while hiding in a tree.

???: I’m in luck! I just have to get the message to them so they will know that he’s back to cause havoc! Now, how do I cooperate with them?

The figure then gets an idea.

???: I know.

??? leaps off of the tree, somersaults through the air and lands in front of the four.

???: Finally, I have found you.

Sonia: What the heck?

Manic: Who is that?

???: Come with me, and there won’t be trouble.

Zoe Aves: Um, do you seriously think we could trust someone who just randomly shows up out of nowhere?

Skulldozer: Well, unless they're in danger. That's how Manny and Frida met her (Zoe).

Sonia: How do we know you're not an agent sent by MacFroogle?

Manic: Yeah.

???: Listen, I don’t have time to explain right now. I need your help.

Zoe: How can we trust you?

Skulldozer: Who are you anyways?

???: You have to listen to me carefully. He’s back, and he is working for-

Suddenly, the figure gets knocked out by El Tigre, who leaps in and kicks him in the face.

Manic: Nice one!

El Tigre: Thanks!

Sonia: So, what should we do with him?

Zoe: I know.

The five grab the figure by their arms and leave.




Pensacola is seen. By this point, most of the buildings are either run down or destroyed, the grass is now mostly dirt and all of the trees have been stripped of their leaves as there is smoke everywhere, no doubt thanks to MacFroogle's absolutely poor rulership over the city and neglecting it and the people's well-being. The camera then cuts to Mr. MacFroogle in his office, eating a bunch of burgers. He is shown watching TV. It shows Bugs Bunny and Coconut Fred on a stage.

Bugs Bunny: Uh, hey everyone! Now, today is the day the new Coconut Fred reboot comes out! Now, I originally cancelled the show because he was ripping off SpongeBob, but I decided to bring it back due to its cult following! (whispering) Actually, Coconut Fred is holding me hostage for this and is forcing me to do this so please help me-

Coconut Fred: "aiming a bazooka at Bugs Bunny" What are you saying, rabbit?!

Bugs Bunny: Uh, nothing! Anyways, let’s go see what "evil" deeds SpongeBob is up to!

Bugs Bunny and Coconut Fred heads to a nearby castle decoration where Spongebob is seen on top.

Spongebob: "in an unenthusiastic gloating tone" You’ll never defeat me, Coconut Fred. I have already destroyed Fruit Salad Island. There’s no way you’ll get your revenge-

Coconut Fred pours gasoline on the fire and lights it, turning it into ash in an instant.

Spongebob: "flatly" Oh wait, you did.

Spongebob yells and falls to the ground. MacFroogle laughs.

Mr. MacFroogle: Man, Coconut Fred is really enjoying himself! Oh, I’m out of burgers.

MacFroogle bangs on the intercom button.

Mr. MacFroogle: Secretary! More burgers now!

Peach: "intercom" But sir, burgers in Pensacola are now a very limited supply-

Mr. MacFroogle: Don't tell me how many remain! Find a way to bring some here now!

MacFroogle shuts off the intercom and exits the town hall. However, he sees Petra and Olivia talking to each other.

Petra: Man, those scavengers are getting out of control!

Olivia: I know! There’s practically nothing left in Beacontown! They took everything!

Petra: I know!

Mr. MacFroogle: Hey, you two! So, how are you two doing?

Petra: Horrible! Those Scavengers keep cleaning us out of our supplies!

Olivia: There’s not even any redstone left!

Mr. MacFroogle: True, but the Scavengers get to take whatever they want. Remember what Captain Kidd said?

A flashback starts, showing Captain Kidd and his pirates singing.

Captain Kidd and Pirates: (singing) Oh, we take what we want and we want what we take. For we're pirates out hunting for treasure! If we need any gold, we steal it away. Robbing widows and orphans of pleasure! We fight with our hands, we cuss and shoot. We're mean and we're bad from our hats to our boots. We take what we want and we want what we take. For we're pirates out hunting for treasure!

The flashback ends.

Olivia: Okay, I have no idea what you just said.

Petra: A dog leading a gang of pirates? That makes no sense.

Mr. MacFroogle: Of course you don’t understand. After all, says the characters whose parent company went bankrupt.

Petra: Don’t you dare say anything about Telltale like that!

Olivia: Yeah!

Mr. MacFroogle: But why? What’s the problem with that? It’s not like they could make a killer app.

Petra: Well, they did "The Walking Dead".

Clementine: (from nearby) True!

Olivia: I mean too bad they couldn’t do one based off the Loch Ness Monster.

Petra: Otherwise known as Nessie-

Mr. MacFroogle: (suddenly enraged) What?! What did you just say?!

Olivia: Um, Nessie?

Mr. MacFroogle: Don’t you ever say that! You know the law. Never ever say that name in my presence!

Petra: But it didn’t say anywhere.

Olivia: And why does that name set you off-

Mr. MacFroogle: It’s a latest addition! Now, don’t ever say that again!

Petra: Um, okay?

Some Scavengers appear.

Scavenger 1: Hey, boss!

Mr. MacFroogle: Hang on, I have to go. (To the Scavengers) What is it this time?

One of the Scavengers are seen holding a bone.

Scavenger 2: Well, it’s just that we have this bone for you-

Scavenger 3: Let me handle this. (To Mr. MacFroogle) Boss, there is no more food or water or any supplies.

Scavenger 2: Yeah. It’s dinner time and we ain’t got no stinkin’ entrees.

Mr. MacFroogle: It’s the citizen’s job to gather supplies.

Scavenger 1: Yeah, but they won’t go gather them.

Mr. MacFroogle: Well, just eat that black blocky girl (Olivia) there.

Olivia: Oh, you wouldn’t want to eat me! Remember that Wither Storm incident?

Mr. MacFroogle: What Wither Storm?

Scavenger 1: (To Scavenger 2) Man, I thought things were bad enough under Crash-

Mr. MacFroogle: (To the Scavengers and enraged again) What did you say?!

Scavenger 1: I said Cra-

Scavenger 2 covers his mouth.

Scavenger 2: Actually, he said Kraysh. You know, like Norwegian.

Mr. MacFroogle: Good. Now get out.

Scavenger 1: Yeah, but we’re still hungry.

Mr. MacFroogle: OUT!

The Scavengers run off.

Mr. MacFroogle: (To Petra and Olivia) Well, I have to go do my golfing plans. In the meantime, I have sent Dreamcaster and his bird out of to monitor the outside of the city. Stay out of trouble.

MacFroogle leaves.

Petra: Man, he’s starting to act more corrupt.

Olivia: True. Even to his own men.




Outside the city walls, Dreamcaster and Fawkes are monitoring the area for any signs of escapees.

Dreamcaster: Don't see any signs of people escaping the city yet.

Fawkes: That's a good sign!

Dreamcaster: Indeed.

Suddenly, the two begin hearing something coming from the forest.

Dreamcaster: What is that?

Fawkes: No clue!

Dreamcaster: Perhaps we should check it out.

The two teleport away. Back at Knothole Village, everyone is seen outside the wooden fort with Sunny and Sally outside the entrance.

Sonic: So, what did you call us here for?

Sally Acorn: Well, me and Sunny have been discussing plans about possibly taking down Mr. MacFroogle.

Sonia: But how? With his men, he’s pretty much unstoppable.

Sunny Funny: True, but we’re not going to be trying to defeat him at first. What the plan is that we will sneak into the city during the night and go around trying to gain information about him and his army’s weaknesses. That way, once we’ve learned enough, we can launch our assault onto him.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Dreamcaster and Fawkes are shown to be hiding in the audience.

Fawkes: "whispering" That’s her.

Dreamcaster: "whispering" I know. The flower who ruined my plans. Soon, I shall finally get my revenge on her for screwing everything up.

Fawkes: "whispering" But she’s right there and defenseless. Let’s kill her now. And besides, we know where she and the others are now hiding!

Dreamcaster: "whispering" No. Not yet.

Fawkes: "whispering" Why?

Dreamcaster: "whispering" I need her alive. For now...

Sunny briefly spots the two talking in the crowd while scanning the audience and snaps to attention.

Sunny Funny: Wait, Dreamcaster?!

Sunny looks at their location, but both Dreamcaster and Fawkes have already vanished.

Sonia: What?

Manic: Who do you mean by Dreamcaster?

Sunny Funny: Oh, sorry about that. Must have been imaging stuff. Anyways, here’s how the plan will go.

The scene switches to a blue background where the characters are animated as white outline versions of themselves.

Sunny Funny: (voiceover) At night, we leave Knothole Village. Dulcy and Wyldstyle will give us means to sneak in through the walls.

The heroes are shown climbing Dulcy to get past the walls while Wyldstyle shoots a grappling hook at the wall as many of the others climb it.

Sunny Funny: (voiceover) Afterwards, we all split up through the city and go around trying to obtain information from either listening to MacFroogle’s men or discovering some of his weapons.

Lumpy and Azaz are shown in the bushes listening to PLA-1137 and Past Buckaroo talking to each other. The red tower is then shown.

Sunny Funny: (voiceover) Also, MacFroogle and his team built this giant tower for some reason. Some of us will sneak into that tower and try to see what’s inside.

AsphaltianOof, Jez and Buckaroo are shown sneaking into the tower. It then shows everyone leaving the city through the walls while Human Meggy, Beta Tari and Jesse are shown following them.

Sunny Funny: (voiceover) Throughout all of this, we can find some more people to join us and after we’ve gathered the information, we leave the city undetected.

MacFroogle is shown getting blown up by a bunch of dropped missiles and is replaced by a grave reading "Here lies MacFroogle. He never scored.".

Sunny Funny: (voiceover) Finally after a few days, we unleash our attack on MacFroogle, defeat him and reclaim the city!

The sequence ends and turns to normal.

Sally Acorn: Basically, that’s our plan on how we can defeat MacFroogle.

Lumpy: Nice!

Poppy the Fairy: That sounds like it could work!

Ratty: True!

Sticks: MacFroogle is going down!

Volts: Agreed!

Maguro: And if we’re lucky, we could also turn Kani and Amy back to normal and get Heckle and Jeckle back onto our side!

Jenny Wakeman: True!

Sally Acorn: Anyways, we shall prepare for our infiltration tonight. All of you can go back to what you were doing now.

Everyone leaves.




Crystal and Classic Amy are seen.

Crystal: So, how are you lately?

Classic Amy: Good so far! Hopefully, I don’t start acting violent again-

Sure enough, her eyes turn orange again.

Classic Amy: (monotonic and demonic) Don't ask me how my day was! I'll rip off your pedals and deliver them to MacFroogle as a trophy!

Classic Amy lunges at Crystal, but she blocks her with a log. Classic Amy then turns to normal and groans.

Classic Amy: I stand corrected.

Crystal: Hopefully, we’ll get that chip out of you.

Zoe appears.

Zoe Aves: Hey, guys. I need you for something.

Classic Amy: Um, okay?

The three leave and the screen fades to black, ending the chapter.



Synopsis: Crash Bandicoot explains how he was not dead like everyone presumed. As a result, Little Buddy finds out that Mr. MacFroogle is more sinister than he may seem and Nessie finally reveals what had happened between her and MacFroogle in the past...


The chapter opens a few minutes earlier with Little Buddy and the others still conversing.

Nessie: I know. It’s just the fact t-that he's still out there.

Little Buddy: True. But I have one question. If you got your lake back, why aren’t you in it anymore?

Nessie: Well, what happened was-

Suddenly, an alarm is heard.

Little Buddy: What is that?

Nessie: That must be him. Guess I’ll have to tell you later.

Little Buddy: Ok, but who’s here?

The five head downstairs. Nessie pushes a button, causing a bunch of gates in front of the building to open as an unseen figure enters.

Nessie: Welcome back!

Trace: So, how were you lately?

???: "voice" Still doing alright. I-I can't believe I was dumb enough to trust him. He’s ruining everything for everyone in Pensacola!

Trace: Yeah, I know!

???: "voice" We got to figure out a way to stop him and make things right!

Upon seeing the figure, Little Buddy suddenly begins to recognize him.

Little Buddy: Wait a sec...

The figure is revealed to be none other than a alive and well Crash Bandicoot.

Crash Bandicoot: H-Hey, LB.

Little Buddy: Crash?! Y-You're alive?!

Crash Bandicoot: Well, of course.

Little Buddy: B-But how?! MacFroogle told us all you were dead!

Crash Bandicoot: So he said, did he?

Little Buddy: Yeah! He showed us all HUNTER's destroyed head as proof of your demise.

Crash Bandicoot: "sighs angrily" That b#stard...

Little Buddy: B-But all that stuff in Glenkeane, a-and the four-head dragon, and wiping each other out!

Crash Bandicoot: MacFroogle... is a liar.

Little Buddy: Huh? W-What do you mean?

Crash Bandicoot: When I arrived to Glenkeane to fight that four-headed dragon, it along with the city it was attacked were all being projected by a holographic generator that MacFroogle had set up. When me and HUNTER went to check it out, it set off a short circuit that disabled HUNTER and left me immobile. That's when MacFroogle contacted me where he admitted to everything and gloated over how the city was now is, before he blew up a whole bunch of mountains to try to kill me.

Little Buddy: Oh my gosh... But... H-How did you survive?

Crash Bandicoot: Well, it was just barely.

A flashback begins.




Mr. MacFroogle is shown gloating over his trickery over Crash.

Mr. MacFroogle: "flashbck; hologram; chuckling" Of course! I needed you out of Pensacola, my dear boy. The city is ripe for a takeover, and now it will be the playground for all my villainous friends! Oh, and the military won't be necessary. They will be serving me now!

Crash Bandicoot: "flashback; shouting" You monster! You tricked me into fighting a fake dragon! Why would you do this?!

Mr. MacFroogle: "flashback; hologram; grinning widely" To ensure no one stops me! Pensacola will soon be in great hands... mine! (pauses) You should feel flattered, truly. Who else has pulled off such a clever ruse?

Suddenly, there’s a loud whistling noise in the sky. Crash looks up, eyes wide with dreadful realization as missiles descend upon Glenkeane, the final act of Mr. MacFroogle’s treachery.

Crash Bandicoot: "flashback; yelling helplessly" No! You can’t do this! The city!

Mr. MacFroogle: "flashback; smirking" Oh, but I just have! Goodbye, Crash! Enjoy the rubble!

MacFroogle laughs evilly before the hologram shuts off. As the missiles explode upon impact with the mountains surrounding the city, a massive wave of debris rushes towards Crash, who can only watch in horror.

Crash Bandicoot: "flashback; yelling at the top of his lungs" NO! You won’t get away with this!

Crash shields himself as the debris collapses on top of him, only to come to a stop. Crash then opens his eyes in confusion.

Crash Bandicoot: "flashback" Huh? W-What the?

Crash looks up and sees that QUACK had rushed in at the last minute, and is using his strength to hold up all the debris.

QUACK: "flashback" D-Don't worry, sir!

Crash Bandicoot: "flashback" W-What the heck is this?

Nessie and Trace arrive alongside Unikitty.

Trace: "flashback" Don't worry, we're gonna save you!

Nessie: "flashback" Keep it up, QUACK!

QUACK: "flashback" B-Better hurry! I-I can't hold it up for long!

As Unikitty uses her horn to blast any falling pieces of debris, Trace rushes to Crash and uses a welding torch to cut open parts of HUNTER's armor, before eventually breaking it open and pulling Crash free from it.

Crash Bandicoot: "flashback" T-Thanks!

Trace: "flashback" No problem!

Soon, QUACK starts to lose his grip as the debris finally starts to overwhelm him.

QUACK: "flashback" Get back, everyone!

QUACK releases the debris and leaps away as it all comes collapsing to the ground, creating a humongous cloud of smoke. Everyone coughs as the smoke eventually clears up.

Crash Bandicoot: "flashback" T-Thanks for the assistance, guys. Who are you all anyways?

Nessie: "flashback" That will be explained for later. Right now, we all need to go before anyone comes looking.

Crash heads back to the rubble and recovers HUNTER's destroyed head from the wreckage.

Crash Bandicoot: "flashback; sighs" HUNTER...

Unkitty: "flashback" R-Really sorry about your partner-

Crash Bandicoot: "flashback" He's not completely gone. It's just gonna take a good while to repair him.

Crash opens the back of HUNTER's head and recovers a chip from inside.

Crash Bandicoot: "flashback" As long as the chip is undamaged, HUNTER and his memories survive within.

Unkitty: "flashback" I see!

They all leave as the flashback ends.




Little Buddy: Wow, that really explains a lot. Gosh, w-we need to let everyone know of your survival immediately!

Crash Bandicoot: We will. But only if we get past all of MacFroogle's precautions.

Little Buddy: True. Oh yeah, that reminds me. (to Nessie) So, you were going to tell me why you and QUACK don't live in your lake anymore?

Nessie: Oh yes, I shall finally get into that. This is how it all happened.

Another flashback begins.




Nessie is shown swimming in her lake, while striking a conversation with MacQuack.

Nessie: "flashback" Maybe soon, I can probably see if I can find some hidden stuff at the bottom! There might be coins down there! Right, MacQuack?

Suddenly, loud stomping sounds are heard as Nessie notices a bunch of ripples forming in the lake.

Nessie: "flashback" The heck? Where is all that stomping coming from?

Nessie approaches the shore of the lake to investigate. She then gasps upon noticing a giant mecha approaching the lake. MacFroogle is revealed to be inside it.

Mr. MacFroogle: "flashback" Greetings, Nessie! Or should I say the one who destroyed my golf course!

Nessie: "flashback" MacFroogle?! What are you doing here?!

Mr. MacFroogle: "flashback" It took me a long time to come up with that golf course! Then your tears crushed my hopes and dreams!

Nessie: "flashback" Well, you should have put it somewhere else! Not here!

Mr. MacFroogle: "flashback" Silence! You took away what I loved! Now, I’m going to take away what you love...

Mr. MacFroogle pushes a button, causing one of the mecha’s cannons to begin charging up.

Nessie: "flashback" Oh shoot!

Nessie grabs MacQuack before fleeing the lake and running off as the mecha blasts the entire lake, destroying it and reducing it to a giant crater as water splashes everywhere.

Nessie: "flashback" MY LAKE!

Mr. MacFroogle laughs sadistically.

Mr. MacFroogle: "flashback" But that’s not it! Now, I’m going to make sure you’ll never find another lake anymore..

Mr. MacFroogle aims the cannon at Nessie and it begins charging.

Nessie: "flashback" OH NO!

Nessie runs off as the mecha begins blasting at her and destroying parts of Glenkeane.

Nessie: "flashback" Are you crazy?! You're destroying all of Glenkeane!

A bird flies up to the mecha.

Bird: "flashback" Hey! Stop destroying my forest!

Mr. MacFroogle: "flashback" SHUT UP!

Mr. MacFroogle blasts the bird and vaporizes it, leaving a pile of feathers.

Nessie: "flashback" YOU MONSTER!

Mr. MacFroogle: "flashback" I know, but a great one!

Mr. MacFroogle continues chasing and blasting at Nessie as more parts of Glenkeane gets destroyed.

Nessie: "flashback" STOP!

Mr. MacFroogle: "flashback" NEVER! NEVER!!!!!

Mr. MacFroogle continues blasting at Nessie. Eventually, she runs into a cave that the mecha can’t fit into.

Mr. MacFroogle: "flashback" Oh, you come out of there!

The mecha's arm reaches into the cave and tries to look around for Nessie. Eventually, it spots her, but she grabs a large boulder and shoves it into the cannon as Mr. MacFroogle pulls the trigger, causing it to not fire.

Mr. MacFroogle: "flashback" Huh?! What’s going on?!

Mr. MacFroogle begins bashing the fire button repeatably, causing the mecha’s arm to swell up from the pressure.

Nessie: "flashback" Oh f**k!

Nessie escapes through a crevice in the cave as the pressure continues to build up.

Mr. MacFroogle: "flashback" Get back here!

Mr. MacFroogle aims at Nessie, only to see the arm having been massively inflated.

Mr. MacFroogle: "flashback" Oh no.

The entire mecha explodes, sending Mr. MacFroogle flying away into the distance.

Mr. MacFroogle: "flashback" CURSE YOU, NESSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. MacFroogle eventually lands face-first on the ground. Knish and Zeke are shown eating burgers.

Knish: "flashback" Man, looks like Nessie best him again.

Zeke: "flashback" Pretty much.

Mr. MacFroogle: "flashback; muffled" Oh, be quiet.

Back at Glenkeane, Nessie emerges from a bush and observes the entire destruction in devastation.

Nessie: "flashback; sniffs" It’s gone. It’s all gone. Everything. No more lakes, no more animals. No more anything. Well, besides my rubber duck.

Nessie leaves Glenkeane in sorror as the flashback ends.




Nessie: When MacFroogle destroyed all of Glenkeane, there was no where else for me to go so I had to leave. Ever since that day, I’d sworn that the next time me and MacFroogle cross paths, I would put an end to his vile deeds.

Little Buddy: Geez... At first, I thought that while MacFroogle is pretty corrupt, he was a pretty decent person once you’d get to know him. Now, he’s just an inhuman monster.

Nessie: True.

Trace: After Nessie left, she ended up meeting me and eventually, we found this abandoned studio and decided to take it over. Unikitty later showed up and when we accompanied Nessie back to Glenkeane to get some of her stuff that didn’t get destroyed, that was when we found Crash.

Little Buddy: Cool! Speaking of MacFroogle, me and the others are still trying to defeat him and reclaim the city.

Nessie: True, but he is a pretty intelligent person. He’s able to figure out people’s motivations simply by listening in to them.

Little Buddy: True. That must be how he got the idea for the MacFroogle Chips.

Trace: What?

Little Buddy: They are like sleeper chips that he uses to brainwash the citizens so that they can’t rebel-

Trace: Sleeper Chips?!

Little Buddy: Wait, you know about them?

Trace: Uhhhhhhhhhhhh. I’d rather not explain. It’s kind of too much.

Little Buddy: "suspiciously" Okay then?

Crash Bandicoot: But anyways, looks like MacFroogle lied to us so he can make himself the mayor.

Nessie: True. He just build us into a pyramid and he put himself on top.

Little Buddy: Well, we need to stop them! But first, we need to get back to the others.

Nessie: Ok, maybe at night.

Little Buddy: Okay! Sounds good!

Crash: Well, I’m going to look for more berries.

Nessie: Ok, see ya!

Crash leaves.

Unikitty: Well, I’m going to put more glitter in the gasoline.

Unikitty leaves.

Trace: Oh no, you don’t!

Trace chases Unikitty.

Little Buddy: So, are they always like this?

Nessie: Usually most of the time.

Little Buddy: Ok, then.




Back at Knothole Village, Antoine is seen entering his house.

Antoine: Ok, maybe it’s about time I turn on that fireplace! Just got to move the coals a bit.

Antoine grabs the branding iron and puts it in the fireplace. However, he accidentally pokes Lumpy’s corpse, causing it to fall to the bottom.

Antonio: The heck?!

The camera cuts to outside the house.

Antoine: (voice) LUMPY!!!!

The scene irises out, ending the chapter.



Synopsis: Zoe, Skulldozer, Sonia and Manic interrogate the mysterious person they found in the village. The figure tells them who he is and why he is here. Meanwhile, Sally and the others begin discussing their plans for the heist.


Sonia, Manic, Zoe, Skulldozer, El Tigre, Crystal and Classic Amy are seen with the figure.

Sonia: So, where are we taking them?

El Tigre: What are we doing with this guy?

Zoe Aves: Over there, take them into that hut.

Manic: Got it.

The seven enter a nearby hut. Inside, the Five Guys and Ratty are seen.

El Tigre: Hey, Guys!

Skulldozer: Since when did you get here?

Guy 5: We decided that we’d stay in this house until Mr. MacFroogle is defeated!

Guy 2: True! Man, this whole entire thing reminds me of our past selves when we were villains.

Sonia: Wait, you used to be villains?

Zoe Aves: They were. They've been redeemed since.

Sonia: Oh, alright!

Guy 1: Okay! Anyways, what are you guys doing here?

Sonia: Well, me and Manic were talking to Zoe and Skulldozer until this figure showed up and landed in front of us.

Crystal then brings in the knocked out figure.

Zoe Aves: They didn’t really seem like a threat, but it sounded like they were trying to tell us something.

Guy 4: Cool!

Ratty: Also, while me and Wyldstyle were looking through a pile of junk in a box, I found some rope!

Ratty pulls out a piece of long rope.

Ratty: Maybe you can use this to tie the person up?

Classic Amy: It's perfect!

El Tigre: Well, let's get started!

Classic Amy and Sonia tie the figure to a couch with the rope.




The figure then wakes up.

???: What the? Where am I? (notices that they are tied to the couch) What the?! W-What's going on?! What is the meaning of this? Untie me this instant! (Notices El Tigre and Classic Amy in front of them, ready to attack) W-What are you two doing?!

Classic Amy: Just to make sure you don’t try to attack us.

El Tigre: (to Classic Amy) Don’t strike them until we are given order to do so.

Classic Amy: I know.

???: I demand you to untie me right now, please!

Crystal: Why should we?

Sonia: How do we know if you’re a threat or not?

???: A threat? Unless you work for MacFroogle, I shall not speak!

Zoe Aves: We don't work for him. In fact, we're plotting against him.

El Tigre: Sunny, Sally and the others are coming up with a plan to overthrow him.

Sonia: But what about you?

???: Look, you need to listen to me. There is no time. I am telling you, he is back, and he is serving Mr. MacFroogle!

Sonia: Who's serving MacFroogle?

Zoe Aves: Who is he?

Manic: Or she?

El Tigre: Do you know him/her?

Skulldozer: How do you know about this?

Classic Amy: What are you exactly?

Crystal: And why are you wearing a mask?

???: Well, it’s a bit.. complicated.

Classic Amy: Might as well find out who you are.

???: No, wait! Don’t rip the-

Classic Amy grabs the figure’s mask and rips it off, causing everyone to gasp. The figure is revealed to be a koopa wearing a green helmet and a green shell.

???: ...mask.

Zoe Aves: What the?!

Manic: Who is that guy?!

Sonia: He looks like a koopa!

Hammer Bro: That’s, because I am a koopa. I am a Hammer Bro.

Guy 1: Cool!

Zoe Aves: So anyways, what are you doing here?

Hammer Bro: I came to tell you about Dry Bone Bro. You may remember him from the cliffhanger war.

Zoe Aves: Yeah, we know him.

Skulldozer: We thought he was helping us stop Dreamcaster, White Diamond and the others. However, he was actually just using us. Eventually, we defeated him and sent him to prison.

Hammer Bro: Well, he’s back. And now, he’s serving Mr. MacFroogle.

Zoe Aves: WHAT?!

Sonia: What do you mean he's back and serving MacFroogle?!

Hammer Bro: Here’s how.

A flashback begins.



FEBRUARY 17th, 2019


Dry Bone Bro, who is seen with Fire, Ice, Boomerang, Goomba, Ice, Ball, Wrench, Bone, Para, Army Hammer, Spiked Ball, Sand, Vortex, Bomb, Shuriken, Thunder, Sledge, Curve, Amazing Flying Hammer, Amazing Flying Ice, Amazing Flying Fire, Banana, Coin, Orange, Tornado, Egg, Storm, Twister, Cash, Dark Coin, Dark Cash, Dark Army Hammer, Shroom, Ninja, Amber, Green, Bubble, Yellow, Meat, Cookie, Torch, Harley, Baseball, Batter, Green Fire, Flying Boomerang, Shinobi, Dark Hammer, Dark Boomerang, Cyborg, Dark Cyborg and Water Bros along with Hammer Bro present are seen in a secret lair.

Hammer Bro: (narrating) Before I knew his true intentions, I used to work with Dry Bone Bro and aid him in his plans.

Dry Bone Bro is seen heading to a chalkboard with a chalk stick. Dry Bone Bro then writes the words, "CITY DOMINATION" on the chalkboard.

Hammer Bro: (narrating) Then, when I found out about his true nature, I knew I was doing the wrong thing.

At night, Hammer Bro is seen sneaking out of a window, and running off.

Hammer Bro: (narrating) During this person known as I.M Meen’s rule against the city, the rest of the bros decided to cause mayhem. Because the heroes were too busy to even notice, they eventually got arrested by the police. Dry Bone Bro and some of his goons however, went to hiding until the time to strike again was right.

Dry Bone Bro along with Sledge, Curve, Amazing Flying Hammer, Amazing Flying Ice, Amazing Flying Fire, Banana, Coin, Orange, Tornado, Egg, Storm, Twister, Cash, Dark Coin, Dark Cash, Dark Army Hammer, Shroom, Ninja, Amber, Green, Bubble, Yellow, Meat, Cookie, Torch, Harley, Baseball, Batter, Green Fire, Flying Boomerang, Shinobi, Dark Hammer, Dark Boomerang, Cyborg, Dark Cyborg and Water Bros are seen escaping the aftermath and heading into a forest. The flashback then ends.




Manic: Geez.

El Tigre: I never knew they were even around during I.M Meen's rule. And that was before me, Frida and Zoe even showed up! Frida was the first by the way.

Hammer Bro: I know. But then, he decided to execute his plans.

Another flashback begins.




The flashback to a few months later and into "MarioFan2009’s BIG Problem!" then begins where Dry Bone Bro is seen confronting the heroes.

Hammer Bro: (narrating) After his plans failed, he then came up with anew. He had a new plan to deceive the heroes of Pensacola into thinking he was an ally helping them.

Unbeknownst to Dry Bone Bro and the heroes, Hammer Bro is seen watching them from a bush.

Hammer Bro: (narrating) I watched his every move. I even saw him play the heroes for saps. Afterwards, he started to destroy the city right after he betrayed the heroes. Soon, he was eventually arrested and sent to the same prison where some of his friends were at. However, it was not long before they escaped.

The flashback then transitions to Dry Bone Bro and the others being freed from prison by Glitched Bro. Hammer Bro is seen watching through the cell and then leaves. The flashback then ends.




Hammer Bro: I knew he hired someone to break him and the others out of prison. Now, he’s back, and he has everyone with him to assist him in his plans. And that’s why I came to warn you about him. He’s coming back. Stronger than ever.

El Tigre: Man, looks like being in jail wasn't enough to keep him down.

Zoe Aves: True, but now he has his entire army with him!

Sonia: Who knows how difficult it will be taking him on!

Hammer Bro: While I am not evil, I was unaware of Dry Bone Bro’s true intentions. When I came to realize everything that he was up to, I betrayed him and left his lair without being noticed. The other koopas currently don’t know where I am and they think that I might possibly have died or have been arrested. I have also been hiding in the dark since the police might think that I could be a threat since my species attacked.

Guy 2: Woah, man.

Classic Amy: That's a lot that happened back then.

Ratty: True.

Crystal: Well, thanks for letting us know about this.

Guy 3: Yeah!

Manic: Anyways, do you think you can help us out?

Hammer Bro: Sure. I will be able to help! After all, I have been looking around for somebody who I can be able to get ahold of their trust. But first.

Hammer Bro struggles to set himself free.

Hammer Bro: Please untie me.

Sonia: Oh, right!

Classic Amy: Sorry about that!

The two untie Hammer Bro. He then gets up from the couch.

Hammer Bro: Thanks! Now, let’s go stop Mr. MacFroogle and Dry Bone Bro before it’s too late!

Manic: Oh, we will!

Sonia: Can't wait to ruin that hideous beard of his!

Classic Amy: True!

Skulldozer: I agree! I'm going to take a razor and deliberately butcher it! Then, I'm going to snap a photo of it and send it to Facebook! After that, I'm going to kill him, bury him, revive him and clone him and then I'm going to kill all of his clones!

El Tigre: (to Skulldozer) Man, you sure have a grudge against him.

Skulldozer: True!

Everybody except the Five Guys and Ratty leave.

Ratty: Go on off without us.

Guy 3: We’ll stay here until it is time for us and the others to help you out.

The scene then fades to black.




Back in Pensacola, Mr. MacFroogle is standing outside the town hall. Soon, Dry Bone Bro arrives with Beta Tari in tow.

Mr. MacFroogle: Another law breaker. What did she do?

Dry Bone Bro: Offense: Arriving back home too late.

Beta Tari: Seriously?! How’s that even a crime?!

Mr. MacFroogle: Silence! For that offense, you shall be merged with the MacFroogle Chip! (To Dry Bone Bro) Put it on her!

Dry Bone Bro: Got it!

Dry Bone Bro puts the MacFroogle Chip on Beta Tari’s head and turns it on. However, the chip instead shorts out.

Dry Bone Bro: Um, boss? There seems to be a problem.

Mr. MacFroogle: What is it?

Dry Bone Bro: It won’t control. It just shorted out.

Mr. MacFroogle: What?! How?!

Dry Bone Bro: I suppose the chips only work on organic beings.

Mr. MacFroogle: Well, figure out a way to make them do so!

Beta Tari: Well, guess they can’t control robots like me!

Mr. MacFroogle: Oh, shut up! From now on, I’m the boss!

Beta Tari: Oh yeah? Well, you’re not the boss of me.

Mr. MacFroogle: Am too!

Beta Tari: Am not!

Mr. MacFroogle: Am too!

Beta Tari: Am not!

Mr. MacFroogle: Am too!

Beta Tari: Am not!

Mr. MacFroogle screams in rage.

Mr. MacFroogle: YOU! WILL DO! AS I! COMMAND!!!

Beta Tari: ... Nope.

Beta Tari leaves.





Beta Tari is seen entering an abandoned store. Inside are Human Meggy, Frylock, Shake, Meatwad, Fellet, Clementine and Snap.

Clementine: So, how did it go?

Beta Tari: Nearly got exposed to the MacFroogle Chip. Good thing that it doesn’t work on robots like myself.

Human Meggy: True!

Frylock: So, what are we planning again?

Fellet: We’re planning on setting up a gang of rebels to take down Mr. MacFroogle. Hopefully, we’ll be able to defeat him!

Shake: True!

Snap: I know! I’m getting sick of all of his strict enforcing! He even shut down the School of Heroes and turned it into a casino!

Meatwad: By the way, has anyone seen Carl?




Carl Brutananadilewski is shown screaming while hiding behind a destroyed car as Dark Tari, PLA-1137 and Past Buckaroo shoot at him.

PLA-1137: Come out!

Dark Tari: We know you’re in there!

Carl Brutananadilewski: Leave me alone!

Past Buckaroo: Don’t worry, guys. He’ll have to come out of there eventually.

The canera cuts back to the store.

Human Meggy: Anyways, hopefully our plan works.

Snap: True.




Back in Knothole Village, Sunny, Sonic, Sonia, Manic, Antoine, Rotor, Dulcy, Bunnie Rabbot, Azaz, Ms. Chalice, Jez, Zara, Guest, Jenny and Molly are seen having a meeting, while the Robloxia Military are guarding the outsides of the village.

Sally Acorn: Ok, listen up everyone. Tomorrow night, we’ll be beginning our break-in into the city. There are a lot of MacFroogle’s gang out there so we’ll have some trouble sneaking around. Now, we’re not going to fight him. We’re just going to gather some information. In the meantime, many of you need to buy us some time. Azaz, Jenny and Ms. Chalice, what are you three up to?

Ms. Chalice: We’re going to listen in to what the villains are saying.

Azaz: Hopefully, they’ll spill the beans without even knowing!

Jenny Wakeman: True!

Molly: Nice!

Sally Acorn: Sounds promising. What about some of you guys?

Jez: Me and Zara will infiltrate the tower. Guest will let us know if villains are near.

Zara: After all, that tower does look suspicious.

Guest: True.

Sally Acorn: Good! The rest of you will go out and try to find whatever and maybe recruit some members. After all, those villains out there are pros so we must keep our eyes open. So tomorrow, let’s get out there and get what we can to stop MacFroogle!

Everyone leaves.

Sunny Funny: Man, looks like tomorrow is going to be a big night.

Azaz: True.

Guest: Just hope we can win this.




Inside a workshop, Zoe is seen working on something.

Zoe Aves: Ok, I think it’s about finished!

Zoe is shown to have been working on a device resembling a black and purple watch. Hammer Bro enters the room.

Hammer Bro: Hey, Zoe! What are you working on?

Zoe Aves: Well, me and the others are heading out to sneak into the city during the night so I figured I come up with something that could greatly help!

Hammer Bro: Cool! Anyways, I’ll see you later!

Zoe Aves: Okay!

Hammer Bro leaves. Zoe then puts the collar on her arm.

Zoe Aves: Ok, just have to test it later on.

Zoe leaves the workshop, before the scene cuts to black, ending the chapter.



Synopsis: All of the heroes begin preparing for their break-in on Pensacola tonight! Meanwhile, Little Buddy, Trace, Crash, Nessie and Wyldstyle also prepare to leave during the night for the same thing! At the same time, Ms. Chalice, Frida and Zara wind up having a private interaction with one another regarding their personal predicaments.


The chapter opens in Knothole Village. Crystal and Lumpy are seen as the latter is eating a sandwich.

Crystal: So, what was it like back in your original home?

Lumpy: It was pretty good! Also had a lot of friends there such as- “CENSORED DUE TO “SML WIKI: THE MOVIE” SPOILERS”.

Crystal: Cool! Maybe one day, we can meet them!

Lumpy: Sure-

Suddenly, Lumpy sniffs something in the air.

Lumpy: Wait. What’s that smell?

Crystal: What do you mean?

Lumpy: Kind of smells like a stench. But what?

Eventually, Lumpy sniffs close to Crystal. Suddenly, he begins gagging and eventually collapses dead. He then respawns again.

Lumpy: The heck?! What’s wrong with your suit?!

Crystal: What do you mean?

Lumpy: It smells awful! How long were you wearing it?!

Crystal: Well, about ever since I got to Earth.

Lumpy: And how long was that?

Crystal: About two years ago.

Lumpy: Geez! How come you never took it off?!

Crystal: Well, I didn't have much else to wear ever since I arrived.

Lumpy: Okay. But still take that off when you get the chance!

Crystal: I'll try to keep that in mind.

Crystal leaves.

Lumpy: Anyways,

Lumpy uses his foot to push his corpse into a nearby creek, causing it to get swept over a nearby waterfall.

Lumpy: Okay, took care of that.

Lumpy leaves.




In Pensacola, Mr. MacFroogle is seen in his office, reading "Vandal Buster: Part I".

Mr. MacFroogle: So, that’s how that flower girl aka Sunny showed up? Man, talk about spanner in the works.

MacFroogle throws the book away. He then sees a large picture of himself golfing on the wall.

Mr. MacFroogle: Man, still remember that time I swung that strike!

MacFroogle notices Nessie near the gates in the picture and scratches her in a fury.

Mr. MacFroogle: I will never forget the day she took my dreams away from me...

Knish and Zeke enter the office.

Knish: Hey, boss!

Zeke: How’s it going?

Mr. MacFroogle: Good so far! Just looking at this painting of myself while definitely not holding any grudge!

MacFroogle stabs Nessie in the picture with a knife.

Knish: Okay then?

Zeke: So, what plans have you come up with?

Mr. MacFroogle: Nothing yet. Just making sure my city remains in order. So far, I don’t see anything suspicious.

Zeke: Cool!

Knish: Well, we’ll see you later!

Mr. MacFroogle: See ya!

Knish and Zeke leave.




At the Minecraft Angry Birds Productions building, Little Buddy and Trace are seen outside.

Little Buddy: So, what do you do out here frequently?

Trace: Usually, I look at whatever stuff there is and see what they are made of.

Little Buddy: Okay, what kind of stuff?

Trace: Like that tree over there. I’m able to analyze what they are made of.

Trace puts her visor over her eyes and scans the tree.

Trace: Almost 98% of this tree is made up of six elements: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. Tree growth occurs in specialized tissues referred to as meristems. This tissue is found at the tips of leaves and shoots. Growth in diameter occurs at the vascular cambium inside the stem.

Trace lifts her visor above her eyes.

Little Buddy: Cool! Also, how did you know about MacFroogle?

Trace: Nessie told me lots of stuff about him. MacFroogle is a greedy business tycoon who will use any vile method he can to get his way.

Little Buddy: Man.

Trace: Many different landmarks were victims to his acquisitions. Even bought out the Holden Day Wilson Law Firm Company and built a theme park over it after it had to shut down when one of its respected lawyers, Garry Hoy died from trying to prove the glass in the building was unbreakable.

Little Buddy: ...Seriously? Why would he try to prove the glass was unbreakable?

Trace: I know right?

Unikitty: "voice; from inside" Hey, I think the mixture right this time!

A large explosion occurs, destroying part of the wall of the building.

Unikitty: "voice; from inside" Oh darn it! Not again!

Trace: (To Unikitty) I keep telling you that won’t work!

Unikitty: "voice" How am I supposed to know?

Little Buddy: So, when should we stop MacFroogle?

Trace: I don’t know yet. He still has a lot of his troops still in there.

Little Buddy: True, but I don’t think we’ll have to break into the city to fight him. We can just sneak into the city, find his weaknesses and next time, we can stop him!

Trace: That actually sounds great! Maybe I’ll talk to Nessie about it to see what she’ll say about it.

Little Buddy: Okay!




Back in Knothole Village, Hammer Bro is seen with some of the other characters.

Ms. Chalice: So, you knew about Dry Bone Bro’s true plans?

Hammer Bro: Yes. When I found out, I chose to secretly leave behind their backs. Right now, he’s serving Mr. MacFroogle so we have to stop them. He even recruited Sledge and Curve Bros. I saw them escaping from the abandoned underground chapel when I got woken up by their noises.

Frida: Cool!

Ms. Chalice: So, what will we do with him once we perform our heist?

Hammer Bro: Well, he acts as MacFroogle’s main officer. He’ll most likely alert him at the drop of a hat if we try to go after him.

Frida: True. We should probably lie low from him. Not even I can take him on like that.

Lumpy: True.

As everyone continues talking, Dreamcaster and Fawkes are shown watching from the trees.

Fawkes: Man, who’s that koopa and that blue moose guy?

Dreamcaster: No clue. I have a feeling that they could be allies to that flower girl.

Fawkes: True. So, what’s your next plan master?

Dreamcaster: Still planning it. At the moment, we're gonna spy on them for a little longer before we inform MacFroogle about our discovery.

Fawkes: I see.

Ms. Chalice: So, you coming for the heist tonight?

Hammer Bro: Sure! After all, I can possibly alert you too if any of Dry Bone Bro’s brothers are roaming nearby. I’ll check through the rooftops.

Frida: Okay!

Ms. Chalice: Man, Dry Bone Bro has too many brothers!




Back in Pensacola, MacFroogle is seen in MacFroogle’s Golf Emporium about to shoot a golf ball.

Mr. MacFroogle: Ready, aim and fire!

MacFroogle strike the golf ball. It bounces off a wall, a billboard, several buildings and eventually lands in the hole.

Mr. MacFroogle: Oh yeah, haven’t lost my touch!

Zombified Geoffrey appears.

Mr. MacFroogle: Hey, Zombified Geoffrey! So, what are you up to?

Zombified Geoffrey: Nothing yet. I just came to ask what you’re planning to do to counter the escaped heroes in case they try to strike a rebellion.

Mr. MacFroogle: Oh, well I already have my troops taking care of that! They’re going to patrol the city during the night.

Zombified Geoffrey: Ok, then! Well, I think I’m just going to do the same since I don’t want to risk getting trapped in tape again.

Mr. MacFroogle: Ok, then. Well, see you later!

Zombified Geoffrey: See ya!

Zombified Geoffrey leaves. Mr. MacFroogle then prepares to hit another golf ball until Knish and Zeke appear behind him.

Knish: Hey, boss!

Startled, Mr. MacFroogle accidentally hits the golf ball and it flies over the wall and away from the city. He then turns around and looks at Knish with an enraged expression.

Knish: Uhh... "nervous laugh" No hard feelings, right?

Mr. MacFroogle grabs Knish and wraps his golf club around his neck before slamming him to the ground, causing him to bounce out of the golf park.

Mr. MacFroogle: No hard feelings, indeed.




Back in Knothole Village, Rotor is seen about to pour two chemicals into a mixer.

Rotor: Come on, stay on target. Stay on target.

Skulldozer and Buckaroo appear.

Skulldozer: Hey, Rotor!

Rotor screams from being startled and accidentally spills the chemicals into the mixer, causing it to shake violently and explode, covering his face in ash.

Buckaroo: Whoops!

Skulldozer: Sorry about that! Anyways, you ready to raid the city tonight?

Rotor: Sure am! Hopefully, we’ll get enough information to defeat Mr. MacFroogle.

Buckaroo: True!

Skulldozer: Well, we’ll see you later!

The two leave.

Rotor: See ya!




Antoine is seen heading to his house with a bunch of trash.

Antoine: Ok, just got to throw all this trash away.

Antoine opens the trash can, only to see a bunch of Lumpy corpses stuffed inside it.

Antoine: Huh?! What is this?!

Antoine opens his door, only to get knocked over by a huge flood of Lumpy corpses. Lumpy then passes by, eating ice cream.

Antoine: LUMPY! What is the meaning of this?!?

Lumpy: Oh, well I kind of ran out of places to hide those. You see, it happened like this.

A flashback montage starts. Lumpy is seen eating a deep fried butter on a stick, but accidentally leans against a large boulder, causing it to fall over and crush him. Next, Lumpy is seen roasting a marshmallow over a pool of lava, only to accidentally trip and fall into the lava where he gets incinerated. Lumpy then respawns, only to trip again and fall into the lava once more. Lumpy is then seen counting his money, only to accidentally drop a dollar bill onto the train tracks. After looking around, Lumpy reaches for the dollar bill, only to get ran over by a train the instant he sets foot on the track. He is then seen looking at birds with binoculars, only to trip, fall off the roof and land on a clothesline where he is sliced in half. Afterwards, he is shown throwing seeds to a bunch of birds, only for a giant eagle to swoop in, grab him and fly off with him as he screams. Finally, he is shown approaching a decayed wooden bridge suspended over a large chasm. After observing the many holes in the bridge, Lumpy slowly sets his foot on the plank. Eventually, nothing happens so he decides to step onto the bridge. However, the bridge immediately snaps and he screams as he plummets to his doom as the montage heads.

Antoine: So wait, how many areas did you leave your bodies behind?!

Lumpy: Oh, well.

The camera cuts to an area of the forest where dozens of Lumpy corpses are shown stuffed into bushes, tree stumps, trees and even caves.

Antoine: Geez! How many times did you die or something?!

Lumpy: Well, about 935,592,39 times.

Antoine’s jaw drops open and he faints.

Lumpy: Um, okay.

Lumpy leaves, only to get crushed by a falling anvil. He then respawns and throws the corpse into the pile.

Lumpy: Not sure where that anvil came from.

Lumpy leaves.




Back at Minecraft Angry Birds Productions, Nessie and Trace are seen talking to each other.

Trace: So, we should probably break into Pensacola during the night and see if we can exploit MacFroogle’s weaknesses so that he will be defeated.

Nessie: (as QUACK enters and gives her soda) Sounds good, but what if we get caught and exposed to his MacFroogle Chips?

Trace: We’ll simply sneak through the city without alerting them. What are the odds of them catching us?

Nessie: Well, I guess that does make sense.

QUACK: Certainity of capture. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?




The sun is seen setting.

Sally Acorn: (through a loudspeaker) Attention, all inhabitants. Please report to the main area of the village. It is time.

Everyone is seen heading to the outside of the village exit where both Sally and Sunny are.

Sally Acorn: Greetings, everyone. If you can all tell, it is nearing nighttime.

Sunny Funny: This means that it is about time to begin our sneak into the city to find MacFroogle’s weaknesses.

Sally Acorn: MacFroogle may have a lot of men guarding the city during the night when SWAT-Bot picked up his conversation with them. This means that we won’t be trying to attack them. We’re just going around to gather information so we can be able to take out what advantages MacFroogle may have.

Sunny: Without those advantages, MacFroogle won’t stand a chance when everyone rebels.

Manny: True!

Ms. Chalice: Hopefully, this will go one with no trouble.

Sunny Funny: True.

SWAT-Bot: Anyways, let’s move out.

Everyone leaves the village.

Jez: Hey, guys? Do any of you know where Zara is?

Zoe Aves: No clue.

Manny Rivera: Wait. Have you guys seen Frida?

Skulldozer: Don't look at me!

Ms. Chalice: I'll stay behind to look for them.

Ms. Chalice leaves the group.




At Minecraft Angry Birds Productions, Nessie and the others are seen packing stuff up.

Little Buddy: So, looks like it’s time to raid the city to exploit MacFroogle’s weaknesses.

Nessie: True! And when it’s the time to stop him. I’ll take care of him.

Trace: Ok, Nessie. Everything has been set up.

Little Buddy: So, how are we going to get past the walls?

QUACK: I’ll get you (LB) inside. You just find a way to open the gates and get us inside.

Little Buddy: Ok, got it!

Unikitty: What about me?

Trace: You’ll look for information around the city. Also, try to tone down your enthusiasm. Those villains could hear you.

Unikitty: Ok, I’ll try.

Nessie: Anyways, let’s head to the city.

Crash Bandicoot: Can’t wait to get back at MacFroogle once all of this is over.

Everyone leaves the building.




The leaves rustled lazily in the gentle breeze as Frida paced restlessly near the edge of a serene clearing outside Knothole Village She paused every few steps, the internal turmoil visibly etched upon her.

Frida: Ugh! Why does this have to be so hard? S-Should I really tell Manny what I am? A robot? Created by that monster I.M. Meen? He'll think I’m just a freak...

She folded her arms tightly, her mind racing. She then eventually sits on the ground as she tries to regain her thoughts, before Zara soon notices her from nearby.

Zara: Frida?

Frida looks at her.

Frida: "forcing a smile" Hey, Zara. Just... thinking.

Zara stepped closer, her expression revealing empathy.

Zara: It looks like you’re thinking hard. Want to share?

Frida hesitates, before eventually sighing and confessing.

Frida: I guess. It’s just... I don't know if I should tell Manny that I’m not human. Like, I was created by I.M. Meen. It’s terrifying to think about how he nearly twisted me into being... what he wanted me to be.

Zara sat down on a nearby log, motioning for Frida to join her.

Zara: Still, it doesn’t define you. You’re heroic, Frida. I mean, look at everything you've done!

Frida: Heroic? What if it’s all a lie? "tearing up" What if I’m not truly capable of good because I was built for evil?

Zara: It's not about how you were made. I mean, look at me. I’m still dealing with...

Frida: Yeah?

Zara hesitates before sighing.

Zara: ...everything back at Guest Alcatraz. The Bacon Colonel, he put me through hell. I thought I could never escape the fear of being trapped again. Now I live in constant fear that he’s coming after me, especially now that he’s working with Mr. MacFroogle. What if he's organizing something dangerous again? What if...

Frida: That’s a heavy burden to bear, Zara. But you’re not alone in your fears. I mean, you escaped and are here with us right?

Zara: Well, of course. "sighs sadly as she rubs her scar" But not without ending up with a mark I have to live with for the rest of my life.

Frida: Zara, you cannot let your fear of the Bacon Colonel overcome you. You need to figure out the strength to face off against him.

Zara: But what if I can’t? What if he or someone like him comes back? I almost lost everything. Being afraid just doesn’t go away.

Frida nodded solemnly.

Frida: I know how you feel. I wasn’t given a choice in how I was created, but maybe I can choose how I act. Maybe I can tell Manny who I am, and he’ll understand that I’m not just a machine or a tool of evil. I want to be more.

Suddenly, Ms. Chalice arrives to the scene.

Ms. Chalice: There you two are! The heroes have been wondering where you were!

Zara: We know. We were just sorting out... issues.

Frida: Agreed. I'm still thinking whether I should show Manny who I really am, and Zara still has some traumatic memories of her time in the past.

Ms. Chalice: What’s this about evil robots and unending fears? You know, you’re both a lot tougher than you think.

Frida: Ms. Chalice, it’s... complicated. I’m struggling with whether to tell Manny that I’m a robot, designed by I.M. Meen. What if he rejects me? Or gets everyone to reject me?

Zara: And I just can’t seem to shake off my past with the Bacon Colonel. Every time I hear a noise, I worry it’s him coming for me again. I want to be brave, but...

Ms. Chalice sat down beside them, her expression turning serious.

Ms. Chalice: Listen, both of you. It doesn’t matter how you came to be—what matters is what you choose to do now. Frida, you have done wonderful things. I know how hard it can be to confront your past; I have my own demons too, particularly how worried I still am for LB and his whereabouts. But whoever created you doesn’t define your choices or your heart. You are so much more than a villain’s design.

Frida: You really think so?”

Ms. Chalice: Absolutely! You’ve shown kindness, bravery—those are the qualities that define a hero. If Manny truly cares about you, he’ll accept you for who you are inside, not what you were designed to be. And Zara, the Bacon Colonel can’t control you anymore unless you let him. You have the strength to confront your fears. It’s about moving on and fighting back, not letting the past bind you.

Zara: You mean... I could face him? Even after everything?

Ms. Chalice: Of course! Every experience, even the traumatic ones, can be stepping stones to your growth. If you allow them to empower you, you can confront any challenge that comes your way.

Frida: So, what if I do tell Manny? What if he accepts me? What if... we can work together to take down MacFroogle and anyone else trying to sow chaos?

Zara: I only wish I could feel as brave as you sound. If I chose to face my fears, perhaps that’s a first step to taking the fight back to the Bacon Colonel.

Ms. Chalice nodded enthusiastically.

Ms. Chalice: And think about how strong you’ll both be when you do. You don’t have to go through this alone. Let’s strategize together. We’ll form a plan and then meet back up with the heroes. We can make our stand in Pensacola and put an end to all of this once and for all.”

Frida, emboldened by the words of her companions, found herself nodding vigorously.

Frida: You’re right! Let’s do this. I can’t keep running from who I am. I have to accept it and fight for what I believe in!

Zara’s lips curled into a small smile.

Zara: And I won’t let fear defeat me. I’ll find a way to overcome. Together, we can do anything!

Ms. Chalice beamed, proud of the progress both of them were making.

Ms. Chalice: That’s the spirit! Now, let’s get back to the heroes and solidify our battle plan. Pensacola is waiting for us!

Frida: Okay!

The three leave. Unbeknownst to them, Dreamcaster and Fawkes are still looming over the area.

Fawkes: I say we swoop in and take them all on now!

Dreamcaster: Patience, Fawkes. We mustn't risk blowing everything...

The two warp away, and the chapter comes to an end.




A New World Order!: Remastered: Part 2 (2025)


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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.